DonNews #12
09 сентября 2000

Iron - revision "Taganrog" graphics mode Megascreen port, any revision of the Spectrum to the Pentagon.

<b>Iron</b> - revision

              ZX Rom present

 How to get rid of the computer wait'a

             'Taganrog 128 ".

   To convert you will need two wire, cutting tool, preferably 
a soldering iron. (In the absence of the latter can use an iron)

1) Cut the track:
 D9.1 x 5 foot 6 foot Z80

2) Collect the scheme:

  D9.1 D41


  Article 1 CPU

     2 2 1 1 2 6 clk


     8 R1 24

                   +5 V s1 "stop"

                            / +5 V


   Here we use the unused
element circuits D50. I have it series

   R1 470 ohm need to reduce the time
leading edge and increase the load
the ability of D50.

                     If nebylo money

                     is probably

                     would not have invented such a

                     cool cars

                     as the ZX-SPECTRUM.


 If you are tired of wasting CPU cycles
MEGASCREEN'a to build, then Collect

            MEGASCREEN PORT.

    After much experimentation and
I dips, and more precisely SCHEME-MAN, razrbotal
this very MEGASCREEN PORT, whose scheme is
see nizhee.

    This port, in principle, can be put
on any ZX-compatible computer with
Memory capacity no less than 128k!

    MEGASCREEN port (# FFFC or 65532)
included 0'm bit data bus and
correctly assembled pattern of adjustment is not
Port if you want ONLY POPEREKLYUCHAT BORDER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    With the help of third-bit port # 7FFD you
can change the position of points and
any point in 5'oy page attributes 7'y
any point in 7'y and attributes 5'oy.

    How to put the port on the PENTAGON 128? I
I think that the solder ztu scheme with a small
skills with a soldering iron does not reach
large truda.Itak, begin !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Otrezhte on board the 10 th leg and D62
Take it with signal SCREEN2, and the signal
STROB SCR. serve wherever I was a 10-foot
D62, before you have it so brutally

    Otrezhte from paying the 1 st leg D14 and
submit to it a signal ATRIBUT ', and so the same
otrezhte on board the third leg D8 and switch on
her signal ATRIBUT.Chastotu C29 can take
Trigger with D15, 9 th of his legs, or
from there, where was the third leg before D8
you cut it.

    Otrezhte 9-th step D43 and the third leg
D10, connect them by wire and feed on
They signal STROB # FE.Signal C24 can be
take the 4 th leg D8.
in here, like all for PENTAGON'a128.

   And now for a computer ATM TURBO 2.

    Otrezhte on board the 10 th leg and D4
Take it with signal SCREEN2, and the signal
STROB SCR. serve wherever I was a 10-foot
D4, before you have her so barbarously

    Otrezhte from paying the 1 st leg D13 and 13th
leg D63, wire them together and apply
they can signal ATRIBUT.Chastotu C29
take the inverter D60, with 2-nd his feet, or
from there, where was the 13th leg of D63 before
how you otrezali.Trety, fourth
zlementy D3 and the second element D4, on the
diagram below to connect to
ATM'u not used.


                        = 1 3




        O 1

         O 2 O


D0 February 4 '6

     D0 T Q0 5

    5 __ 3 D2

      D1 Q0O 12

   July 12 '11 ATRIBUT

      D2 Q1 1913 O

   13 __ 6 O D2

      D3 Q1O


            Q2 8

            __ 11 O 10 January ATRIBUT '

            Q2O 9 O

    9 _ 15 D3

      C Q3

    1 __ 14

      RS D1 Q3O


        O ON


         O OFF


        January 1 '
WR 3 O O

       D3 D2
A0 5

        April 1
A1 6 O


  5 In the April 11

   <= 1, 1 June 1913 STROB # FE
C24 May 12 O

       D4 D3

Details: D1-K555TM8, D2-K1533LI1, D3-K555LE1


 Sincerely, Dmitry (SchemeMan) coder, artist and Zheleznikov.

 Mr.Gluk 'Company

                      Do not touch the computer

                      And he will touch you.

