Optron #17
04 сентября 1998

Iron - Black Color TR-DOS - what is it?

<b>Iron</b> - Black Color TR-DOS - what is it?
            TR-DOS BLACK COLOR

(C) 1998 FOX (Vladimir Didyk)

  Hi all spektrumistam!

  About me: I have the Spectrum 91 th
year, I like to write programs than
play games. Ham. 23.

  Recently I of TR-DOS Ver 5.04T made a new version. This, of 
course, not so hot, but for me - the first serious work.

  The reason for this was my dissatisfaction with the picture, 
displayed on the monitor when you turn on the Spectrum. 

  First of all - the background.

  When working in BASIC (which is often the case) every time I 
switched the background to black. I like it more and, moreover, 
not so sadit kinescope and eyes (with time).

  Next - the font.

  He looked somehow "thin", and I have it
replaced by a more "fat". Who does not like - during sbosa hold
Simbol Shift - and the font will become standard.
Sometimes it is necessary for the old, simple programs. Font 
can be changed and by POKE 23607, 60/250.

  Bold font is formed in memory,
starting at address 64256 (768 bytes).

  Now - the schedule.

  Long ago, in college, working on
computers YAMAHA MSX (they also, incidentally,
A Z80 and AY8910), I saw how when you turn graphically 
"floated" the inscription "MSX" (As in the eponymous Deme on 
the Spectrum). From This created the impression that the 
computer has a lot of memory if the extra graphics stored 
there. So I thought that Spectrum graphics, appears at once

after switching on (reset), will look
much more impressive.

  Since the IBM PENTIUM-mania going on, then I put it on the 
Spectrum PENTIUM II MMX (virtually). This is the inscription

"PENTIUM II" is gradually displayed in
center of the screen under the "wash" on AY.

  So that the image on the screen was "more impressive," I put 
in it his signature, and as a sign of Code Masters, Tiger 
emblem - distant reminder of Lviv.

  The eight flags that are present on the screen,
symbolize the "internationality"

  And to be honest - it's all just
looks cool! Take a look for yourself:

  In addition, the TR-DOS at 15,408 recorded three bytes - 219, 
31, 201 - for HONEY COMMANDER'a and some other programs.

  I would like to add that my work on this
program coincided with the World Cup soccer in France. June 12
program was almost finished, when the broadcast of the final 
match. At first I was rooting for the Brazilians, but then 
hesitated: "But if they take the cup - then the picture will 
have to embed the Brazilian flag is? Not so easy it will be do 
...". However, the game ended quite well and for the French, 
and for me - and the next day work on the program was 
completed. So I can safely say that it's my job

devoted to the latest in the twentieth century championship
World Cup.

  Incidentally, the turn of the century. In such events, 
perhaps it should somehow be updated. That's what I want with 
my TR-DOS to make a "new face" to our Speccy.

  And now - the changes in the functions and

              Key MAGIC

  In the Magic button adds the following

  If, before pressing the Magic to hold
press "B" is pressed, program execution stops until the
until you "B" is released. Correct operation of this function 
depends on correctly functioning circuit Magic button. Also 
note that because of this change use "B" may hang in some games.

  If, before pressing MAGIC hold in
pressed key S. Shift, then
computer restarts, because once
for on-screen memory area at
23296 is the jump address in the "0". If
before downloading the software (games) to write
there address to which you put
interrupt handling routine, you will get an opportunity to 
realize the shadow screen. If someone I am interested in it, 
then let him look at this function

TR-DOS at 15,451, and then it becomes clear how out of the 
interrupt handler back (the game).

  Simple as pressing MAGIC nothing
not differ from the standard.

            Alteration of the hardware

  1) Changes in the computer.

  ROMs need to change to that which was used in 48K computer on 
or off 128K mode. To disable this mode

should "pull" wire of 27 O
ROM, going to the chip TM9 on the expansion card, and this 
conclusion apply +5 V. 

  But better and more efficient would be if the EEPROM
designed to 128K, record standard 48K + TR-DOS and make changes
as follows:

  To 20 output signal goes permission
Treatment processor with ROM, output 27 -
DOS with a trigger signal, which switches
drive controller.

  This scheme can be implemented on any version of the computer.

  2) Changes in the controller.

  The controller Beta Disk Interface to
put the switch "OFF-ON" position
"ON". Autostart ROM-BASIC 128 is not working. Those with 
another controller or not corresponding switch on it, can make 
revision of the scheme Leningrad controller: 



  Signals to the findings of 10 and 13 of the trigger already
instituted, and you need to solder wires
only at conclusions 11 and 12.

  Listed izmeneneniya make use of a computer is much more 

  When you first turn on your computer (and
Pressing RESET, naturally) is autorun TR-DOS. When etoi 
automatically (if there is a disk in the drive) is loaded boot. 

  And no matter what kind of computer -
48K or 128K - all programs are great
work without Basic 128. Who needs it? A
calculator and in the 48th mode through PRINT
no worse than working.

  To block 128K of memory and transferred to normal ZX 48K (eg 
economical MAGIC), to execute the command OUT 32765,32.

  In conclusion, my TR-DOS I
given the name "BLACK COLOR". If
anyone interested in it - that grace
ask me to Pidgoloski (this is the end
st. 700-th anniversary of Lviv) - write a program

          Contact address: 290020, Lviv,

                    st. Pidgoloski, 15/80,

                            Vladimir Didyk

Other articles:

Fun Top'98 - Notes party.

ZX-waggons - Overview of electronic media: RIP 8, Proton 45.

All life is a game - Novella to the game "Operation RR" (End).

Iron - Black Color TR-DOS - what is it?

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Poems - In gratitude.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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