DonNews #11
21 апреля 2000

Soft - Description of the C compiler for the Spectrum.

<b>Soft</b> - Description of the C compiler for the Spectrum.
Disabler / DPL

      A few words about the application ...

  Today in our application: Hisoft C
compiler or speaking in Russian - the compiler
for haysoftovskogo C. Please do not cry
Type: yes zae .. whether it suck! But you
're wrong. This version is the
Working most of those that I
caught, plus I took the
courage a little zaREMIXit it. Thus,
ship it and see - ZX-IBM Text Editor!
But not so fast! He redesigned for
work with texts Hisoft C, and yet, I
Reversed the PgUp and PgDown, so it is more convenient
flipping. And where is Tse minus minus?? Well
Well, the logical question! Try
select Quit from the File menu and you will find it.
Yes, if you desired to go back to
editor quit compilers (Edit, B).

  And now a little description of the language itself and
compiler command:

  We leave to the compiler and type:

main ()
 printf ("nHello Everybody! n");

push SS + I (compilation), and if you
no mistake appears: "Type Y to run"
(Press Y to start). Click and see:

Hello Everybody!

Type Y to run

Ponazhimat Y a few times you get tired, but
this is just the beginning! This entry programs
suitable for small programok more
serious need to dial in the editor,
which can be accessed by clicking Edit (CS +1).
Editor will not be described here, since
he is totally MustDie (If someone has worked in
Gens'e I understand). You will need
Only two teams Editor: "B" and "C".
Team "B" (Back, Basic, Bye, Bitch:))
will return to normal editor.
Team "C" (Compiler) will return you to the regime

      Basic compiler commands.

  All teams start with a sharp compilers
(#). There are three things:

            Team "# include"

    # Include (without parameters)

  Pasting text from clipboard editor.
Principle the present form of this command, you do not
need (I hope never!).

    1 # include: filename

  Paste text from a disk. Figure - the number of
drive after dvuetochiya is the name of

    # Include a:? Filename?

  Connect from the library only those
functions that are used in your

             The command "# list"

    # List

  This command disables text output
program at compile time. At the stage
izpolzovat debugging is not recommended.

    # List +

  Team back "# list-"

           The command "# translate"

    # Translate a: filename

  Used to compile the program.
Works in conjunction with # include. For example:

# Translate a: compile
# Include a: coolprog

After compiling the program and clicking SS + I
you get to the disk file named
compile, you can run it by typing in
Basic'e the following:

Rand Usr 15619: Rem: Load "compile" Code
Rand Usr 25200

            Programme structure

  For any C program is a function of
standard name main (). All the rest
function in the program may be in
any place, ie, meaning that
There is no difference where the function to
main () or after.

  In the "C" there is no division on the functions and
operators, they are equal. Ie the operator
can return a value, and the function
can not return. And the operators and functions
must have parameters. If not, then
after the name should stand empty brackets.

  The simplest C program is as follows:

  main ();

  Any function can be performed with only
one operator. If you want to
more than one resort to such things as
composite operator. It begins with a
"{" And ends with "}". Operators
inside the compound are separated by ";" each
statement ends with ";". For example, if
must fulfill two print statement - is
will look like:

  {Printf ("Hi"); printf ("All!");}

  Thus, a program that is
makes will be as follows:

  main ()


    printf ("Hi");

    prinft ("All");


             Variable Types

  C for several types are
standard, they are all integers, are:

  Type Meaning
 single-byte unsigned char

            0 .. 255 (any one character)
 int sign dvubaytny

            -32768 .. 32767
 unsigned double-byte unsigned

            0 .. 65535

  So as you can specify any of its type
team typedef, such as the definition
File type:

typedef int file;

          Declaring Variables

  Each variable before using
must be declared and it must be
assigned to one of the types defined earlier,
The variables you can set the initial
value. For example, we have for the two nested
cycles need to declare three variables
integer type, while two of them have
set the initial value:

int i = 0, sum = 0;
main ()
 int j;
 for (; i <= 10; i + +)

  for (j = 0; j <11; j + +)

   sum + = i + j;

In the example you have met three teams of
which you (probably) did not know:

  "Sum + = i + j" - the logic is simple to Komad
ugliness. It is an analogue
"Sum = sum + i + j", ie, the sum + = 1 and sum = sum +1
obsolyutno are identical. By
analogy build team -=, *=, etc.

  "I + +" - the postfix form of increment.
Works as follows: take
variable i, is used for computing
then incremented
For example:

We have: a = 10, b = 25
Calculate: a + = (b + +) / * postfix

                        increment * /
We get: a = 35, b = 26

We have: a = 10, b = 25
Compute: a +=(++ b) / * Prefix

                        increment * /
We get: a = 36, b = 26

We have: a = 10, b = 25
Calculate: a + = (b -) / * postfix

                        decrement * /
We get: a = 35, b = 24

We have: a = 10, b = 25
Compute: a +=(-- b) / * Prefix

                        decrement * /
We get: a = 34, b = 24

PS: Please do not mix with feces:)

    is completely carved things!

You can also just write b + +

  And the last team: for. Ee format
as follows:

for (<vyr.1>, <vyr.2>, <vyr.3>) operator;
vyr.1 - any expression for the installation

        initial values ​​of the cycle.
vyr.2 - an expression that checks the end

        cycle, ie, for works yet

        vyr.2 truth.
vyr.3 - to change the parameters of the cycle.

