Dr. Longman`s News #03

Fido - the charter of an international network of Fido Net.

<b>Fido</b> - the charter of an international network of Fido Net.

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Translation: Timur Tsyganko 2:461 / 1910 @ fidonet

                  Charter FidoNet Version 6.4

                                                   May 5, 1989

This statute applies to discuss the structure of focal points 
(see Section 8), and has not yet entered into force. 

1. Overview

This document establishes the policy for sysops who are
Members of the electronic "mailbox" (BBS)
FidoNet. FidoNet network is determined by the NodeList (List 
nodes) published weekly by the International Coordinator

(International Coordinator).

Own charters may be issued at the zone level, region
or network, discussed in more detail the local procedures. 
Usually, these statutes a lower level can not contradict this

document. However, with the consent of the International 
Co-ordinator, a local policy document may reflect the 
differences that necessary because of local conditions. These 
local ordinances may not impose additional restrictions on 
members of FidoNet, but included in this document, except for 
strengthening local mail periods. 

1.0 Language

The official language of FidoNet - English. All documents must
published in English. Encouraged to transfer to other

1.1 Introduction

FidoNet - is an amateur electronic mail system. So
Thus, all the participants and the operators are working 
voluntarily and free. Combining the first of a few friends, 
exchanging Messaging (1984), now it includes more than 5000 
systems six continents (1989).

FidoNet is so high that could easily fall apart from the
its own weight unless supported by some structure and control. 
This structure provides a multi-homed principle. Management 
provides a decentralized management system. This document 
describes the procedures developed for network management.

1.2 Organization

FidoNet systems are grouped on several levels, and 
decentralized administration, respectively. This review 
provides an overview of the structure, as coordinator of 
various levels are provided later in this document. 

1.2.1 Individual and system operators (SysOp'y)

The smallest structural unit of FidoNet are individual systems, 
corresponding to a single item NodeList. SysOp formulates the 
principles of the system and the relationship with users. SysOp 
should be associated with the rest of the system FidoNet to 
send and receive mail, and a local charter should be 
coordinated with other levels of FidoNet. Members

SysOp'y responsible for all actions of users when they
affect the rest of FidoNet. (If the user is not correct, SysOp 
is not valid.) Any traffic entering the FidoNet after a certain 
Node (node) if not coming from Sysop, considered to come from 
the user and thus SysOp responsible for it. (See section 
2.1.3.) Point'y

Point - is compatible with the FidoNet system, which is not 
included in NodeList, but communicates with via FidoNet node, 
which for BossNode'om system (master node). Point in general is 
regarded as a user, for example, BossNode responsible for 
correspondence from Point'a. (See section 2.1.3.) Point 
addressed using the address on BossNode'a NodeList'u, for 
example, Point-system BossNode'om 114/15 may be known as 
114/15.12. Correspondence intended for Point'a, sent 
BossNode'u, which then sends it Point'u. 

Supporting Point'y, BossNode uses a private network number,
which should not be seen outside the context of BossNode-Point. 
Unfortunately, if the Point calls another system directly (for 
example, to file requests), a personal network number appears 
as a address of the caller. In this sense, Point'y differ from 
users, as they work with are compatible with FidoNet Mailer'ami 
able to communicate with systems other than BossNode'a.

1.2.3 Networks and Network Coordinator

Network (Network) - an association of units of local geographic 
area, usually defined by the region with a convenient telephone 
service to each other. Network coordinate their correspondence 
in order to reduce costs. Network Coordinator (Network 
Coordinator) is responsible for maintaining the list of network 
nodes, as well as forwarding Netmail (network correspondence) 
sent by members network from other nodes FidoNet. Network 
Coordinator can handle coming out Netmail, but is not obligated 
to do so. 

Network Coordinator shall be appointed Regional Coordinator
(Regional Coordinator). Post buffers network (Network Routing Hubs).

Routing Network Splitters exist only in some networks. They may 
be appointed Network Coordinator to help in managing a large 
network. His specific duties and procedures established by 
agreement between the Network Coordinator and splitters, and 
are not discussed in this document, except that the coordinator 
can not delegate responsibility mediated in the conflict.

