ZX Pilot #30
19 декабря 1998

about different - The fate of the Speccy. How much can you chew snot on PC and AMIGA!

<b>about different</b> - The fate of the Speccy. How much can you chew snot on
 PC and AMIGA!
              O R W A N O M

(C) POL / Alfa Research, Mr. Knab. Chelny

            For free distribution

                   for electronic publications.

       Turn me: the fate of the Speccy.

             Computer - not a luxury,

                        it - a lifestyle.

   For what we usually includes a computer?
In the first place to play - the most
basic computer lesson. At the same time
often forgotten that it can be used
do dozens of other things, among which
many useful. Modern computer (IBM
PC) replaces the TV, tape recorder,
radio, a library, a calculator, notepad
book, dictionary, file cabinets, clocks, camera and another and 
another and another ... Several years back to the question "pc 
= shit" or "pc not shit ", many answered quite clearly:

"Pc = shit". All true, but since then
"Shit" has grown and eaten all the other computers, including 
and Spectrum. People now do not know that there are other 
computers, and the phrase "buy a computer" now means

"Buy IBM PC". And only the old school
spektrumisty, BC-Schnick and some other
category have a loyal association with the word "computer". Our 
old Spectrum, can not accept, because he has ceased to be the 
most popular. When the vehicle is losing users, it is slowly 
dying. Who will stay on Speccy: fans like

we are with you, dear reader, and those who
can not buy IBM PC. Ubiquitous PC filling all niches of 
computer life even a conversation between two people (via 
INTERNET and FIDO). It employs well-known rule:

more busy, the less remains
for the Spectrum. Let's see what's left and use it with maximum
benefit for us and for that box, which
nobody but us, no longer considered a computer.

   The process of writing programs in the past
years become more complex and simpler. Complex
was to write a quality program. For
its development is now needed entire teams of people involved 
in creating professional software. Become easier because 
appeared comfortable environment for programming, many 
libraries, well-developed algorithms, etc. In an environment 
dominated by IBM PC Two main lines of development: 1) the game;

2) business applications.

   The tendency of the transition to digital television, photo 
and sound recording. All these areas are completely closed to 
the Spectrum, even games. Gamers prefers DOOM, Civilization and

FallOut any toy on the Speccy, and he, in
ultimately, human. Possibility of creativity in the IBM PC and 
richer: and part of the graphics, and part music and part of 
programming. There are only a few point of contact with the user

among which will be called newspapers, magazines,
books and clever game, ie, information. That's it, darling, 
there is no substitute. No, Spectrum will not die, because the 
genius that lives long and so just did not bury. Speccy 
migrates to the "big" computers and will live in the depths of 
emulators for many, many years. But it so happens, unless each 
of us to make this case, "his thumb."

   No need to squeeze out of Speccy DOOM, if
this problem is too much for him. Let DOOM
remain where it was, because there he
looks good. Why write a parody
on masterpieces. (No one wanted to offend.)
After all, easier to take the eternal puzzle genre
puzzles adventyur, comics, crosswords, anecdotes. It is not 
necessary IBM PC, success can be achieved at Speccy. And even 
more: here we might become first.

   Glorious beginnings can be seen in the magazine PlayBoy. 
Every room has sea textual information. Has no special

matter what kind it is: an important idea.
Imagine that you wake up in the morning and
on the table you lie (no, not Bill
Gates Foundation) - the most recent issue of the review
News from Equatorial Guinea, details of geography Pacific 
epidemic Madagascar, the structure of the earthworm and

God knows what (sorry), and with
them a brochure on how to plant cactus
calculate the second derivative, and a crossword puzzle
tetris-5471 "for a snack." You do not need
books, newspapers, magazines, you have all this already
available on disk, which will be stored on
shelf next to the thin little volumes of Pushkin or manual
on genetic engineering. And podrobneyshaya
information on a subject together with news from your town, 
village, villages. This kind of computer books come in handy us 
more often, and they can not replace Western publications. 
Friends, let's do encyclopedia on the Speccy. That's the 
direction that will help preserve the credibility of the 
Spectrum and the person Amid increasing aggression

by Intel-PC. Big PC - no shit, but
simple calculator + big dandy. Let it
remains, and we will think about how to make our pet is not 
only interesting, but also useful.

   Opening this ambitious project, it should be noted fallen to 
Spectrum interest from the mass of users, threw it on the 
shelves long. I feel like saying: including me, and do 
chtonibud useful, but you see I, your Spectrum, just bent. The 
debate on this the question is just opening, and I hope

listen to your own address many objections
and angry remarks. Or maybe someone this
the idea seems to be very close, and he wants to
to moderate ichastie in its implementation.
Write to the ZX-PILOT, write in other publications, the more 
you think and do, the closer to the truth and the solution.

                               Very truly yours,

                       POL / Alfa Research.

           ° ° ° ° °


         Voice in the wilderness?

   I hasten to welcome all who read this opus and read, I hope, 
with interest :-) come to us a letter from POL'a / ALFA 
RESEARCH and it was the last straw breached my patience. 
Comrades and gentlemen, citizens and Excellencies, as you can 
chew snot on about the PC, AMIGA and the rest Labuda! I

personally very tired of your moaning about how
that SPECCY alive or he was dead! Thing to
deal, deed, and not yell, Dorval
to newspapers and magazines. It has long been noted,
that the hot air screaming does not help the cause, but no one 
wants to understand this. 

