26 декабря 2016 |
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Review - PQ-DOS operating system

PQ-DOS operating system by Vadim from Star Software 1) PQ-DOS - what is it? 2) Why it was made? 3) What are the new features? 4) How to use it? And what for? 5) Compatibility? What software works and what doesn't? 1) PQ-DOS - what is it? In short, PQ-DOS is an operating system for Profi that is almost compatible with old systems for this computer (versions of MicroDOS), and with canonical CP/M, and with MSXDOS-1/MSXDOS-2 * - so you can run software for them. This OS combines features of CP/M and more powerful MS-DOS. From programmer's point of view, OS is an intermediate layer of code and data around a program, to allow it access files and devices such as display, keyboard, serial interface, real-time clock etc. OS can boot either from floppy disk or from HDD. It consists of the following main parts: 1) BIOS - resides in ROM; ** 2) boot procedures in MBR/boot sector; 3) main system loader and interpreter config.sys; 4) BDOS module; 5) Concurrent BIOS module; 6) device drivers; 7) command processor (shell). * some of MSXDOS-2 functions are not implemented, and there are no mapping procedures, so MSXDOS-2 software with them won't work. ** In fact, BIOS is a separate system residing in the computer ROM where tests were before. BIOS call can be used for any system or a program. Moreover, if a used doesn't want to change his ROM, PQ-DOS can cope without ROM BIOS - it will load its emulator while booting. This way OS can't boot from HDD but it can "see" HDD if booted from floppy. 2) Why it was made? I'll tell why I started a new OS for Profi. When I first saw a Profi advertisement (around 1993), I was mostly interested in its extra mode with loaded OS. And when I tried it at home, on self-made Profi v.3, I was shocked: 1) Files have names and extensions, and they can be fragmented; 2) File size can exceed 64 KB; 3) We can route program's output into a file; 4) File commander CopyK can read and write MS-DOS disks; 5) OS loaded from disk, not built in ROM like TR-DOS, so we can update it; 6) Loaded program doesn't spoil all the RAM and returns to OS when finishes; 7) There are text processors, programming languages etc, etc... Slight modifications to classic Spectrum schematics allowed almost the same as PC in the early 90's! This was fantastic breakout. Pros of this approach were visible, as were cons. The main flaw of "Profi CP/M" was speed. It was very very slow, and many people blamed the computer and OS for that and left the platform. They were wrong. The computer and the OS were not guilty. The slowdowns were provided by people who adapted this MicroDOS to Profi. They made a large and thankful job running a real OS on a ZX. Sadly they stopped at once - most of work was done in a year, then the system remained mostly unchanged. The people that ported MicroDOS to Profi even hadn't the sources of BDOS, and they haven't tried to re-create them to fix bugs in BDOS and speed up disk access. *** In addition, Condor in 1995 made a version of the OS with an HDD driver, named CBIOSS. Because of this absence of sources, the author of this version (Pismenny D.G.) joined floppy disk driver with HDD driver, and made disk error handler as a resident running at any read/write error without a chance to cancel. OS could work with no more than two logical partitions on HDD. If you had more, you should mount and unmount logical disks that was uneasy. And no subdirectories. And HDD partitioning system was incompatible with PC. So the system became worse while being nicer from user's view (for example, boot menu with configurations, with merry sound). From my point of view, it was disappointing. Around 1997 I obtained documentation files and pieces of MSXDOS-1 sources (not working disassembly). Having studied all this, I decided that that's possible to make an MSXDOS-1 like system compatible with Profi MicroDOS software. And it was obvious that the OS must support FAT file system on HDD with subdirectories. **** *** slowdowns in Profi MicroDOS are a big topic so I won't discuss it there further. **** stages of writing the system are also skipped, ask for them. 3) What are the new features? If we compare PQ-DOS with MicroDOS + CBIOS, we have a lot of new things: 3.1) BDOS module is now in 2 banks. In the original MicroDOS, it occupied the memory from D400 to F800 for code, data, and buffers. PQ-DOS has main code in the first bank (around 12?), and