1.2.4 Regions and Regional Coordinators

Region (Region) - a defined geographic area
includes sites that may be combined or not combined into a 
network. Typical region contains many sites, networked, and 
some independent sites that are not part of any network.

Regional Coordinator (Regional Coordinator) maintains a list of
independent nodes in the region and takes nodelists from 
Network Coordinators in the region. These lists are merged into 
a regional NodeList, which is then sent to the Zone Coordinator 
(Zone Coordinator). Regional Coordinator does not serve the 
forwarding of messages any node in the region. 

Regional coordinators are appointed by the Coordinator of the 

1.2.5 Zones and Zone Coordinator

Zone (Zone) - a large geographic area that includes
many regions, and encompassing one or more countries
and / or continents.

Zone Coordinator (Zone Coordinator) combines nodelists from
all regions of the zone, and creates the master file and the 
current NodeList changes, which are then distributed on FidoNet 
in the area. Zone Coordinator does not serve the forwarding of 
messages any node in the region. 

Zone Coordinators selected by the Regional Coordinators of the

1.2.6 Zone Coordinator Council

In some cases, Zone Coordinators work as a council under
International coordinator. Their relationship is similar to the 
relations between the president and his advisers. In 
particular, this council examines the relationship between the 
zones. These issues included clarification of details in the 
release NodeList'a, mediation interzonal conflicts and other 
issues were not resolved at lower levels of FidoNet. 

1.2.7 International Co-ordinator (International Coordinator).

International Coordinator - is the "first among equals" Zone 
Coordinator, who coordinates the joint issue of the Main Zone 
Coordinators NodeList'a. 

International Coordinator acts as Chairman of the Board
Zone Coordinator and as chairman of the Electoral Commission
in the election - he announced the referendum, collects and 
counts the ballots and announce the result of voting on matters

regarding FidoNet as a whole.

The international coordinator is elected Zone Coordinators.

1.2.8 Submissions from the top down. Checks and balances.

These levels are to distribute the control on FidoNet
lowest possible level, while allowing to perform a coordinated 
activity system-wide electronic "Mail." Management becomes 
possible as a result of the subordination of the lower level of 
the upper. This means that the officer at this level is 
accountable to the level which is above him, and is responsible 
for the levels below it. 

For example, the Regional Coordinator is responsible to the 
Zone Coordinator for everything that happens in the region. 
From the perspective of the Zone Coordinator, Regional 
Coordinator fulfills for conflict-free activities in the 
region. Similarly, in terms of the Regional Coordinator, 
Network Coordinator is fully responsible for conflict-free 
operation in its network. 

If a public official at any level above the Sysop can not
well to perform their duties, an official at the top
level can replace him. For example, if The Regional Coordinator 
does not perform its duties, the Coordinator of the Zone can 
replace it. 

To provide checks and balances at the highest level
FidoNet, of the rules of the organization from top to bottom, 
there are two exceptions. Zone Coordinators and the 
International Coordinator shall be elected majority of 
coordinators at lower levels. Similarly, decisions made by the 
International Coordinator may be revoked by the Board of the 
Zone Coordinator and the decisions taken Zone Coordinators can 
be lifted regional coordinators. More details are described in 
sections 6 and 7. Decisions taken by the coordinators of the 
other levels can not be revoked by voting at the lower levels, 
but may be appealed. This process is described in section 9.5. 

1.3 Definitions

1.3.1 FidoNews

FidoNews - a weekly newsletter distributed on the network in 
electronic form. This is an important means of communication 
between Sysops FidoNet. FidoNews allows you to feel

part of a community of people with common interests. Thus,
encourages user participation and the release of sysops
FidoNews. Correspondence sent to the address of the node 1:1 / 
1; file describing the format used can be obtained from

1:1 / 1 and many other systems.

1.3.2 Geography

Each level of FidoNet geographically contained in a level, 
located directly above it. Defined geographical point is 
covered by one area and one region of the zone, and or part of 
one of the networks either do not fit into any. 

