#Z80 #01
07 мая 1998

Chosen People - look at the world through colored windows.

<b>Chosen People</b> - look at the world through colored windows.

   Why are we suddenly decided to make an application.
The main reason - the article "chosen people" from
Inity. An article for a newspaper was our
velikovata (35Kb), and cut a pity. This article
must be read all at once. In very like
make it public, because not all
have the opportunity to visit the site and read Inity
this story out there (besides, I doubt very much that
Someone rushed to see what this site
if we just print that here there is a de
is such and such article ...) You may ask, what am I
so spraying because of one article? Because
At first glance, the ZX Spectrum, it has no
any relationship, but on the second ... There are so many
debate on the topic "ZX vs Amiga vs PC", that this
Article - svzhego gulp air (well, at least personally
for me), allowing a little ochuhatsya and
glimpse of what is called in the very heart of the problem.
Although what I'm here telling you? Take and
read for yourself. Only carefully.

   At the end of the application - Article JTN'a of Kempston
Mouse. Quite a stark contrast with the first
article, therefore, a row their best not to read:). JTN,
he wanted to put it into application. Thus
We have achieved that now itself a newspaper, # Z80,
almost entirely devoted to ZX'Internet, and the rest,
no less interesting material - in the appendix.

   On this farewell, read!

                       DiVER, under the magical sounds

                            Orbital's "Snivilisation"

                               (05.08.1998 - 10:06)

                 Peculiar People

   (C) Inity Intel Inside

            Optional Disclaimer

   This article appeared in the light of weird. First
just as soon as I opened a new document and
printed those same two words "Chosen People"
I flew with a crash Word, and the veil of my whole
machine. Now here I fought with Word-ohm
causing it to display the default font
Verdana (he also does not want to put up with it ...), and
Finally, I begin writing this article.
Probably already a month ago, maybe more, I
knew that sooner or later begin to write this
article. And yet, even now I still
it seems that to write it I'm not ready, do not have
right ... And yet, I'm starting. Today, I finally
understood, what am I so painfully reminiscent
color magic-workbench, pink, blue and gray, and
their shimmering, iridescent combination ... It
Then when I finally understood how I want to call
style of this article - Impression - I realized that it
reminds me of spring in Paris, translucent,
luminous spring, which is portrayed in their
pictures of light, bright colors of the French
Impressionists and that I also had the opportunity
once to see ... This article and will be the same
Here Impression, same here is a quick, unexpected
look, when in order, that of placer
some nervously scribbled strokes formed
unified picture, we have to move away from the blade
distance, and then approach him. There will be
several parts. And their location to each
another highly conditional. So you, dear
readers, it is not forbidden to read them
the order in which you want to ... Mandatory
Dedicated to the dedication, of course, all of whom I
I call this article a resounding - Elect
People ... So what if now, dear reader,
you look at the computer in front of
you, and if you can not grab the window with
According to the text and "pull" it somewhere for
beyond the desktop, if it does not even
close buttons in the upper right corner with
black cross (two buttons so it does
even no), if the Start button does not play
colorful flowers shatters into shards
window ... and finally, if your keyboard has no
normal for the rest of the row of buttons with
inscriptions insert-home-page up-delete-end and page
down, ... then I am sure that this article
Dedicated also to you. Well, first of all, I
want to see this article was pleasing to my
friends and acquaintances.


   Maxx Kazimirchik 2:5030 / 221.27

   Andrew Boyarintsev 2:5020 / 448.32

   Denis Sotchenko 2:5020 / 1301.7

   Thanks to them, it was possible ...

   How it all began ... Ab ovo - also, almost

   It all began with my love for computer
anecdotes. Yes, yes, it was for him. And with my
desperate desire to save these anecdotes as
possible, build my modest collection.
Search the Web satisfy me
results are no longer allowed, and remained a
not a bad idea - namely, fidoshnaya Conference
RU.ANEKDOT. If you remember all the events in
chronological order, then I have not yet been
connected to Fido, it happened about a month
later. The only way to ask
someone send jokes to need you
conference in this glorious severity of their
moderators echo was and is sending its own
anecdote, a brief postscript at the bottom of "send me
such a joke, please. "the case remained
for small - to send a couple of jokes and
ask for anything in the same spirit to send me.
The only well-suited to the occasion of an anecdote
run around in my head, turned out to be a very
short and an old anecdote, which, however, not
prevents it from being funny:

   Vasya came and put Windows 95.

   Misha came, knocked down the Windows 95 and put the NT.

   Came Ghosh, blew NT and set Unix.

   And then came the owner of the Amiga and carried
DOS-emulator ...