some of code is moved to the second bank. Handle assigning tables and environment variables are also in the second bank. The main RAM contains the resident part or BDOS (under 4 KB), so free space for user programs is 58 KB. 3.2) Driver subsystem in PQ-DOS is made alike one in MS-DOS. Drivers are loaded in RAM banks forming a linked list. So a driver has no install procedure as it was in CBIOS. To make a driver relocable, do nothing. (This is science fiction :-) ) 3.3) BDOS system has two sets of functions. FCB oriented functions are for running CP/M software and old Profi software for MicroDOS. Handle oriented functions work with ASCIIZ strings. This module was totally rewritten in 2014. 3.4) File system format for PQ-DOS is FAT12/16. Floppy disks supported have 40 or 80 tracks, one or two sides. IDE HDD can be either CHS or LBA. Subdirectories limited with 64 symbols for file path. CP/M file system is not supported, but I plan to make a driver that will encode/decode CP/M file system for PQ-DOS kernel, so it will see a FAT12 disk without subdirectories. 3.5) Command processor was rewritten from scratch, and it has more commands than in early Q-DOS where it was based on MSXDOS-1. 3.6) Drivers are divided in two levels: logical level (high level drivers) and physical level (low level drivers). Low level drivers with POST procedure and a boot loader are the BIOS. High level drivers are loadable device drivers. Some of loadable drivers are loaded always, if OS can't work without them. However, a user can change any of them to his driver via config.sys file. 3.7) The system has a loader that parses config.sys, loads standard drivers and implements boot menu. 3.8) There is a susbystem that handles extended memory. It was here for a long time, even in MicroDOS modification, but now it's updated. Programs can request RAM pages and return them. They can also reserve parts of RAM starting from BDOS top. 3.9) PQ-DOS introduces 'processes' to run programs and control occupied memory. A program can run another program as a subroutine or initiate a child process. Also appeared residents. 3.10) Concurrent BIOS (CBIOS) is only used for backwards compatibility. In the future it can be changed to more universal implementation that would allow porting PQ-DOS to other ZX Spectrum clones. The main ideas were documented in 2011, but they are still incomplete because of the lack of time and my lazyness) 3.11) A lot of new utilities appeared. Namely the formatter, unique for ZX Spectrum clones, that can format floppies in FAT with bad blocks and finetuning. HDD can be formatted as a whole (writing a constant in all sectors), with fast format (cleaning the title), and with fast format submode that clears sectors faster. Again, bad sectors are marked so in the file system. 3.12) Disk drivers read/write physical sectors, as many sectors as the caller wants. DOS read/write functions include an optimized algorithm to find maximum possible block to speed up disk access. MicroDOS systems always asked their disk driver for 128 bytes at once. 3.13) PQ-DOS has a built-in disk error handler that is called by BDOS in case of error. User program can set its own error handler. 3.14) Command processor can also be changed via config.sys. 3.15) OS loads very fast: 5-7 sec from floppy without file shell, 1 sec from HDD (2 sec with file shell). 3.16) 'Environment variables' appeared: these are string variables keeping text (or numbers in text format). There are several system variables: for example, 'comspec' variable contains path to, 'path' variable contains the list of default paths where to find executable if it weren't found in the current directory. 4) How to use it? And what for? The system is thoroughly documented, and the docs are constantly updated. Writing software is easy. File handling became a lot easier than in older systems and in MicroDOS. You can write music players for various formats, snapshot loaders for .z80, .sna etc, to run old Spectrum software. Mounting .trd images for a new TR-DOS ROM for Profi. There must be created utilities for reading and writing disks to and from .trd images. All of this is with FAT16, with directories. You can delete, create, rename files and directories without a PC. Or you can make an image of a floppy disk on a flash memory card, then read it at PC. SD card driver will be created very soon) 5) Compatibility? What software works and what doesn't? No data so far.
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