ZX Pilot #27
04 августа 1998

about different - UFO-2 and Kempston Mouse.

<b>about different</b> - UFO-2 and Kempston Mouse.
    About MISC


   Hello! With you again Vel and Sam. At this time we will talk 
about ... UFO II! Yes, yes, it's about her.

   The fact that the connecting kempston mouse, I looked at this
play in new ways and I had an interest in it, the more that
Previously, I never managed to play this game.

   More I wanted to play it when Sam showed
I like, especially without straining, zakotsat UFO a few clicks
just one click FIRE (especially nice if this is the fire
is a mouse :-)

   Let's move on to the process, when the best
press the left mouse button (in case of emergency and space suit

   Divide the cursor, as shown, in four parts.
Each of these parts is designed for your type of UFO:
1 - Medium UFO
2 - Small UFO
3 - great UFO.

   The whole battle is to push the fire at the moment
falling edges of UFOs in the appropriate size of its zone.

   To you, our dear readers, have been more clear, I will 
describe the process a little more.

   Small dish will go up and down. Here at the time,
when it will go down, it will be their faces in Zone 2
and you ought to press at this moment fire.

   For the other plates is almost the same situation.

     February 1

     April 3

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about different - UFO-2 and Kempston Mouse.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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