   Well, once he ran forward, I will say that a little
later, when he was in Fido, I went to the same echo
Another anecdote, somehow translated to me
English language - long enough to
give it here, but it was significant in
a phrase that St. Peter says leaked
in paradise makintoshniku: "And anyway, here we use
Amiga. "And nothing more happened, but this
was enough. Was sufficient to
two people now who are my friends -
magic word Amiga immediately attracted their attention
to my humble e-mails. Having received the first letter, I
simply confused. In fact, in a world where
the word "computer" in humans is strongly associated with
PC and Windows 95, face to face with
representatives of the "alternative platform" can be
infrequently. Till this day I only
times have seen a glimpse of McIntosh, and one
times, the presentation screen - the kind of working
Backgrounds and windows OS / 2 - and, going
Recently at a conference "Internet Open 96" and
hall filled vindovschikami, the appearance of OS / 2
screen caused a storm of giggles and badges.
The only thing I've heard are not about
themselves, even "alternative platforms", but about
people who use them - favorites
people ... "- this is what" they "are in
implacable opposition to "us" in our
Most enterprise Windows, and I had heard about
sense of "elitism" in
"Alternativschikov," and that somewhere out there on the
expanses of Usenet-a rage, not an element of Flames
what kind of computer or Operating System is better ...
Therefore, the letter received by me, even me
frightened. Why would I have told this anecdote about
Amiga? Yes, so simple, funny anecdote. And I have
most what? God, I did not want to disappoint
these guys the news that I am - not one of "them" as
they may have hidden hope ... I even
felt guilty, and that something is not right,
after some hesitation said. Started
Correspondence - sluggish current, one or two letters in
week, then calms down, then rises again,
and in it we are absolutely not related themes
computer platforms, because this topic is me
seemed to be extremely dangerous. Somewhere in a month
went out after a long absence from his on IRC, early
morning, I noticed a nickname that seemed familiar to me.
And really, it was one of those
drop me a line guys. We talked, and so
turned out that by using the "Unlimited" night
Internet, we began to meet on IRC almost
daily. Prelude seems too
long ... On-kei, my friends, it has already ended.
One day my new friend sent me a draft
its home page, which as
bakgraunda attached a screenshot of his desktop
Wallpaper ... And here it is open this picture to its
favorite explorer, I opened her eyes wide and
just gasped "oh" ... We are all a little amizhniki ...
Well, so, feeling, perhaps, like a puppy
which is the first time thrown into the water to teach
swim, and I looked at this picture. Then
consciousness is beginning to look frantically at least 
something familiar, friendly, albeit a small island of land

for which one could be hooked ... But all
well, at first it was shocking.
First, during our IRC-Shnogh acquaintance I
managed to completely forget that I communicate with
one of the "chosen people", and secondly, even
Think about it, I still had this not
finished. Something you understand the mind, but it can not
understand the feelings, until we interfere with the shackles 
of our stereotypes. This is probably one of the

significant problems of our own, "pisishnogo" Peace, peace
"Overwhelming majority" of people which
habitually think that world view can be
only through the prism of colored windows. In
a certain point you need to reset these here are the most
"Glasses" stereotypes that the society around us
tries to impose on us the nose, and look at all
own eyes. So it is up
own opinion about what they saw ... And yet -
HOW? It was incredible. By the time I was a lot of
in my lifetime seen a variety of enterprise Windows
desktops, and I have already been worked out
Excellent theory, "Show me your Windows and I
tell you who you are ...", also expressed in two
words "Desktop - a reflection of the soul" and repeatedly
managed to make sure it is correct.
It was enough to glance at someone else's work
table, a small "jog" the catalogs - and here
have biases, preferences and habits of a man
lay before me in the palm. Really, it's
is not difficult. Yes, it's not difficult, especially if
you try to understand people who think like
you ... But here it was impossible to apply any
of the usual techniques. Five minutes, I just
slowly trying to understand that this is possible -
close window _not_ buttons with a cross in
top right corner (and what it all _tam_
close?) that the arrow of the scroll bar may
be on the bottom rather than top, finally, that all
submission of files, folders and directories may
be some completely different ... (For
interested - more on that described in
chapter "Manus supra idolum"). The fact that
me it could only mean one thing: absolutely
different way of thinking. A totally different way
seeing the world. Yes, not just a computer or
operating system, but the whole world ... In the first
moment, I thought sadly, I do not
'll be able to understand it. Later, however, I
slowly began to look in his memory some
landmarks that I could do something to help ...
And then my memory has helpfully suggested that I
back to the distant and sweet moment of my
childhood. ernee no longer children, but, say,
school years. Somewhere since eighth grade or
ninth. At the time I subscribed to a popular
St. Petersburg (Leningrad), a newspaper for teenagers
referred to as "Lenin's Iskra (later -" Five
angles), and is actively writing back letters and articles, and
also enthusiastically read most of the
enough interesting material that appears in the
this newspaper. Unfortunately, I forgot the name of the author
articles - which now will be discussed, it seems
his name was Mike, although I'm not sure - but who knows
perhaps, in the vast web, and he
randomly nabredet to my article, learn
themselves and respond ... - I have nothing will not be 
surprised! in newspaper "Five Corners" from time to time appear