If the node is in the network area, it must be invoked to
list of nodes of the network, rather than as an independent in 
the region. (The primary exception to this rule - the node that 
receives a disproportionate number of "mail" sent to the 
address Host (cartridge), see Section 4.2). Edge of the network 
based on telephone regions, designated by the local telephone 
companies. Even in areas where the density of nodes so high 
that the maintenance of the telephone in the region requires 
more than one network, the geographical principle is decisive 
on the question of what nodes belong to a network belong. 
Membership is determined based on geographic or other purely 
technical factors. It is not based on personal or social 

In some cases, the border regions of the telephone lead to 
situations where logic dictates that a site that is in one 
region of FidoNet, should be assigned to another. In these 
cases, with the consent of the Coordinators of Regions and the 
Zone Coordinator interested in this matter, may be approved 
exemption from membership in the region. Such procedures are 
described in section 5.6. 

1.3.3 Zone Mail Hour ("Zip" Hour of the Zone)

Zone Mail Hour (ZMH) - a set time during which all nodes in the 
zone should be able to Netmail. Each zone FidoNet determines 
ZMH and tells time ZMH its rest areas FidoNet. See sections 
2.1.8 and 10.2.

Zone Mail Hour formerly known as National Mail Hour and Network
Mail Hour. The term Zone Mail Hour is more accurate.

1.3.4 NodeList

NodeList - a weekly update file that contains the addresses
all recognized sites FidoNet. This file should be prepared by 
the Zone Coordinator no later than ZMH in every Saturday, and 
available for download or file request without charge. System 
to be included in the NodeList, it must meet the requirements 
defined in this document. ikakie other requirements may not be 

Partial nodelists (for one zone, for example) can be prepared 
at various levels of FidoNet. Full list published by 
International Coordinator, is the official nodelist FidoNet, 
and is used in circumstances such as the definition of the 
right to vote. All components of the full NodeList'a available 
in each system for each Zone Coordinator and Regional 

1.3.5 Excessive misconduct

This statute makes reference to "excessively annoying
behavior, particularly in Section 9 (Conflict Resolution).
This term is difficult to define because it is based
on the views of the structure of the coordinators. In general 
terms, incorrect behavior annoys, disturbs or harms someone 
else. Not necessarily break the rules, to behave properly in 
relation to others. 

    There is a difference between excessively annoying behavior
and just annoying behavior. For example, each new SysOp
must receive a minimum of knowledge in both technical
issues (software installation), and in
social (how to talk to FidoNet). Rare sysop
can not behave properly. Only after
This behavior continues after it was pointed
Sysop, it becomes extremely annoying. This does not mean
that you behave properly only after repeated
any action (such as deliberate falsification
Correspondence flawed from the very first attempt), but
shows that some tolerance should be shown.

For more information on this subject, see
Section 9, and illustrative examples (Section 10.3).

1.3.6 Commercial Use

FidoNet is an amateur network. Participants spend their
own money and time that she worked for
of all its users. It is not intended to
certain commercial enterprises to take these voluntary efforts 
in their own business interests. C On the other hand, FidoNet 
provides companies and users convenient and efficient means for 
mutually beneficial exchange of information. 

Network Coordinators may be forced to subsidize the commercial 
operations and forwarding to the Netmail Host, and may even be 
involved in a lawsuit if the transmittal of correspondence it 
was suggested some kind of reward. Thus, the policy FidoNet is 
that the commercial correspondence should not be sent. 
"Commercial correspondence" includes correspondence, pursuing 
specific business interests, without contributing to the 
network as a whole. Examples include internal correspondence of 
companies, the correspondence between corporations, the 
specific demands of the product (eg, price lists), purchase 
orders, etc., as well as all other areas related to business 

2 Procedures Sysop

2.1 General

2.1.1 Main

How SysOp individual uzlaa, in general, you can do
want if you follow the rules of correspondence, does not behave
too ill to other sites and FidoNet
help or not in the software distribution
software in violation of the rights to: copy, and do not 
perform other illicit activities through the FidoNet. 

