ZX Pilot #03
24 января 1997

We will understand - A detailed description of the game CARRIER COMMAND.

<b>We will understand</b> - A detailed description of the game CARRIER COMMAND.


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Startup screen

   After loading the game, you'll see a rotating image of your 
vehicle and the name of the manufacturer. Bottom of the screen 
shows three of the rectangle, which you can choose either the 
form play ("A" - ACTION, "S" - STRATEGIC), or use the form

Control key ("O"). Clicking on the "O" in front of you
menu appears:
1. Sinclair joystick.
2. Cursor joystick.
3. Compston mouse.
4. Kempston joystick.
5. Keyboard.
0. Redefinition of the keys.

   When you select override keys ("O"), in front of you there
A new menu in which you propose to leave them Previous
value ("Y"), and if you do not agree ("N"), then you have the 
opportunity to reallocate them. After that you go out in the 
Previous menu. 

   The difference between the types of games and STRATEGIC 
ACTION is STRATEGIC that you start the game with a neutral grip

islands, both in ACTION tagda all the islands have already been 
distributed between you and the opponent.


   At the beginning of the game in front of you there is kind 
of navigation logging ship. Along the edges of the image are 
icons: Save / Load game.

Control of the ship.
Managing vehicle safety system.
Management hovercraft.
Control of the airplane.

   To select the desired option, move the cursor to it and press
to "fire".


   On the right there are four icons: save the game,
Previous load condition, output (white flag) Enable /
disable sound effects. To confirm availability
exit ugry need to press "S".

Ship control

   When choosing the right poyablyaetsya following icons:
the view from the captain's cabin;
economic characteristics of the base;
manual control of the ship;
automatic control of the ship.

   The "view from the captain's cabin." At the bottom there are 
the following Icons:

PAUSE: play stops and waits for keypress
RADAR SCREEN: Shows the location of the islands,
plants, boats, etc.
Decrease / Increase: Increases or decreases the resolution of 
the radar. Location data:

location of the vessel (X, Y);
direction of movement of the ship (000 - direction to
north, 180 - south, etc.);
name of the island, located within reach
locator, or the previous one of the island.
water depth;
vehicle speed.

   When approaching the island should closely monitor
depth readings, as otherwise your vehicle can descend on
stranded and get damaged. To transfer the ship to hand
Management must put the cursor on the option "manual control" 
and press "fire". After that you must click on "Control". 
However, the transition osushestvlyaetsya only at full stop the 
vehicle. To exit this mode - "control" option "Automatic 
control" + "fire". Increase or decrease the rate of supply by 
the arrow to the option "SPEED" + "Fire" (only for manual 
operation). In automatic control speed can be adjusted from the 
option "Maps". The "map".

   After her selection on the screen pictured map of islands and
location of your vehicle. You can move the map
through an icon in the form of arrows, and change its scale -
pictograms with divergent or convergent arrows.
Icon with a question mark shows the location of your
ship (at the selected icon "STRATEGY" or your database
"RESOURS"). To find the closest to your cursor to the island,
need to press "control".

   To route the ship is necessary for the chosen
icon "STRATEGY" cursor on the desired island and
press "fire". In this case, the place will cross. After
This should select "PROG" and the route will be programmed. In 
case of cancellation of this route is necessary to choose 
"CLEAR". To speed up the time, use the icon with the clock. 
Selecting a new database analogochen, but should be selected 
"RESOURS". The "Maintenance".

   Shows the status of the ship's equipment (on the screen it
stands high brightness):
Body - can be severely injured in a collision with
Rocket launcher.
Landing landing.

   Over time, the ship recovers mechanisms
but for a quick repair use the icon with the image
ship and a spanner. Recovery rate of individual
types of equipment can be adjusted (bottom left icon)
The "Business Base".

   Located at the bottom of the following icons:
Equipment and weapons for your ship.
Equipment and weapons base.
Production schedule.
The maximum amount produced.
Mode of loading the ship.