attempts to open some computer category.
Appear and fade. Until one day she came
This is the Mike who introduced the
Field readers about computers, not just
about computers, namely the Amiga. Papers were
four or five. Then a good beginning as a
died down, as often happens in our harsh
the world does not recognize the loving really
beautiful ideas ... I remember that the appearance of these 
articles, I very welcomed. Computers I have always been

drawn, although they were something incredibly distant
and unattainable. On the other hand, the very first
I was quite surprised at the line. What
going to tell the author, could not understand how
classified - whether as a game console, then
Is the computer ... The first article is almost entirely
was devoted to proving that the Amiga -
it's not game console, and a real
computer (remember verbatim). Moreover, the explanation
were so hard that it seemed the author himself
not very confident that he wrote and that he
able to prove something to their readers. Topics
more that the rest of this article, as well as
subsequent articles have been devoted entirely to games.
As a result, efforts have gone awry - Articles
persistently created the image of the Amiga as a game
consoles, and nothing but. In addition, the proposal
buy Amiga "those who do not have enough money to
RS "sound is not very flattering in favor of the first.
It only remained to read descriptions of games, which I
never seen before. And since I've never
not interested in computers as a tool for
games, information received seemed interesting,
but no more. Nevertheless, it appears that at least
something, but still on the Amiga, I know. In addition
(But this is later), when I learned more about it
(Thanks to my new friends), we found that
... and some of my friends with whom we
met before, too, were once, or until the
are still amizhnikami, just never in my
This does not "recognize" - apparently it was never
no it comes ... Nevertheless, one day, sitting on
IRC and chatting with friends, I
noticed what seemed to me unknown
platform is much more prevalent in this world
than anyone had imagined at first. Presence
"Chosen people" discover everywhere you need
there were only closer look, and
sentence "Computerra" about the death of a beautiful idea, not
adopted a cold and cruel world, was clearly
premature. The first step was taken, a certain base
knowledge has been put in order ... Now
left to find out what kind of button to
cover gray with pink and blue tint window and
that there is a motley and disparate placer

