TargeT #08
01 февраля 2001

Entry - Target new number in the new shell.

<b>Entry</b> - Target new number in the new shell.
Well, that came to an end the seventh number TargeT'a. But he 
will be Eighth! So nefig sit here, quickly took the pencils

and all write lyrics! :-) BYE!!! Since you were:

The FOXY FLUFFY'S / AIS Main edit, Texts,

                                                Design, Gfx, Msx

Sinus / Z-Group Texts, Help, Intro

Smont / AIS Help, Texts, Gfx

MAG / ACL Help (helped me with the watch:)

[* END OF TARGET *] 03.12.2000 02:23:55 Grodno

   After retiring from the station keep a log of your scan
separate out (if any) message isozdastsya separate
file name the date and month of establishment (01-12.W) and put 
this file in the aria common. Having come following you user 
your message already able to download and read. Comfortable? 
That's what I think:). 

At that enable greet and say goodbye to you. Prior to the 
meeting next TargeT'e. And before the meeting at HOME_bbs!!!

For all questions please contact E-Mail or regular mail:

230012 Republic of Belarus, Grodno, Pushkin, 34-46 Eismont 

I will answer all having fun!

              ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

                          ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Other articles:

Entry - Target new number in the new shell.

News - Fenomen piled on HRC, old age, from Minsk, the News of Grodno.

scandal - Breeze (Minisoft) has clearly let everyone know that he committed suicide with ZX.

Nostalgy - I now want to return to the unbearable in 1995 to spectrophone, ZX-Format'u ... Why

Coding - revision for the ZX-WORD of Belarusian language.

Iron - Connect music channels soprotsesora AY / YM to the amplifier.

From Internet - the "unsafe" living unregistered user modems.

Demo - ZX demoscene. What is it?

Return to Home - It was late at night ...

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Editorial - the authors of the paper.

Afterword - Come here and achieve the goal: TargeT turned out!

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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