KrNews #15
02 ноября 2001

INTRO - the most recent numbers KrNews.

<b>INTRO</b> - the most recent numbers KrNews.


  Alex_Naz 2001

  Congratulations to all the exit of the last number KrNews! 
The delay of this rates caused by the inhibitory reaction,

which are activated in the presence of small volume 
teksta.Prishlos take decision itself, because if it continues 
to await developments on the theme "can anyone anything else to 
write, while we wait? "is useless, and quite a long time.

  Why is the last number? Because
the city of Krasnodar, there were several
interesting events, namely:

1) radio market, where trading
Maxx, moved in Adygea, now up to him to stomp around 1,5 km.

2) In connection with the first event Maxx did zayavlyanie that 
trading in the new place will not.

  The activity of writing text in a newspaper greatly reduced, 
if not say quite ischezla.Na this room I

barely naskeb material, and it is much
less than usual.

  Therefore we can conclude the following number of text does 
not gather up a few, and means this issue last.

  Frankly, I'm starting to forget those days when I had to 
throw away too much from the newspaper, because Not all 
intermeddle to 128Kb. 

  Ending Intro, I would like to tell who is doing what from 
Techno Lab and not only:

Maxx - no trades on the radio market, working in the club games.

Viper - has been repairing broken lines
Pentagon'ov and selling them, and he
long been sitting on Amige.

Nik-O-wrote the music.

Cannibal-trying to write something.

GAS 13 probably draws for the competition.

Alex_Naz-unfinished Japan Crosswords (65%), Magician (40%), 
tired of it all mindless programming, to whom

all this should be?

  Your thoughts, suggestions and other information can be sent 
to addresses Editorial 

    I see the future, I am not!

    (I see the future, I do not!)


Other articles:

INTRO - the most recent numbers KrNews.

Iron - how to avoid glitches with the second treatment interruption on machines with the division of the field memory.

Spectrum - the Duma about the prospects of the platform Spectrum.

Story - Love is evil.

Talents - PROJECT: Spectrum DEAD. SPEKRUM DIE!

Novella - 12 secret book (Chapter 3).

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Outro - The authors and editorial contacts.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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