RIP #02
29 ноября 1997

Post ... - letter of Freeman'a.

<b>Post ...</b> - letter of Freeman'a.
(C) Werewolves

-: I love when in this category receive letters, especially 
such as came from Freeman'a (letter poskipano due to the great 

> I read, therefore, the first number RIP'a and fell into a 
depression. Par> no, what is it? LPRINT number two? And what, 
I'm sorry, your RIP > Better LPRINT'a? Answer me, bastards!

-: What is an epithet! The answer: Yes, no nothing! We have 
just started to do it -: And you have us to criticize. If the 
would in due time, after -: Lprint # 01, addressed to me went 
to such criticism - Lprint # 02 Light -: Would not see. Now we 
zamaterevshie;) in the case. Well, -: If you are so like 
Lprint, do not worry. His editing-: Thor (Spectre), yet:) is 
alive and ready to impress the world with his -: A continuation 
of the democratic title: "EXIT" (instead of a -: Cooming 
soon'a;)). > WEREWOLVES, where is your editorial excitement?

-: I'm sorry, what? The first time I hear about this.
> What is the formal tone and children's markets? And worth it 
for you > This close MOVE and MARAZM!!! Instead of two zalepnyh 
newspapers ... -: What about Marazm I say nothing, but Move?! 
Zalepnaya newspaper? Here Arny -: Be glad when he finds out! 
But even here I can you please, -: Move not die (he still 
lethargic sleep;)). And when Arny -: Finally out of drinking 
bouts - Move to wake. > Is out alone, with a terrible name and 
a selection of large number of > Nobody interesting articles!

-: The name is quite stylish, well about the interestingness 
.... on the tastes and -: Color, you know. Not at all ugodit's.

> And what a miserable execution of the text?
-: But this is a stone in my garden, because components of the 
text I have. Well -: Then the answer to mercy than the 
clearance in Marazm'e and RIP'e -: Differ? Shell - the same as 
the moderator is the same. > RIP - NEXT'u and enemas will not 
do! -: Exactly! In enemas will not do, only in the parting 
words: "In: koysya with the world (along with enemas, Eysmarha 
mugs, etc.)" > Where is the latest news from the life of the 
Minsk spektrumistov? WEREWOLVES, > This applies to you too!

- Q: What is your interest?? How much do I drink beer at a time,
-: Or how many drives proplavil Ars its damn lamp;)??
> (Skip.) ... than to contemplate the teachings of "How to 
Become a Hacker"? -: And here you oh how wrong. I have great 
pleasure in pro-: attendees of this article. And if you're so 
cool Hacker that similar-: nye things you were not interested, 
then this does not mean that you alone -: So.

> In general, I am disappointed ...
-: A one!
> Do not get me wrong - it's just the critic!
-: Criticism is not always pleasant. But as someone said of the 
smart: "We take into account, extend, deepen, ..." ;)

But seriously, what would the newspaper was alive and meet your
requirements - write what you would like to see it, but to 
criticize and I can;). I hope more such letters do not quote me 

Other articles:

7 Origins - Seven top origin'ov-wise, and not expressions.

Game - Description of the game "Shark".

Games TOP 10 - The best ten game programs from DOC'a and Sanalex'a.

Marazm - Humor.

Post ... - letter of Freeman'a.

Wares - Overview of new revenue: FIENDISH FREDDY'S.

ZX-World news - Super Strategy Civilization is close to completion. Vyacheslav Mednonogov the release of "Black Crow". A new journal "Scenergy". A draft TECHNODROM II. New network program BBS v4.01 for XTR-modems. CD-ROM with a collection of programs for the ZX-SPECTRUMA.

Entry - a week has passed, but the news is not diminished.

Iron - The scheme of the converter 5 -> 12 for feeding VGshki.

School Hacker - Cycle BASE -1 ": Ukraschenie Dragon Attack Dragon.


Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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