             Love at first sight

   Human memory - a strange and complicated thing,
She recalls that the drop-down, then again
collapsible accordion, as well as accumulation of
cabinets, shelves, drawers and folders that lie
old and useless to us the paper and vice versa, carefully
important documents are sorted. So now,
I'm trying to remember where to begin my
familiarity with computers, like a ray of light
pulls out of the shadow of the past few bright
paintings. Of course, first of all, it's - Spectrum ...
Toys and toys only. "Dictator", "Tanium",
"Nippie" and others, and others. In addition, small and
cute "Microsha, whose connection to the
TV worth several hours of labor ...
Programming in BASIC, but, just a little
(I still do not programmer ...), then life lessons
informatics at school, where, again, were BASIC and
BC-shki Finally, the University of ... All this
accompanied by "in the background as" an attempt to put up with
the fact that computer - it's not for me.
Solely on the grounds that they are too
expensive and therefore inaccessible ... Therefore, in
lessons of informatics at the University I did not want
learn DOS. "Why would I do, because I have never
will not be your own files and directories "- here was
My main argument against Norton and DOS, and more
Two years after the informatics
University is over, I spent away from
computer world. Thus, the most ridiculous thing was
that for the moment when I suddenly became obsessed with
the idea of ​​buying your own computer, on the Amiga I
knew even more than on PC, if we
I once read the article. But the memory -
strange and unpredictable - somewhere in the distant
corner hid all my knowledge about this, and in
a result, I - like everyone else "- and felt completely
finally, that the word "computer" and "RS"
mean one and the same subject and same
phenomenon. Haunts me a strange feeling that I
as if still continue to somehow apologize
before my "elected" friends that I do not
was among them, and yet I do not regret
happened. In the very first moment, as soon as I
I saw on the tray near the university with a book
entitled Using Your PC, translated into Russian -
"Your PC" - with incredibly
beautiful dog sticking out from the monitor - I
was fascinated by this way, an excellent comparison
computer and dogs, ready to loyally and faithfully
serve you. But the main thing - two words - "yours!" and
"Personal!" - Played a role. This refers
to me, to me personally. The book was read to the holes,
and finally the day came when the long-awaited
Computer dwell on my desk. In addition to Norton
and DOS, it was nothing else ... and two
the day we sent him into the hands of friends who
conjured him half a day, returned it back to the already
installed Windows 95, Office,
Internet-software - in short, everything that is considered
necessary. And now, after returning home from
University, I was finally rushed to the computer
to behold, what with him have created ... And then I
the first time in my life saw Windows 95. Well,
must be prepared to put itself at the mercy of ...
Yes. I saw Windows 95 for the first time in my life, and
until the mystery of its load, I
trembling, watched the same will now be ... Here's the
primordial black night flashed a picture
desktop icons are now slowly emerged,
stood on his seat trim panel Office ...
That came a sound of the surf mingled with the voices
avian chorus ... (On my computer, which was originally
were installed "themes" Microsoft Plus and
default boot theme "Nature ")... Behold the cursor
mouse bloomed orange flower, and Windows
appeared before me in all its beauty. "Well
Microsoft makes "- only" I whispered. It was
love. Love at first sight ... Oh yes, it can
call "glyukodromom", "air vents", "mastdaykoy, but
I can not help it, as well as
No objections in response. I just love Windows
95 ... Yes, exactly, I just love her, I like
then, as it looks to me like her User
Interface - like the way it organizes my
workspace, as she arranges it,
with what I have to work. As soon as I
I saw her and met her closer, I
felt that it was created for me.
Exactly as it is, it was me
intuitive, it was something that I could
customize themselves exclusively as
I like. I hate Windows Default and
I think that people who have done nothing to
_svoey_ Windows, to change it, people who
did not find her understanding, but built everything
relationship with her words, "bugs" and
"Mastday - they who are to blame for that
modern computer world is devoid of sensation
Windows as an Idea. Small note. At this
spot Word flew from GPF:) but after
reboot it turned out that all is well
preserved. I trudge, as they say ..... But I
perceive it as an idea. Because Love
Windows - just love and not just "juzat" her
use it in their own way, are keenly aware
choice - it is also "Think Different", is also
particular way of thinking, having the right to
existence, and not only - in my opinion - love
Windows equivalent to love for OS / 2, Unix, MacOS, or
AmigaOS ... When, finally, the world will understand this, that
"Pisishniki and vindovschiki" are not uniform
gray mass, buried in Monitors
Bill slipped them the same for all
Windows default? Oh yes, there is among vindovschikov
people who do not need it - a creative, lively
approach that never want to look for
edge blue-cloudy sky and see what
hidden behind the colorful box ... Our
"Starred" brothers used to treat their
computers and OSes carefully and tenderly,
cherishing and adoring of her friends, and some of them
still able to understand in their chosen that
Windows can also become a Friend ... And in general,
we can understand each other. The main thing - do not divide
the whole world in sux and rules ... not divided into black and
White, on "our own and not ours," and see what our
general computer world is beautiful in its
heterogeneity, it is similar to compound
incompatibility when it seems impossible at first
a combination of colors like pink, gray and
blue, but then it turns out that they are perfectly
compatibility and can flow, shining in each
other, creating an indescribable magic
feeling ...