(C) Disabler / OHG / MFA

   Hello world! Today, under the heading "Iron"
I'll try to explain to you how to bring any kind of 
wheelbarrow, "Do not Pentagon" to form "Almost Pentagon".:) 

   So, first I want to tell you that
on our agenda:

     1. A small dispersal of cars (braking
a whole heap of programs)

      2. Unwillingness to work (hangs music editors: Digital 
Studio, PT2) 

  3. Stuck Now, as to get rid of all this:

      1. Let's start with a small example: In
my wheelbarrow signal length Int - 72,960 cycles, but some 
programs written for Pentagon I brake (:)).

After a small trial with the scheme
my computer, I understood everything! Case that
if the sample signal command or operand
comes at a time when the computer finishes drawing the line of 
the screen, then the hardware is activated Line Wait: (, and so 
for each line lose 8 cycles. Because of all this shit is long

Int'a equal: from 70400 (220 * 320) to 72,960
(228 * 320). Unfortunately, it is almost impossible
nor what to do, but only almost! With just one wire Int can be 
changed: from 71680 (224 * 320) to 74,240 (232 * 320)! All this 
can be done if you able to find in the scheme of his company

quartz. Further signal "14MHz" goes for two
counter (IC 555IE7). We are interested in the second of them. 
After a little analysis you'll see that he has the conclusions: 
D0-D3 (D1-D4). And then everything is simple! You take the saw 
and metal is separated from the outside world output D0, after 
which it is served either +5 v (Normal Int), or the ground 
(negative supply). That's it! Enjoy beztormoznoy work! 

     2. Hang digital editors and
PT2 is to ensure that the port
# FE (254) requires that bits 7 and 5 were
set to 1. This is done as follows
way: You are on the scheme find a place to connect your 
keyboard, namely bus Data D0-D4 (D1-D5). Next there are two 
ways: first, if the data bus goes to mikruhu 555TM9 you 
silently closing the computer and read the next section, the 
second, if data goes to one of the following chips: two KP11 
(KP16), one of AP5 (AP6), or IR23 (22), then you read further. 
Now the easiest thing. You need to find where the data bus is 
"planted" in the negative, then cut from the minus and 
connected to +5 v. You can check out with the Basic revision: 

  10 POKE 16384, IN 254: GO TO 10 After the launch you will see 
on the screen: 

    1x111111 - All right, you are correct
all done.
 0x011111 - Somewhere you made a mistake.

     3. So you get to the last
section in the text that thesis is the work of
(Or rather not working) programs with steep Border'nymi 
effects. At first I tried explain why they do not want to work 
on "Do not Pentagon'ah. Thus, the fact that

these programs (eg, PSG-WINS) interrupt
"Hanging" one team "RET", instead of "EI:
RET ". Because of this, when you quit
Interrupt obtained zapreshennymi interrupt, and I think many 
people heard the combination of "DI: HALT" and what this means! 
Now why does all this work for Pentagon: Figures 1 and 2 show

ostsilogrammy two signals Int, Figures 1
- Normal Int, 2 - Pentagon'ovsky.
It is because of the second pulse can Pent
pereskachit through whom Andu "Halt" when not interrupt, but 
under the condition that after exiting the interrupt handling 
procedures, he immediately stumbles on "Halt". And for 
what-would make the normal Int'a Pentagon'ovsky should hang 
capacitor 1. 5 nanofarads between Int'om and earth.

            Fig.1 Fig.2

   That's probably all to the next meetings
under "Iron"

Other articles:

From the authors - Change the editor, an apology for the delay number.

News - News from the Taganrog spektrumistov.

CC000 Report - Jocker & Klim visited Chaos Constructions 2000 and share their impressions.

Partys Result - Results from CC000 (preliminary), Paradox2k, ZX-PARTY.

Form - The questionnaire of the organizers of the Paradox of 2001.

Games - the passing game ELOPEMENT.

NEOS - The story the authors of the operating system.

Showdown - Dimon about newspaper Optron.

Iron - revision "Taganrog" graphics mode Megascreen port, any revision of the Spectrum to the Pentagon.

Credits & Rec Lame - who worked on the numbers, contacts ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   6 May