Nicron #73
29 января 1998 |
BBS - list of stations BBS ZXNet.
(C) WLODEK BLACK Hello! Henceforth be strictly with the new order of addressing: "500" before the old address for writing should be compulsory. But "095" can be shortened to "95", anyway, this zero auto mailer ignored. Thus, durable long live the new world zone - zone ZXNet - 500! Here, for example, would look like the address of one of Moscow subscribers: 500:95 / 462.18. Request to all the regional correspondents to take this into account. As far as I know, in St. Petersburg and Belarus have also switched to a strictly new order of addressing. ovosti Moscow region As reported by Steel Dragon, will be another joint poyntovka (sisopnik), this time in the presence of the entire team will be Laser Software from Obolensk! And it shall be February 1, so ... ! On news of the world's BBS - word Clim. Oh, and I have to him to apologize - in the last issue, I made an unfortunate typo in his name ... Yours - Wladimir Bulchukey, ZXNet (095) Coordinator. ZXNet: 500:095 / 462 (C) Klim Gromov Hello, you Clim. I join in expressing gratitude Vlodek, to all who did everything in his power, and more. oistinu world is not without good people let's try to not be disappointed, as tried our ancestors, otherwise we will not know and never heard to these words. I'm glad that you Vlodek, came out of a painful crisis, and again us. I wish you good health, never pain. And now the news in the world of BBS, somewhere I've heard :-). News, strictly speaking, this week is not, or they are, but I simply have not heard. The main organizational issue in binary arifmetikeotsutstvie information (logical '0 ') are also information. Vyvodotsutstvie news stations BBS indicates the presence thereof, and the lack of closure at least one of their number. On this from me, all the while, good luck. 2 Variable not found, :-) Yours - Klim Gromov, ZXNet (095) SysOp. ZXNet: 500:095 / 366 <List of staff B.B.S. with 31.01. to 06.02.> STATION NETWORK ZXNet, RECORDING USERS Mandatory secret files for BBS network ZXNet: secret.W, SPACE.W FARAON BBS 1 372-0531 (Victoria) FARAON Mon from 00:00 to 06:30 Tues, Thurs, Sat. from 22:00 to 07:00 Subject: Information and Game Secr. Files: to_sysop Drives: A, B Note: 1. Schedule of this server is exclusive information for newspapers, "NICRON" and "PROTON". Reprinting without permission sysop this server is strictly prohibited. 2. On Mondays, the server toys. RABBIT BBS 462-8902 (Vladimir) WLODEK BLACK daily from 00:00 to 08:00 Topic: General and beginners NICRON Secr. files:> 4628902,> NICRON, MAXIMUM > MAXIMUM,> MIRAGE MIRAGE Drives: A, B, C, D A: set of beginner, documents ZXNet; newspapers B: directories of programs; conference; mail; place for the reception C: and D: - Miscellaneous Note: temporary branch node 095/100 (ALEX BBS) CPS BBS 1 365-7518 (Paul) MPR HARD (Recalder) Fri, Sat. from 22:00 to 23:30 Subject: Internet; FIDO; without games Secr. Files: recalder, secret Drives: A, B, C EMPIRE BBS 2 452-2223 (Alexei) SANDMAN Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat, Sun. from 01:00 to 10:00 PROTON Subject: general Secr. Files: to_sysop,> 4522223,> PROTON Drives: A, B, C Note: 1. The registration of users in ZXNet. KREATOR BBS 366-6569 (Sergey) Klim Gromov daily 22:00 to 05:00 PROTON 03.02, 07.02 NICRON 12:00 to 05:00 MIRAGE Subject: total iron, coding, AON'y Secr. Files: to_sysop,> 3666569 > 095/366,> PAPER Drives: A, B Note: 1.Otkryta registered user ZXNet. 2.Na server has a password. Registered photographed on the use of a server can be any day now 22:00. 3.Po indicated above the current month server works passwordless mode, call someone wants. Server these days is open from 12:00 to 05:00 the next day. INDEPENDENT USER STATIONS MUSIC BBS 405-1848 (Ilia) EA-SOFT daily from 00:00 to 08:00 Subject: Music Secr. Files: to_sysop,> EA-SOFT,> SISTER Drives: A, B, C A: music systems, free space for the reception B: Mouzon C: Miscellaneous (demos, games, orders, etc) Notes: 1. Orders for SOFT; 2. Send us your feedback and suggestions on BBS. OPER BBS 333-1471 (Boris) OPER Mon, Tues, Wed. from 00:00 to 07:00 Sat from 01:00 to 08:00 Subject: general, conference, "help!", Communication Secr. Files: to_sysop,> 3331471,> OPER Drives: A, B HARD BBS 468-8184 (Eugene) EVP-SOFT Fri, Sat. 00:00 to 07:10 PROTON Topic: games; iron system; demo Secr. Files: to_sysop,> EVP > 4688184,> PROTON,> SR Drives: A, B, D Notes: 1.Otvetny signal server is unusual. 2. turbo-2; install 01; slow speed 03 PRT BBS 460-13-86 (Tahir) PROPHET Mon-Thu from 23:00 to 08:00 Subject: general, music Secr. Files: to_sysop,> PROPHET Drives: A, B MANDOS BBS 373-3510 (Michael) Super Mike Mon from 23:30 to 07:00 Topic: Toys Sekr.fayly: TOMIKE,> 3733510 Drives: A, B ELF AVARI BBS 388-1824 (Alexei) MARILLION Mon, Wed, Fri. from 01:00 to 07:00; Tues, Thurs, Fri. from 00:00 to 07:00 Subject: general Drives: A, B * I.soft server * BBS 446-9929 (Nikolai) * I.soft * Mon-Fri: from 01:00 to 08:00 MAXIMUM Topic: hardware, texts, information; Sat, Sun: from 02:00 to 08:00 Topic: games, demos Drive: A Secr. Files:> i.soft,> MAXIMUM,> 4469929 JAX BBS 412-0247 (Eugene) Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri. 23:00 to 7:30 Subject: demo, system Drives: A Secr. files:> 4120247, to_sysop KPN BBS 563-9045 (Paul) KPN daily from 00:00 to 06:00 Subject: general, parties, discussion of software Drives: A, B Secr. files:> 5639045, to_sysop,> PAVEL Mark "NICRON", "MAXIMUM", "PROTON", "MIRAGE" mean that these BBS accept mail for relevant computer publications. People! If you open a new BBS, or you have changed the schedule work, please let the lead heading "LIST BBS" phone: 366-6569 (Sergei), or writing a file "> NICRON" to any BBS, accept mail for our newspaper!
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