                Manus Supra Idolum

   Manus Supra Idolum - quote from my favorite
books by Umberto Eco Name of the Rose. " Translated from
Latin these words mean "hand over
image, and if someone did not read this book,
briefly explained that the mysterious phrase "hand over
image, click on the first and seventh at four
hid the key to the mystery of the forbidden library
books. Image - translated from Greek
hero of the book as "idol", the original sounded like
"Eidolon," and this word means roughly the same as that
Now does the word, so familiar to us all - icon.
Such a long entry took me to
explain why such a strange fact
motto ... Yes, exactly. The complexity of the puzzle
Umberto Eco's book was the sense of
the word and understanding the difference between the way
object, word, signifying his, and concealed
essence - on this subject indicates how
symbol. Therefore, it is the phrase Manus Supra Idolum
I remembered when I got ready to click
click on the icon. Understanding that such a file and its
icon in the Windows and Amiga were largely
different. That's what I like
meditate, arguing that each
operating system reflects certain
properties of the psychology of people who are its
prefer. So, for me - that is
simple and clear - an integral part of the file
is its extension. Although Windows and allows
hide file extensions, but if they actually
No, instead of icons, clear and precise pointing
you what the file before you, she is powerless
propose a white sheet of paper with a dull painted on
It window. What is interesting is the essence of the file
expressed its expansion, but nevertheless
extension is not logically follow from
file type. You can give the file not the extension, and
doomed Windows on the feeble attempts as any of his
open ... Thus, organize their
files yourself. Giving the file extension, so you
most klassifitsiruesh it and put on
due to him a place in the scheme of things, and already
Windows itself substitutes for it the inherent
this type of file icon. Icon inherent
this type of file, just choose you. This
your personal business, how you want to see, say,
HTML-document - as a pale yellow pages with
a globe or a white sheet with a steering wheel,
symbolizing Netscape. As I understand it, people
with just such a mindset prefer
classify objects by some large
groups. Individuality of each file
(Phenomenon) ... expressed in his name, his
belonging to no one class of objects
determined by the icon and the extension. It turns out
that appropriated Windows icon is similar to
expansion. And, considering the objects, I
prefer to see them clearly sorted according to
types. In this case, the icon, which we choose to
"File types" - this is the character that will be
designate for us the phenomenon ... It was simple and
understandable, and I was extremely interesting
faced with a completely different system -
fundamentally different. This system is preferred
personal approach. As far as I think
Each file on the Amiga (almost everyone) - is
"Personality" and an icon - a means of expression
his personality. In this case, the highest
classification of objects by type is
mysteriously in the depths of the system - the file
existing without the extension, but the fine
understood, was a revelation to me. When
in front of me revealed any folder in my
native "windows", then I see the neat rows of small
Icons, neatly lined up one after another.
When it opens in front of me Amiga folder, I
I still can not overcome the embarrassment. This diversity of
and disparate break my habitual
the notion that all necessary
classify, driving into the clutches of the extensions, and that
you can not somehow emphasize individuality,
the particular importance of any file ... Here -
Conversely, each object has its place in
system itself. And not because of external
classification system, and not only graphics
icon files can advance to "look inside"
- Previously seen, for example, what in the file
hidden picture ... Nevertheless, in Windows there is
that allows me to somehow get closer to this
a more detailed view of the world, of course, is
the idea of ​​"shortkutok" - when, indifferent of where
in fact the file is located and what icon
attached to it by default, I can symbol -
image of the file, and that icon (Eidolon), which will
it fit in my mind, put
wherever you want, when I come to him for an exclusive
I value, I also will highlight in particular a homogeneous
mass of something common ... Amy on the concept of "general"
smeared here soon have to look at
the essence. I'm talking about files and icons, but
"Having eyes see, what is really on
the same principle of two different people
psychological types look at things and
phenomena of the world. So looking at the world
child, when more important to him than the general,
abstract concept of "cat" - "a kind of animal, with
four legs, whiskers, pointed ears and a fluffy
tail "- his own home or Barsik
Vaska neighborhood, and he first looks at the private -
in essence, an identity that is open,
uncomplicated, not zastlannym stereotyping gaze
than many adults, for which the abstract
concept is more important than momentary, present
here and now.


   Impression Impression means and
Imprinting, when something is "imprinted" - in
our memory, our consciousness ... As far as I
understand French Impressionists that way
looked at the Paris spring, not drowning in detail
vyrisovyvanii each leaf, not prorisovyvaya
first skeleton and muscles, then skin, how to draw
human figures in the Renaissance, Leonardo
Da Vinci ... Here it is, Impression - briefly abandoned
view, snatched from a live, continuously
changing fabric of the world picture ... AND
here it is - Impression - the impression -
imprinted in our memory and consciousness. Thus, the
Impressions. Thoughts and associations. For when we
are confronted with something unknown or new to
include this subject in our system of peace and
value system, we need experience and
Association. And after a while we
find that this new organically took
place in our lives. "You must learn, understand and
take "- Winston says O'Brien in the novel
"1984". Despite the seeming cruelty
association, so it happens. First, we
learns. Then, understand and finally accept ...
and now the impression, imprinting occurs in

                   Association ...

   And I'm learning Spanish. Just as
studied Latin. But if a Latin word Amica -
friend - a softness and tenderness, a gleam
Solar flares on the surface of the azure
Adriatic Sea, and soft purple flowers, climbing from
pink walls of the Colosseum, the Spanish, call
word Amiga - with the same value - girlfriend - there
Spanish coldness and severity, and sparkle
snowy peaks of the Pyrenees. And in the pet
Amy word sounds something out of ancient Mesopotamia,
however ... The image of the goddess mother and
goddess-protector, which leads to the admiration and
forcing the dedication to serve themselves - the ancient
words with the root of Amy are poured out like a monotone, but
beautiful song. Nevertheless, the first association
- Is, of course, the famous Amica Veritas -
A friend of Truth (magis amica veritas - Truth
more, in Russian translation) - When a soft
Latin word and is replaced by the language on the g. ..