2.1.2 Introduction to the Charter

In order to understand the meaning of "misconduct", all SysOp'y 
required from time to time to reread Charter FidoNet. New 
SysOp'y should familiarize themselves with the Charter to how 
to ask for her number uzla. 

2.1.3 The responsibility for traffic entering through a FidoNet 

SysOp, whose address is given in paragraph NodeList'a, is 
responsible for traffic entering FidoNet via its system. This 
includes (but is not limited to) traffic, input from users 
Point'ov, and any other networks, which the system can serve as 
a gateway. If SysOp allows "External" message is part of 
FidoNet through the system, gateway system must be clearly 
identified by the number uzla in FidoNet as the starting point 
of the message, and should act as a gateway and in the opposite 
direction. If such traffic leads to disruption Charter, SysOp 
must rectify this situation. 

2.1.4 Coding and Image correspondence

FidoNet is an amateur system. Our technology is such that the 
privacy of messages can not be guaranteed. As SysOp, you are 
entitled to see the traffic flowing through your system, though 
to be sure that system is not used for illegal or commercial 
purposes. Obviously, the coding makes it impossible to view 
mended. Thus, coded and / or commercial traffic that is sent 
without the permission of all the links in the system forward, 
admits molesting behavior. Definition of commercial traffic is 
given in Section 1.3.6. 

2.1.5 Changes to the forwarded e-mail

You may not modify, except those necessary
for shipment or other technical purposes, in any message
Netmail or Echomail (echo correspondence) passing through
system from one uzla FidoNet to another. If you are offended
content of the message should be performed procedure
described in Section 2.1.7.

2.1.6 Private Netmail

The word "private" should be used with great caution,
particularly speaking about the users BBS. In some countries 
there are laws about "private correspondence", and should make 
clear that the word "private" does not mean that no one else, 
except the recipient can read the messages. SysOp, which can not

establish this distinction should not offer users
such service as "private correspondence".

If a user sends a "private communication", the user
can not control the amount of the mediation system, through 
which the message is sent. SysOp, sending a message to another 
sysop, can control this aspect by sending a message directly 
into the recipient, and thus way can be sure that only the 
recipient or any other person who has permission to Sysop may 
read this message. Therefore, Sysop and regular user may have 
different notions of "privacy". Disclosure of correspondence passing

Disclosure or use of any form of information contained in the 
private network traffic, not targeting you or not written by 
you, is annoying behavior when traffic had not been distributed 
by the author or the recipient as part of a formal complaint in 
accordance with the Charter. This does not apply to Echomail, 
which by definition is a means of broadcasting and where the 
private correspondence often used to limit access only to 
sysops. Personal correspondence addressed to you

The question of private mail addressed to you, is more complex 
than the question of passing the correspondence, described in 
the previous section. It is generally accepted that when you 
get a message, it becomes your property and you are legally 
entitled to do with it what you want. However, your legal right 
does not excuse you if you behave properly towards others.

In general, the materials are sensitive about the properties 
should not be sent to FidoNet. This principle is not always 
observed, as FidoNet is our primary means of communication.

If the sender of the message separately indicates in the 
message that the content must remain confidential, the 
proliferation of communications for public comment may be 

There can be exceptions. If someone says one thing publicly and
the opposite in private correspondence, the recipient of 
private correspondence should not be condemned just because the 
sender insists that the message did not apply. In this

issue should be guided by common sense, as
As in other aspects of behavior in FidoNet.

2.1.7 Dispatch

You are not required to forward traffic if you do not agree to 
do so. You are not required to forward traffic to all, making 
it for someone, if you have not served on a Network Coordinator

Coordinator or splitter. Shipping traffic through a node
not obliged to forward, without the permission of the uzla,
can be regarded as misconduct. This includes
a unsolicited Echomail.

If you do not forward the message, after agreeing
to perform such forwarding, the message should be returned
Sysop uzla from which it came into FidoNet, with an explanation
why it was not forwarded. (You do not have to return messages,
addressed to the node that is not part of the current 
NodeList.) Deliberate delay in passing messages without 
performing the described procedure is incorrect behavior. In 
case of failure in forwarding traffic because of technical 
problems, it is not considered incorrect behavior, if not 
continued after It was stated sysop.