   Things are going when in relation to
it applies the intellectual or physical impact, but could not 
shake air, and therefore end up with philippics and

move on to understanding the situation. Firstly,
there N-Noe number of people who have
is Spectrum. Secondly, there is no market programs (and do not 
mind even :-) Third no diversity programs to use.

Fourth, no information (but there is
rumors). Fifth, the completely lack of coordination across 
regions and groups. Can cite a bunch of examples, but enough for


   Let's start with market programs. In this issue
going full alles kaput. I'm for it, to organize a kind of bank
data by region, that would include
directories of all groups are in the region. You can use the 
carrot in the form of uniform for all regions

concessions for sale and purchase of their foreign
programs. And the benefits should be strong on quality, not 
quantity. Still, as it may sound funny, you need to license 
your product and protecting it, as can be harder to punish the 
thieves (both literally and in figuratively) until complete 
blockade and boycott these people. At the same time publish a 
list of violators of data banks and sent free to all, without 
exception. At the end of some parts of the country should to 
know their heroes. 

   Now let's talk about diversity programs. When I buy my 
computer then naively thought that I would be swamped by the 
ears programs that I needed. So what? - you ask. And nothing! - 
I will answer you. Programs that I need in my eyes can not see.

Constantly invited to a huge pile of garbage under the title: 
demo, demo version, prerelease. People called me ... I have 
this junk?? Give me please bookkeeping for the home,

library and various databases and
other programs for home and life! Yes, I
changed to 20-30-40 diskettes with a demo of th ....
a couple of really useful for
Using programs (not to be taken literally :-), but I just do 
not know whether there is anything at all useful on the 

   Ask discussions about demos not contrive,
as it is quite another matter. At this point I
finishing on a variety of programs, although
there is still something to say and will continue to further
their thinking.

   I would like a little bit of poison to
about every kind of electronic publications.
With rare exceptions, the amount and quality of information 
delivered to our table, can not withstand any criticism. Very 
much write about their drunkenness and sexual complexes and 
other zamorochki. May be better to write about the team, about 
their hobbies and about the fact that the band makes for a 
useful other users of the Spectrum. Now

about the different stories, friends, let's make a couple of 
magazines in several regions, which will be printed entirely 
novel, and year-end award monetary award of any income

(About the prize money, I probably turned down,
but you, too, have brains! Let's think together!), Because many 
will real incentive for creativity. After all, what

you never can tell, can anyone seriously
will writing activities, and there
you see, several years will be counted and essays opus, novels 
and poetry, prose, various young writers. A glance at the cover 
we are pleasantly astonished, and exclaim: BA! Yes I did it I 

   So that editors and publishers of newspapers and
magazines - let's discuss this issue and
do not write as much as they drank, who
girls who are bigger and that the host of there .. s
reach them.

   Now I'll get all the history. Gentlemen
good, the story we know, history remember?
Kh. N you do not know and do not remember. And therefore
draw a lesson. All we have passed
school appearance of the Russian state, it is well lit 
question, yes? A Now that we know about the pre-Kievan Rus?

Do not know. The second example, went
once on the shores of Kerulen steppe tribes - pastoralists and 
what we know about them? Do not know. And unite these tribes

horseradish on behalf of Genghis Khan, and what we learned?
Tatar-Mongol yoke, we learned, as well as
its consequences. Now look for similarities and
draw conclusions. Who is not able to do
Besides, I sympathize :-)

   And for dessert information for consideration.
Who says we have little, he let the first
throw a huge boulder. We have many
And do not forget it. By my conservative estimate we have about 
20-40 thousand, and is power. Some political parties

account for less than the members of the [:-)] than our picture 
of Spectrum, but these parties decide to not only our destiny 
in particular, but also in regions and even at the level of our 
state. And we'll keep stewing in own juice, inventing new 
demos, stealing other programs and sending everyone who

fuck'i laziness or will it do?

   Concluding his open for discussion
letter on this subject would suggest the following: let us 
define the strategy and tactics to breakthrough Spectrum 
neophytes, thanks prinarodno on any festival (albeit 
FUNTOP'99), and selecting representatives from the well-known, 
respectable, and binding people across regions, membership of 
the Coordinating Council will hold Spectrum census of 
population, set up email message or other means by region. And 
the more people serious about this, the sooner we will feel all 
delights of the new organization of our lives. 

   So it's up to you readers and listateli
newspapers and magazines. Can you send feedback
and suggestions, not only in our newspaper but
in other publications, most importantly, something to deal
headway. Among us
Is there really enthusiastic, energetic people who are able to 
stir up a stagnant swamp, and make a stead stream full-flowing 
river or even in the computer world. 

   Having finished his letter, I hasten to bow out
you and wish you all good things in life.

              It is still an optimist Uncle Sam.


Other articles:

Introduction - New listalka-reader ZX-PILOT'a.

News - The newspaper for 2 years.

Our Guest - Today, a visit from SOBOS AREASOFT.

We will understand - Game Description KLIATBA NOCI (Oath of the Night).

Amiga - On the possibilities of AMIGA 600 in comparison with the IBM PC 386.

HARD and SOFT - Connect the monitor to the CGS Spectrum.

COMPLEX COMPO - A virtual festival of computer art Poland.

about different - The fate of the Speccy. How much can you chew snot on PC and AMIGA!


DIY - Print yourself a calendar for 1999.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Credits - the authors of the paper.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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