   I know nothing more controversial and
simultaneously attractive than a combination of
pink, blue and brilliant gray. In
the first moment when I had to see how they
into one another, in me appeared
mixed feelings - on the one hand, I
alienate those causing color, on the other
side - on the contrary, attracted. They were
somewhat hypnotic - they had to learn
understand and accept - and at one point, I
felt that I understand and accept these colors
as divinely beautiful. The funny thing is that
background on the main "entrance" of my page
also, sparks, poured a pale pink and
silver, but I noticed it already
later. It told me only one thing - even
learn, understand and accept without some
predisposition is simply impossible. More -
a sense of calm. Calmness and depth ... In
Amiga - in her quiet black - something
a soft fall, a little sad ... it
feeling of sadness does not go ... Nevertheless,
sensation of something good, very feminine and
beautiful, which is nevertheless trying to drive
in strict accordance with the scope and sequence cruel
the laws of the outside world ... And yet - a double bottom.
Depth. Many steps arcade ... When one screen
hidden under another, and you can grab and pull
it, and under it was called something new, and these
screens, as different worlds, each - in their own way
special and beautiful ... As the goddess Ishtar,
thrown off by one colored and gilded their
clothing. Sometimes the same - colorful explosion of colors.
Unbelievable, killing, stunning beauty.
My friends, "chosen people" - not you
know what to say about the beauty of desktops
your computer, I'm talking primarily about beauty
your own souls, which are reflected in them,
as a magic mirror? I remember one such
pictures I just stunned. Herculean
system, which came together analysis and synthesis, where
amazingly beautiful world, reminded me - it is
then - the glittering top of the Pyrenees mountains - was
simultaneously precisely lined, laid out on shelves,
delimited, sorted in some meta-system
overwhelming complexity of its directory opus ...
Strikes the same personality and how it
expression. Each new "desktop" was
opening. And in each of them was love. But
first of all - the greatness and pride. Pride and
golden crown chosen ... Oh, it was unbelievable
beautiful, and - overwhelmingly. This was true
Impression. After this long of nothing like
think. My mother, lovingly set up "only
will not be your own files and directories "- here was
My main argument against Norton and DOS, and more
Two years after the informatics
University is over, I spent away from
computer world. Thus, the most ridiculous thing was
that for the moment when I suddenly became obsessed with
the idea of ​​buying your own computer, on the Amiga I
knew even more than on PC, if we
I once read the article. But the memory -
strange and unpredictable - somewhere in the distant
corner hid all my knowledge about this, and in
a result, I - like everyone else "- and felt completely
finally, that the word "computer" and "RS"
mean one and the same subject and same
phenomenon. Haunts me a strange feeling that I
as if still continue to somehow apologize
before my "elected" friends that I do not
was among them, and yet I do not regret
happened. In the very first moment, as soon as I
I saw on the tray near the university with a book
entitled Using Your PC, translated into Russian -
"Your PC" - with incredibly
beautiful dog sticking out from the monitor - I
was fascinated by this way, an excellent comparison
computer and dogs, ready to loyally and faithfully
serve you. But the main thing - two words - "yours!" and
"Personal!" - Played a role. This refers
to me, to me personally. The book was read to the holes,
and finally the day came when the long-awaited
Computer dwell on my desk. In addition to Norton
and DOS, it was nothing else ... and two
the day we sent him into the hands of friends who
conjured him half a day, returned it back to the already
installed Windows 95, Office,
Internet-software - in short, everything that is considered
necessary. And now, after returning home from
University, I was finally rushed to the computer
to behold, what with him have created ... And then I
the first time in my life saw Windows 95. Well,
must be prepared to put itself at the mercy of ...
Yes. I saw Windows 95 for the first time in my life, and
until the mystery of its load, I
trembling, watched the same will now be ... Here's the
primordial black night flashed a picture
desktop icons are now slowly emerged,
stood on his seat trim panel Office ...
That came a sound of the surf mingled with the voices
avian chorus ... (On my computer, which was originally
were installed "themes" Microsoft Plus and
default boot theme "Nature ")... Behold the cursor
mouse bloomed orange flower, and Windows
appeared before me in all its beauty. "Well
Microsoft makes "- only" I whispered. It was
love. Love at first sight ... Oh yes, it can
call "glyukodromom", "air vents", "mastdaykoy, but
I can not help it, as well as
No objections in response. I just love Windows
95 ... Yes, exactly, I just love her, I like
then, as it looks to me like her User
Interface - like the way it organizes my
workspace, as she arranges it,
with what I have to work. As soon as I
I saw her and met her closer, I
felt that it was created for me.
Exactly as it is, it was me
intuitive, it was something that I could
customize themselves exclusively as
I like. I hate Windows Default and
I think that people who have done nothing to
_svoey_ Windows, to change it, people who
did not find her understanding, but built everything
relationship with her words, "bugs" and
"Mastday - they who are to blame for that
modern computer world is devoid of sensation
Windows as an Idea. Small note. At this
spot Word flew from GPF:) but after
reboot it turned out that all is well
preserved. I trudge, as they say ..... But I
perceive it as an idea. Because Love
Windows - just love and not just "juzat" her
use it in their own way, are keenly aware
choice - it is also "Think Different", is also
particular way of thinking, having the right to
existence, and not only - in my opinion - love
Windows equivalent to love for OS / 2, Unix, MacOS, or
AmigaOS ... When, finally, the world will understand this, that
"Pisishniki and vindovschiki" are not uniform
gray mass, buried in Monitors
Bill slipped them the same for all
Windows default? Oh yes, there is among vindovschikov
people who do not need it - a creative, lively
approach that never want to look for
edge blue-cloudy sky and see what
hidden behind the colorful box ... Our
"Starred" brothers used to treat their
computers and OSes carefully and tenderly,
cherishing and adoring of her friends, and some of them
still able to understand in their chosen that
Windows can also become a Friend ... And in general,
we can understand each other. The main thing - do not divide
the whole world in sux and rules ... not divided into black and
White, on "our own and not ours," and see what our
general computer world is beautiful in its
heterogeneity, it is similar to compound
incompatibility when it seems impossible at first
a combination of colors like pink, gray and
blue, but then it turns out that they are perfectly
compatibility and can flow, shining in each
other, creating an indescribable magic
feeling ...