2.1.8 Exclusivity Zone Mail Hour

Zone Mail Hour - is the heart of FidoNet, because this time,
Netmail when sent between systems. Any system that wants to be 
a part of FidoNet, should be able to receive correspondence at 
this time, using the protocol defined in the current 
publication of the Committee FidoNet Technical Standards 
(FTS-0001 during the preparation of this document). Allowed to 
have more opportunities (for example, to support additional 
protocols or extended "post" hours) but the minimum requirement 
- the possibility of FTS-0001 during this one hour a day. 

This time is reserved exclusively for Netmail. Many
telephone systems require a fee for each call, regardless
on the established link was not installed, or the line was 
busy. Proceeding from this, any activity other than normal 
processing Netmail, which occupies the system during ZMH, is 
incorrect behavior. Echomail not be transferred during ZMH. 
User access (BBS) to the system is prohibited in time ZMH.

The system, which is a member of the local network may be made
requirements to comply with additional "post" hours, defined by 
the Coordinator of the Network. Restrictions on access during 
local network periods established at the discretion of the 
Coordinator of the Network. 

2.1.9 Private Sites

A rare exception in the implementation of ZMH are private nodes.
The person requesting the private sites where possible, should 
be maintained as Point'y. Depositing private uzla the list is 
justified when the system needs to interact with many others, 
such as dispenser Echomail. In these cases, the exact time and 
mode of transmission of correspondence is established by 
agreement between the private node and other systems. Such 
agreement between the private system, and postal buffer does 
not oblige him to make any change. Private node must be part of 
the network (they can not be independent in the region). 

Depositing private site on the list affects the interests of 
each member of FidoNet, as it takes place in NodeList'e each.

Depositing private site on the list that is convenient for one 
SysOp'a (Due to all the other sysops FidoNet) - a luxury that 
can no longer be tolerated. An entry in an optional extra lists 
(more than one list on a phone number, except allowed standards 
FTSC) also fall into this category. SysOp'y requesting entry 
into private or extra lists must justify them in a statement, 
explaining how it can be useful for the local network or 
FidoNet as a whole. Network Coordinator or Regional Coordinator 
may review this application at any time, and unnecessary to 
make the lists will be eliminated. 

02/01/1910 Compliance "post" procedures

Failure of the "post" procedures is
basis for excluding any uzla of FidoNet without notice (since 
prevention is usually transmitted from Netmail).

02/01/1911 Use of this NodeList'a

Network "postal" system usually work without supervision, and
make calls at night. If the system tries to call
incorrect or outdated number, it can lead to the fact that 
early in the morning from someone at some apartment The phone 
rang, much to the displeasure of those present and civil 
authorities. For this reason, SysOp, sending mail, required to 
receive and use the most recent edition NodeList'a, which is 
almost there. 

01/02/1912 excommunication

Exclusion of the network is called excommunication (ie,
system denied communication). If you find that you
refused to communicate without warning, it means that
your coordinator is not able to contact you. You must decide
problem and contact your coordinator.

Systems may also be excluded from NodeList'a for any
another reason. See section 9 and sections 4.3 and 5.2.

Help system, which was denied Communion in encircled
the exclusion of NodeList'a, is incorrect behavior. For 
example, if you decide to transfer echomail his friend who was 
denied communion, it is very likely that you also will be 
excluded from the list. 

02/01/1913 Time Zone Mail Hour

The exact time of Zone Mail Hour is set for each zone
Coordinator of the Zone. See Section 10.2.

02/01/1914 Failure to summer time

FidoNet does not observe daylight savings time. In areas where 
daylight saving time is observed, "postal" FidoNet schedule 
should be adjusted in a clockwise direction. Or, you can leave 
your system on standard time. 

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          Whew! And ahead of four other such tekstuhi!

                     Be brave friends ...

    No comments did not give all the considerations will be

                      See you soon!

                                 Sincerly yours: Dr. Longman

                                 E-Mail: DrLongman@ics.msk.ru

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