Info Guide #02

DIY - Assembly Instructions DMA Sound Blaster.

<b>DIY</b> - Assembly Instructions DMA Sound Blaster.
           DMA Sound Blaster

   Assume that you will not regret your computer, and 
completely mangled lancet (knife, screwdriver) board, put the 
same 384x x304. You are now sadly looking at the crowd

wires sticking out of the recently beautifully propayannoy 
board, and certainly nothing good about me not thinking. 

   But it turns out that's not all! What
you have already done - just part of the preparations for the 
installation of the monstrous possibilities of musical devaysa 

          Sound Blaster v1.00!

   Briefly describe what he is capable of:
- Digital zvuchki interrupt (6000 t /
int). It may be, for example, the screams of wounded
enemies in the games and the like;
- Multi-channel music (16 channels, 8 kHz);
- Digital music from the Digital Studio (3 channels, 16 kHz) or 
Ultra Sonic (4 channels, 8 kHz) interrupt (45000 t / int). Lack 
of frequency distortion. - MOD'y with a frequency of 16 kHz 
mixing WITHOUT Turbo. And in the Turbo can be hung on the 
interruption! - Playing with unpacking in otsifrovok

Realtime (. Mp3???)

   To build it you need:
- 2. 555IR23 (can 1533IR23);
- 2. 572PA1 or a bag of resistors;
- 2 inverter (I recommend DD94).

   Now the scheme:

DD38 IR23 PA1

                                    +5 V
Q0 2 INK0 D0 Q0 3 2 11 1>
Q1 5 INK1 4 D1 Q1 10 May 1914
Q2 6 7 INK2 D2 Q2 6 September 1912
Q3 9 INK3 8 D3 Q3 September 8 DAC 13
Q4 1912 INK4 13 D4 Q4 12 July 2
15 Q5 D5 Q5 INK5 14 15 6 3
Q6 INK6 16 17 D6 Q6 May 16
Q7 19 18 INK7 D7 Q7 April 19, 1915


            oOE KT315 6K

             / C


 9/DD6 (LP5) to the amplifier
<(Mixer) 200 v

    16kHz <+5 V

   Some explanations: 16 kHz is taken not from
duffer, and so that was equal to 0 when the electron beam draws 
from left to right, and 1 when he returns from right to left. 
In the case read the rightmost column of 384x304

screen (and correctly, Nehru draw there: the
I, for example, appears only ў336 pixels horizontally), or more 
precisely, this figure column without attributes (attributes 
better than zero). So everything will be just when the 384x304, 
but to a normal mode sound can not be read from the screen, you 
need to make a small addition to the scheme Contact 2.03:

     BOR in ___

                      BOR out

        +5 V


   1o ----------- A13V (11/D17)
 | Instead of GND


   Why I did not immediately introduced the inverter
scheme 384x304? First, GND easier to find:)
Secondly, since steeper: flicked the switch and change the 
whole picture (download the source LISTER80.H and understand 

   Attention! Channel, which is drawn, is understood as the 
left. Right Channel - another register and DAC, and the input / 
C This second register is fed the same 16

kHz, only inverted.

   Otherwise, I will say this: scheme Contact
+ SB more will not change, except for one small point: instead 
of GND on signal OE ^ register is better to submit any 
discharge port # EFF7 (if they have not all occupied). 
Unfortunately I do not know the standard (for now) the 
appointment of bits this port. If anyone knows, plz, tell me. 
"(And Do not forget to bitik under SB!)

         Programming SB.

   So, if you do not already know, address these (left channel 
mode 256x192 ,0-th screen): 

   Since the early termination ...
- The first 16 bytes are read from the # F8CF 4-th
pages of memory according to the structure of the screen;
- Next 64 - with addresses # C00F same 4-th
page according to the structure of the screen (DOWN HL);
- Next 192 - with addresses # 600F;
- And finally, the last 48 - from the address # F80F
4-th page of RAM.

   For the 384x304 mode, everything is similar, but all the 
addresses in the # 2000 lower. 

   For the right channel to all addresses must
add 8.

   If anyone says that address uncomfortable,
it may just come out of this stati.Adresa
precisely the kind that is because the speed of the programs 
are not affected. 

   Program, which is quite briskly (6000
t) plays a sample of these addresses, you can borrow from the 
same LISTER80.H. 

   Player for digital music is constructed as
(For example, take a 3-channel with the volume):

   For each of the 3 channels:

      OUT (32765), page

      LD D, 'MIX3CHN

      LD LX, 1916

      ADD A, B

      ADC HL, SP 20 times

      LD E, ...


      EX AF, AF '; a' = 'endinst

      CP H

      JR NZ, $ +4

      LD H, beginst

      EX AF, AF '

      INC D

      DEC LX

      JP NZ, BEGIN

   (About 43 t / B)

   And for mixer channels:

      OUT (32765), 20

      LD DE, ...

      LD C, ...

      LD A, (BC)

      LD L, ... 11b 46b 256b

      ADD A, (HL) x4 x5 x16

      ADD A, (IX +...)

      LD (DE), A 44b 230b 4k

  => INC D -1

      JP $ +26

      DS 23

   (About 60 t / B)

P.S. Dnes read about DMA UltraSound. Dude! 20 chips - the same 
polplaty computer! Is Speccy for invented a simple to him hung 
such monstrous Soup?

P.P.S. And again: a decisive argument against for many DMA 
UltraSound is the fact that while it is impossible to use the 
MultiColor bordernye and effects! 

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   2 May