ACNews #04
19 августа 2001

Soft - How do I change the font in the ACE.

<b>Soft</b> - How do I change the font in the ACE.
/---------------- Only for cool crackerz;) ------------------

                   How do I change the font in the ACE

   Code block monoblock ACE consists of two of them chastey.Odna
decompressed once (there is an editor, font 42 pitch, and some
table), the other is unpacked from time to time in the process 
(there are text messages and font 64 pitch). 

   All packaged units cut off 8-byte header.

[Basic block] # 125
-----------------[ Code block] # 2ac6

Code block:
[Packed block without header: messages] # 33e
[# 05 # 07 # 16 # 16 # 00 # 0E # 1A # 1A] # 8
[Packed block without header: 64 font] # 2e2
[Packed block without header: Editor] # 2406

[42 font]
[Code etc. ]

           Suppose we want to change the font 64 pitch.

   Take a single font on-screen format, pressed 
vlevo.Konvertiruem its such a program in a four-format: 

      LD HL, FONT8

      LD DE, FONT4
L0 LD A, (HL)

      INC L


      LD (DE), A

      INC DE

      INC HL

      LD A, H

      CP 'FONT8 +8

      JR NZ, L0


   The resulting unit should be packed Hrust 2.1, while the 
packed cut block header.

   If the file has turned out long є # 2E2 bytes, then the 
problem is half solved, otherwise it is necessary to correct 
address [Packed block without header: Editor] in [Basic block], 
and he [Packed ... Editor] move to higher addresses. To be more 
precise: in [Basic block] to unpacker is

      LD HL, adres_packed_editor-1

   Somehow, a file with the packaged script to write to the 
vacated place after [# 05 # 07 # 16 # 16 # 00 # 0E # 1A # 1A] 

               If you want to change the 42 pitch font

   This font is contained in the final packaged unit at
# 8100 (the address after decompression). This is the font 
on-screen format with symbols, appressed to the right. When you 
are correct, ensure that the contents of the unused symbols # 
0, # 9, # A, # D has not changed - there is important 

   Revised Package the unit back, the title cut and sew to the 

   Bon appetit;)

   And actually I do not mind the source - just ask:)

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