                Manus Supra Idolum

   Manus Supra Idolum - quote from my favorite
books by Umberto Eco Name of the Rose. " Translated from
Latin these words mean "hand over
image, and if someone did not read this book,
briefly explained that the mysterious phrase "hand over
image, click on the first and seventh at four
hid the key to the mystery of the forbidden library
books. Image - translated from Greek
hero of the book as "idol", the original sounded like
"Eidolon," and this word means roughly the same as that
Now does the word, so familiar to us all - icon.
Such a long entry took me to
explain why such a strange fact
motto ... Yes, exactly. The complexity of the puzzle
Umberto Eco's book was the sense of
the word and understanding the difference between the way
object, word, signifying his, and concealed
essence - on this subject indicates how
symbol. Therefore, it is the phrase Manus Supra Idolum
I remembered when I got ready to click
click on the icon. Understanding that such a file and its
icon in the Windows and Amiga were largely
different. That's what I like
meditate, arguing that each
operating system reflects certain
properties of the psychology of people who are its
prefer. So, for me - that is
simple and clear - an integral part of the file
is its extension. Although Windows and allows
hide file extensions, but if they actually
No, instead of icons, clear and precise pointing
you what the file before you, she is powerless
propose a white sheet of paper with a dull painted on
It window. What is interesting is the essence of the file
expressed its expansion, but nevertheless
extension is not logically follow from
file type. You can give the file not the extension, and
doomed Windows on the feeble attempts as any of his
open ... Thus, organize their
files yourself. Giving the file extension, so you
most klassifitsiruesh it and put on
due to him a place in the scheme of things, and already
Windows itself substitutes for it the inherent
this type of file icon. Icon inherent
this type of file, just choose you. This
your personal business, how you want to see, say,
HTML-document - as a pale yellow pages with
a globe or a white sheet with a steering wheel,
symbolizing Netscape. As I understand it, people
with just such a mindset prefer
classify objects by some large
groups. Individuality of each file
(Phenomenon) ... expressed in his name, his
belonging to no one class of objects
determined by the icon and the extension. It turns out
that appropriated Windows icon is similar to
expansion. And, considering the objects, I
prefer to see them clearly sorted according to
types. In this case, the icon, which we choose to
"File types" - this is the character that will be
designate for us the phenomenon ... It was simple and
understandable, and I was extremely interesting
faced with a completely different system -
fundamentally different. This system is preferred
personal approach. As far as I think
Each file on the Amiga (almost everyone) - is
"Personality" and an icon - a means of expression
his personality. In this case, the highest
classification of objects by type is
mysteriously in the depths of the system - the file
existing without the extension, but the fine
understood, was a revelation to me. When
in front of me revealed any folder in my
native "windows", then I see the neat rows of small
Icons, neatly lined up one after another.
When it opens in front of me Amiga folder, I
I still can not overcome the embarrassment. This diversity of
and disparate break my habitual
the notion that all necessary
classify, driving into the clutches of the extensions, and that
you can not somehow emphasize individuality,
the particular importance of any file ... Here -
Conversely, each object has its place in
system itself. And not because of external
classification system, and not only graphics
icon files can advance to "look inside"
- Previously seen, for example, what in the file
hidden picture ... Nevertheless, in Windows there is
that allows me to somehow get closer to this
a more detailed view of the world, of course, is
the idea of ​​"shortkutok" - when, indifferent of where
in fact the file is located and what icon
attached to it by default, I can symbol -
image of the file, and that icon (Eidolon), which will
it fit in my mind, put
wherever you want, when I come to him for an exclusive
I value, I also will highlight in particular a homogeneous
mass of something common ... Amy on the concept of "general"
smeared here soon have to look at
the essence. I'm talking about files and icons, but
"Having eyes see, what is really on
the same principle of two different people
psychological types look at things and
phenomena of the world. So looking at the world
child, when more important to him than the general,
abstract concept of "cat" - "a kind of animal, with
four legs, whiskers, pointed ears and a fluffy
tail "- his own home or Barsik
Vaska neighborhood, and he first looks at the private -
in essence, an identity that is open,
uncomplicated, not zastlannym stereotyping gaze
than many adults, for which the abstract
concept is more important than momentary, present
here and now.


