Lime Tree #22
07 мая 1996

Through the Looking Glass - From the Chronicles of disappearance (continued).

<b>Through the Looking Glass</b> - From the Chronicles of disappearance (continued).

    One case, pointing to a strange shift in time
occurred at the Miami airport and remained without significant
explanations. A passenger plane > belonging
Company Neyshnl Airlines, came in to land. Be watching
dispatch center, but suddenly the plane disappeared from radar 
screen and reappeared about ten minutes later. The plane landed

without incident, but the crew was extremely surprised worried
view welcoming staff terrestrial services. According to the 
pilots, with them, nothing unusual happened.

    Manager explained the reason for the pilots of universal 
emotion: <<You're ten minutes did not exist>> And only by 
checking their watches and all sorts of instruments aircraft, 
the crew found that the they are all behind the ground time to 
10 minutes. Special attention should be paid to the fact that 
for 20 minutes before the crew in accordance with rules made 
the reconciliation of hours, and while difference in the 
testimony of the land was not (This case <meticulous>> LA Kush 
comment did not!)     Drawing attention to the fact that our 
planet is exposed electromagnetic influences, Sanderson 
expressed as hypothesis about the function of the Triangle and 
other special areas. These areas may act as some kind of

great device, generating a specific anomaly, something like
Whirlpool, able to endure the physical objects to another
space-time and vice versa.
    Why? Because, in addition to numerous cases
the disappearance of planes and ships, in the last century 
throughout the world observed more numerous cases of UFO 
sightings. This separate theme, we also touch upon it only 
applied to Bermuda Triangle.

    From the Chronicles of disappearance:

    In September 1955 between Bermuda and the Bahamas
Islands have found a yacht >, on board which does 
not was not a living soul.

    Frequent UFO sightings in the Triangle and in the water, a 
special > object recovery and development area

Florida coast (Cape Kennedy, developed network of air and
shipping routes) can be explained only by the presence of 
anomalous triangle. Most likely the UFO somehow associated with 
him, but repeat, the topic of a separate chapter on marine UFOs.

    Known hypothesis is that UFOs come from another
measurements and carry back from our space and time
aircraft, ships and people. Theory of the existence of parallel 
worlds ceased to be a fiction, which she seemed somewhat

decades ago, when it was first proposed.
    The famous explorer and pilot who flew more than once
over both poles with their very strong magnetic fields
Maj. Gen. Richard Bard in 1929, sent flying over the South
pole, incredible soobschenie.Vynyrnuv of haze in the area of 
​​good Apparently, he found that flies over the great green 
oasis without ice. Were seen creatures that look like primitive 
people. Communications immediately interrupted, and the message 
Bard considered temporary mirage.

    This message was left without comment in the press, but it
strongly stained the reputation of the Bard for scientific 
krugah.Etot case became a legend, and it does not hear anywhere 
but in the stories supporters of the hypothesis that life in 
the depths of the earth. They believe that R. Bard was at the 
entrance to the underworld. And what if the pilot was in entry 
into another dimension?     When you get acquainted with the 
hypotheses about the phenomena in the Bermuda triangle, 
remember the famous saying English biologist Dzh.Holdeyna: 
<>.     Let us digress briefly from 
the Atlantic and take a look at our domestic mysteries of 
similar type. Khakassia. In the spurs Kuznetsk Alatau hidden 
entrance to the cave Kashkulakskuyu, followed by has long been 
entrenched notorious > <>.

    Many years of her walk wildest rumors as to
the gates of hell.
    Scientists at the Institute for Clinical and Experimental 
Medicine, Siberian Branch of RAS, which is headed by 
Academician B. Treasurers, decided to check out the legend of a 
strange grotto. It was a six years - seven years ago. 
Constantine Baulin with cavers explored the caves at a depth of 
about one hundred meters. People for some reason covered 
irrational fear. It was frightening even to look back and see 
what's behind. Meanwhile Baulin felt someone gaze. He looked 
around and saw a shaman with burning eyes.

    Meanwhile, instruments showed that the electromagnetic field
in the cave is constantly changing, and among other signals 
constantly felt the impulse, as if generated by some artificial

emitter. He - that caused seizures and instinctive fear. He
was somewhere deep underground, the radiator ...
    Pursuing this theme, the researchers found that
the earth's surface is connected with the nucleus of such 
<ropes>> connection depth of up to three thousand kilometers. 
And for him to space out energy path ...

    In their places out there are very strange things. Not
whether it is connected with the subject of UFOs and other 
ghosts and phantoms geopathic zones of large and small?

    Yes, completely forgotten. There is one more, not less
interesting hypothesis. Though in the Triangle of
previous civilizations has remained a powerful source of 
energy, an ancient reactor, which from time to time included on 
proletayuschili These aircraft, generates magnetic funnel and 
frustrating operation of electromagnetic devices.