   Initially, rates are at a minimum. To re-install
must set the cursor to the desired mode of the desired item and 
press "Fire".

   To specify the number of manufactured products also need to
choose the type of product (in this case it is selected), and 
then selecting cursor mark up or down, to put the necessary


   Mode of loading on a ship similar to the previous one 
regime, but change occurs through direct indication of the 
product. The "Messages".

   Displays various useful information.


   There are two options - direct control over the instrument 
and Install protective robots.

   After you enable the option "Install protective robots" (the 
second option on the right) you will see at the bottom of the 
following icon: Switch robots (robot 1, robot 2). With

cursor, you can set their location relative to
ship. However, the second from the bottom icon allows you to 
position them in a predetermined pattern. And in fact, and in 
another case must then specify the icon "PROG". The remaining 
two icon - this release and recall of robots.

   Management tool (upper right corner) is carried out
by moving the crosshair using the icons in the form of the 
cursor. Target image can be increased or decreased, while at

screen will be given magnification. Switching weapons
(Missiles or laser) by selecting the icon with
desired image. Laser when firing is strongly heated, about
as evidenced by an icon in the lower right corner. When
reaching a critical temperature laser automatically


   Initially, the ship has three boats on the air
pillow, you can control. And three more in the form
parts. Boats used for delivery of equipment to the island, and 
for the conduct of hostilities, so it You can upload as 
technology and weapons. To do this, go in the "technical 
obsluzhevanie" fill a boat (the cursor on "FUEL" + "fire") and 
download it (the windows in the image of boats) everything you 
need. Choice of equipment is made icons "+" And "-", "X" - 
cancels. Also, it shows the conditional designation of selected 
equipment, and following his response: code, weight, quantity, 
product name. After equipping his boat derive a dock (picture 
coming out of the ship with his arrow) For taking the ship from 
the dock icon is analogochnaya with arrow inside the ship. From 
the dock the ship is derived by icons' work with the dock 
"(fourth from right). At the same time there will be additional 
icons, which allow to release the ship, or take it back.

   Work with a map for boats analogochna work with the card for


   Selectable icon in the upper right corner. On the screen
there is a review of the boat. To go to manual control
must select the sixth icon on the right and press the "control".
The speed can be set or the cursor is to option "SPEED",
or by pressing "faster" - and an increase in "slower" - 
decrease. To reset the load must be the chosen option of the 
consignment, and with manual control, press the "fire".


   Air attack - a very convenient way to destroy the enemy.
Management control of the airplane analogochno boat. However, 
we must closely monitor the altitude (ALT) and fuel

(FUEL). Dosapravka possible both on the ship and the island
(Even on the enemy). Landing on the island must
adhere to its middle, but also lose speed and altitude
to a minimum. Vsli done correctly, then after a
time control is passed to the automatic mode, and further
Planting will take place without your participation. For 
takeoff must be move the cursor to the icon "automatic control" 
+ "Light", or file with the command ship for the return of: 
"Work with the landing pad "(fourth from right) +" return on

ship. "airfield on the island can accommodate three aircraft, 
but leave they were not recommended because the transition to 
another karablya island, they will be destroyed. Upon returning

back to you no longer see.


ASSASIN - aviaraketa with homing. Pretty easy
therefore recommended as a supplement to a more powerful
and heavy weapons.
ASSALING - similar to the previous one weapon, but includes
of three rockets, with a corresponding increase in weight.
HARBINGER (2,3) - missile for launch. Convenient in that
have homing. However, due to the fact that the boat
placed a maximum of three missiles (HARBINGER3), then serious
damage to the enemy they will not cause.
HAMMERHEAD - missiles for naval artillery. Useful
to destroy the enemy from the ship.
QUAKER - bomb. Has the most devastating
QUASAR - malomaschny chemical laser. Fits on
plane and has heogranichennym number of shots.
AVATAR - a low-power pulsed laser. Fits
on a boat and has a limited supply of energy.
DRONE - protective robots. Well help in the battle with
enemy ships.

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Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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