   Impression Impression means and
Imprinting, when something is "imprinted" - in
our memory, our consciousness ... As far as I
understand French Impressionists that way
looked at the Paris spring, not drowning in detail
vyrisovyvanii each leaf, not prorisovyvaya
first skeleton and muscles, then skin, how to draw
human figures in the Renaissance, Leonardo
Da Vinci ... Here it is, Impression - briefly abandoned
view, snatched from a live, continuously
changing fabric of the world picture ... AND
here it is - Impression - the impression -
imprinted in our memory and consciousness. Thus, the
Impressions. Thoughts and associations. For when we
are confronted with something unknown or new to
include this subject in our system of peace and
value system, we need experience and
Association. And after a while we
find that this new organically took
place in our lives. "You must learn, understand and
take "- Winston says O'Brien in the novel
"1984". Despite the seeming cruelty
association, so it happens. First, we
learns. Then, understand and finally accept ...
and now the impression, imprinting occurs in

                   Association ...

   And I'm learning Spanish. Just as
studied Latin. But if a Latin word Amica -
friend - a softness and tenderness, a gleam
Solar flares on the surface of the azure
Adriatic Sea, and soft purple flowers, climbing from
pink walls of the Colosseum, the Spanish, call
word Amiga - with the same value - girlfriend - there
Spanish coldness and severity, and sparkle
snowy peaks of the Pyrenees. And in the pet
Amy word sounds something out of ancient Mesopotamia,
however ... The image of the goddess mother and
goddess-protector, which leads to the admiration and
forcing the dedication to serve themselves - the ancient
words with the root of Amy are poured out like a monotone, but
beautiful song. Nevertheless, the first association
- Is, of course, the famous Amica Veritas -
A friend of Truth (magis amica veritas - Truth
more, in Russian translation) - When a soft
Latin word and is replaced by the language on the g. ..


   I know nothing more controversial and
simultaneously attractive than a combination of
pink, blue and brilliant gray. In
the first moment when I had to see how they
into one another, in me appeared
mixed feelings - on the one hand, I
alienate those causing color, on the other
side - on the contrary, attracted. They were
somewhat hypnotic - they had to learn
understand and accept - and at one point, I
felt that I understand and accept these colors
as divinely beautiful. The funny thing is that
background on the main "entrance" of my page
also, sparks, poured a pale pink and
silver, but I noticed it already
later. It told me only one thing - even
learn, understand and accept without some
predisposition is simply impossible. More -
a sense of calm. Calmness and depth ... In
Amiga - in her quiet black - something
a soft fall, a little sad ... it
feeling of sadness does not go ... Nevertheless,
sensation of something good, very feminine and
beautiful, which is nevertheless trying to drive
in strict accordance with the scope and sequence cruel
the laws of the outside world ... And yet - a double bottom.
Depth. Many steps arcade ... When one screen
hidden under another, and you can grab and pull
it, and under it was called something new, and these
screens, as different worlds, each - in their own way
special and beautiful ... As the goddess Ishtar,
thrown off by one colored and gilded their
clothing. Sometimes the same - colorful explosion of colors.
Unbelievable, killing, stunning beauty.
My friends, "chosen people" - not you
know what to say about the beauty of desktops
your computer, I'm talking primarily about beauty
your own souls, which are reflected in them,
as a magic mirror? I remember one such
pictures I just stunned. Herculean
system, which came together analysis and synthesis, where
amazingly beautiful world, reminded me - it is
then - the glittering top of the Pyrenees mountains - was
simultaneously precisely lined, laid out on shelves,
delimited, sorted in some meta-system
overwhelming complexity of its directory opus ...
Strikes the same personality and how it
expression. Each new "desktop" was
opening. And in each of them was love. But
first of all - the greatness and pride. Pride and
golden crown chosen ... Oh, it was unbelievable
beautiful, and - overwhelmingly. This was true
Impression. After this long of nothing like
think. My mother, lovingly set up "only

Other articles:

Entry - The first exit in the light of the regular edition.

Internet - How to start Internet? ..

IRC - a brief introduction.

Resources - ZX-Spectrum: Resources on the Internet ...

Kopmyumor - Nice prikolchiki from Inity.

Post Scriptum - "Well, why did you take this a newspaper, do something?"

Chosen People - look at the world through colored windows.

Exchange of experience - The scheme of Kempston-mouse.

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Authors - Addresses the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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