    But we seem to have forgotten all about the Roland 
Ayntraybe, Madagascar Air Force captain forties, who agreed to

talk about it with the editor of U.S. magazine
    So <vest-pocket of death>> district in western
Indian Ocean, where UFOs appear repeatedly disappear
ships and planes and act mysterious <gate>> which are full of 
energy kind of opens the door to another dimension.     
Ayntrayb argues that there occurs something like this, What we 
can not explain. He talks about > (his 
term), who beat the key from the sea on Dec. 11, 1969, reaching 
its low-flying DC-3, and Only by sheer luck that flight is not 
over tragedy.

    <<The weather that day was beautiful cloudless sky,
windless>>. DC-3 was flying at an altitude of 1200 meters from 
Port Louis on Mauritius to Tamatave, Madagascar. Ironically, he 
passed over the same desert areas of the sea, where a month 
ago, another pilot observed > UFO. Rodland Ayntrayb bent 
over tablet. Suddenly, the co-pilot, Frenchman Louis Tolive 
strongly hit him on the shoulder. <> <<What's the matter? Oops!>>

  <<Yes, look the same! Look at the sky!>>.
    Ayntrayb raised his head. He saw the nose of the DS-3 wall
oily darkness that covers the entire field of vision. It was 
not fog, or smoke, or gas. Haze looked like a thick cream. The 
machine flew in substance that the pilot ever to have seen. <> said Tolive. And indeed, their only

landmark, the sea, disappeared in . It seemed that
they cut out of the world, have entered into some kind of 
emptiness. Stewardess Monica Romantosa opened the cockpit door. 
Through the open door burst amplified sound of an airplane, and 
Ayntrayb heard a strange howl that he could not find a 
mechanical explanation. But before he was struck by the pale 
distorted face of a flight attendant.     > she cried. Roland Ayntrayb not want to let her into 
the cab, he was close to panic. He lost his bearings. Strange 
creamy substance that seems to prevent forward movement. DC-3 
was twitching and vibrate, were difficult to control. Over them

flashed flash, piercing > and highlighting the fiery 
darts sky. Then flashed the second flash, followed by another 
... <<What this?>> Monica gasped. <>

    Ayntraybu reminded of a story known to every pilot,
flying in the western Indian Ocean, the C-54 aircraft
Company Ernaval Malagash, flying in the same clear
day in 1954 and suddenly disappeared. Despite the emergency 
measures to search for in the sky and the sea, no trace of any 
C-54, nor his 12 Passengers were not found. Last radio pilot

says something incredible: <<Here lightning ... We were in the
    Ayntrayba thrown into a cold sweat. Already on the storm-it
it does not appear!
    Meanwhile, outbreaks of wallowing surrounded the plane.
       Monica, go to the salon and soothe people. Louis, please 
contact Tamatave.

    But the co-pilot could not establish a connection. Radio 
was silent. Arrows on the devices were rotated as 
sumasshedshie.Chasy stopped.        We had no communication! 
recalls a former pilot. We died!

    Suddenly, as if picked up by a giant hand, DS-3
with incredible force sprang up and left. It happened so
dramatically that the passengers are not tied belts, were 
thrown out of chairs.

    From the Chronicles of disappearance:

    November 9, 1956 near Bermuda
missing marine patrol bomber. The crew had no time
alert on the radio about katostrofe. Wreckage of the plane is 
not found.

    Then the inexplicable forces rushed DC-3 down the side. He
began to vibrate strongly, as if it dragged on a washing
board. Unexplained howling engine has grown into a 
bloodcurdling roar. Control stick was pulled out of the hands 
Ayntrayba when the plane in Once again, jerked to the side, and 
strong rasping sound was along the fuselage. It seemed that the 
DC-3 that something was torn to pieces.     Skeptics such as LA 
Kush, do not recognize anything supernatural in the Bermuda 
tereugolnike and other areas Ocean, all incidents of this kind 
account for the well-known reasons, such as <>. Often due to such causes crashes planes

flying in apparent good weather. But in this case
Meteorologists say the weather was really good, and
Both the pilot and Ayntrayb and Tolive stated that on that day
over the area of ​​the flight was not until the emergence of 
turboletnosti mysterious walls > and the series of 
outbreaks. Tolive adds: <.

    And years later, talking about what happened, Ayntrayb
agreed. 35 minutes of its terrible Frayed DC-3
twitching and jumping in a dark > without obeying the 

                           tel. 583-8993
                           with 15.00/00.00

Other articles:

Entry - Warning! A contest for the best entry for our newspaper.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements.

Through the Looking Glass - From the Chronicles of disappearance (continued).

Through the Looking Glass - If you are going to buy an audio or video tape: Comparison table of quality audio and video cassettes.

thoughts on the topic - Some clarifications of Kolovrat SOFT.

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