If you do not understand how it works
give an example for Basic and C:

Rem Basic prog.
Let a = 0
For i = 1 to 14 Step 2
 Print i; "-"; i ^ 2
 a = a + i
Next i
Print a

/ * C prog. * /
Int a = 0;
Main ()
 Int i;
 For (i = 1; i <= 14; i + = 2)


   Printf ("n% d -% d", i, i * i);

   a + = i;

 Printf ("n% d", a);

Here we met the team "Printf" with
what that character set. As you
probably guessed it - the operator of the press,
but not easy! It only works on
print format and the format is: first,
operator is written in inverted commas Management
string, and then a comma
lists what you need
print. Control characters begin
with the sign "(backslash), and format
data with a "%" (percent). All that
nepodhodit the format control string -
napyamuyu posylyaetsya print. If, after
sign "is a number, it
perceived as a character code for printing
For example you can print a quote as follows:

     Printf ("34") / * 34 - code "* /

Also identified a number of characters
perceived after "as a control:

n - newline
 - Print character
'- Prints character'
"- Print symbol

             Print sizes:

% D - print a decimal number
% O - ... octal ...
% X - ... hexadecimal ...
% U - ... unsigned ...
% C - ... one character
% S - ... print row


  Pretty interesting thing. If you
yuzaete HRC, the inept handling of
can spoil it, I actually
made in writing maaalenkogo, but
insidious virus, but that's another topic.

  So what is a pointer? This
variable, which as its
value uses the address of the other
variable, or, simply speaking, a reference
the variable. Pointers in C apply
rather actively, for example, to write in
memory byte, or a sample, as well as in
functions with an indefinite number of
parameters, such as in the statement printf,
we set the control string on which
he selects from the memory variables for

  Declare a pointer to a variable can be
as follows:

  typedef char * ukaz;

  In this case, will be declared a pointer
a variable of type char. An asterisk is
for determining what is a pointer.
There is one more sign that "'." He
allows raz'adresovat variable, ie,
refer to its address. Example:

 typedef char * ukazat;
 main ()


   char litter;

   ukazat = 'litter;

   printf ("nAdr is% u", * ukazat);


  In the example declares a pointer ukazat
on a char variable and litter type char,
after which the index is assigned
address value of the variable and displayed on
screen. I think it's understandable. If not,
bring another primerchik:

  poke (addr, data);

  unsigned addr;

  char data;


   typedef char * ukazat;

   * Cast (ukazat) addr = data;


  I think the name you guessed
that this function does. This is the analogue
team poke at basic'e. She lozhit bytes
"Data" address "addr". You should have been
confuse the string: * cast (ukazat) addr = data, but
it is logical. Operator "(ukazat)" - this is
cast to type, and all
sequence does the following: take
variable addr, leads her to type
a pointer to a variable of type char, after
What puts this address variable
data, type char.


  In the next room, if there will be feedback
You can read further information
Language C. If you have any questions,
wishes and suggestions - write.

  If you are interested in languages ​​I will
small list of those about whom I can
tell: Basic (ZX / PC), Quick Basic (PC),
Visual Basic (PC), Mega Basic (ZX), Laser
Basic (ZX), Beta Basic (ZX), Hisoft Pascal
(ZX), Borland Turbo Pascal (PC), Hisoft C
(ZX), Borland C + + (PC), C + + Builder (PC),
FoxPro (PC) - Management System
Relational databases, Auto Lisp (PC)
- Language processing graphics applications
AutoCad, SQL (PC) - query language
Assembler (ZX).

  And finally, if you have any
Languages ​​for speccy - kindly requested
send, and as you get bonus'a
CD with all the languages ​​that have ever
were created by speccy, from modifications and
compilers, Basic, Pascal, C to
assemblers (all latest versions).

  Yes, still going Commanderie Collection!
If you have Commanderie not specified in
list or newer version, plz
send. Bonus - as in the previous

          Honey Comm. 4.00 (atm)

       Honey Comm. 4.512 (pentagon)

               MOA Service

     Luxe Copy 512 (pent) + protector

             Quick Comm. 2.3

             Global Comm. 1.1

             Smash Comm. 2.0

            Conver Comm. 4.61

            Perfect Comm. 1.5

            Consul Comm. 3.33

             Total Comm. 1.4

               F Comm. 4.01

             Max Petrov Comm.

             Rst # 7 Comm. 2.0

         E-mage Work Station 1.00

              Real Comm. 1.9

            Direct Comm. 3.04R

         Neos Comm. (Alpha ver.)

  Last requezt: going to a collection
boot'ov (now about a hundred pieces).
Taken in four naminatsiyah:
Hidden boot - raspologaetsa zero track;
System boot - a quick boot to the system
discs, most importantly - a lot of files can be seen immediately
and can quickly launch any of them;
Protect boot - boot with protection from
Copy (brand boot'y) and
copy protection;
Demo boot - a nice boot, preferably with

Other articles:

From the authors - The reasons for the delay number.

News - The status of Rostov spektrumistov: Disabler, Klim, Wild, Dimon, The Rom.

Paradox 2k - Information about the Rostov demo-party: paradox 2k

Millennium party - The information on Minsk demopati.

Forever 2E3 results - Final results.

Soft - Description of the C compiler for the Spectrum.

Soft - a small survey of System Software: UltraSonic version 2., Shuffle Commander v1.0, Elastic Copy v1.0, Strange Player v3.0, Screen Mixer v1.0, ZX C + +, Smagly 3, Quick Commander 2.4.

Programming - The algorithm disk protection against copying.

Coding - Fill the closed area on the screen.

coding - The algorithm of spectral analysis of sound in real time.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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