Nicron #54
18 сентября 1997

Tips - ways of preparing the vodka, liqueurs and brandies.

<b>Tips</b> - ways of preparing the vodka, liqueurs and brandies.
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    Methods of preparation of vodka, liqueurs and brandies
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Za is silent, hto a grievous buremni Pokey
fighting did not cease, hto y pidpilli ghav vodka and good 
people poured out. 

        Methods of preparation of vodka, liqueurs and brandies


Everyone had to try this drink. Why some
cases, it is such a dirty trick, and in others quite personal. 
As of What is done? How to improve the moonshine, silence 
specific smell? Moonshine - is an alcohol obtained by

distillation through a makeshift apparatus alcohol mass 
produced in the result of fermentation products containing 
starchy or sweeteners. Unforgettable Ostap Suleiman Mary Bender 
Bay knew of at least 200 ways of making moonshine. The top of 
his knowledge has been squeezing the life-giving water from the 
stool. And in Ultimately, it boils down to three main areas: - 
as What you can get moonshine - from what to cook it - how


              HOW AND WHAT STAND

Sourdough - a substance containing alcohol. There are lovers
use it, and unprocessed. "Lovers," this
drink is declining - it is very nasty taste.


              Rescue FROST

From the finished brew starter (although whether it can be 
called in this case) is produced by freezing. In the 
refrigerator, the street. The stronger the stronger cold drink. 
Leaven put directly in 3-liter jar. To the flat there was no 
smell at pull on the neck of a balloon, a surgical glove.

Method is not widely found, as the fluid
obtained with a large amount of impurities.

             And if the BEER

This drink - is not moonshine. But if you take 3 liters of beer,
add 1 kg of sugar and 100g of yeast to ferment 7 days
then drain - get something with good degrees and
taste. The 4 th liter of chilled boiled water add 2 kg
sugar, 200 grams of vodka and 0.5 liters of beer. Is 12 days. 
Yield - 5 liters product without distillation.

              Rose hip

At 7.5 liters of chilled boiled water add 5 cups
hips, 100g yeast, 4 kg of sugar. When fermented and
sludge (3 months) is obtained pure vodka. Carefully
drain with a hose.

      MANUFACTURING PROCESS Nuance Moonshine

Do not overheat the starter - may explode or liquid container
will drive through the tube into the moonshine. Holodneee than 
water, the better the process of condensation. If possible, use

running water. It never hurts to an additional filter. Most
easiest option - 3-liter jars rolled cover. It
openings for 2-pipes. If the starter will overheat,
spits into a jar, but does not fall into the moonshine. An 
integral components of yeast - yeast. Most food consumed. When

their absence, a matter of going and drozhzhesoderzhaschie 
feed. If no yeast - rescues hops. Ripe bumps hop pour

water, boiled, broth is added to ferment. Also used
tomato paste. Tolchek to start the fermentation process can give
ordinary peas. Fermentation should take place in the warmth. 
best temperature of 50-60 degrees. In villages, mostly sourdough

wandering on the stove.

              R E C E N T S

The most high-quality brew - the so-called bread. Strong,
with a mild flavor, slight hangover. With an abundance of sugar 
and transition to primitive machines, gradually began to be 
forgotten. Now there is a return to the production of the brew.


Rye, wheat, barley, millet, corn, peas germinate. For
soak it in warm water, spread out thinly.
Make sure that the grain is not TURNED. Sprouted grains dry,
grind into flour. Boil some water and even boiling, constantly
stirring, add the flour. Stir until liquid state
jelly. Cover, to stand 10-12 hours. Cool to
room temperature. Add yeast. For 12 buckets of yeast 0.5
kg. Rove 5-6 days. Distill the steam machine. Of all
of moonshine is the best. If there is no yeast - Add 1 kg
dry peas. Fermentation process will increase to 10 days.


Make the malt as well as in first recipe. Boil the potatoes and
pound with the water that remained in cooking. Put in
baleyu. Fall asleep on top of malt flour. Again beat until 
smooth kiseleobraznoy mass. All this must be very hot. Again

sprinkle with the remnants of flour and leave overnight. 10-12
hours to mix, pour into a cask, add 0.5 kg of yeast.
Rove 5-6 days. At 2 buckets of malt

             BREAD ON THE HOP

Wheat or rye to germinate in a wooden trough, from time to time
stirring. Then, boil potatoes, mash it. Brew
hops. Then it is necessary to prepare the so-called zater - in
Braga, which remained from the last time (1,5-2n), add
brewed hops 3l. Then everything is mixed together. Grain can be
grind or mince. Put in a warm
place. Costs up until no longer wander about and make noise. On
one bucket of grain 2 buckets of boiled potatoes. Exit 2w 


6 kg of sugar to dissolve in 30 liters of warm water and add 
200g of yeast in a warm place. For the smell, you can add 
branches currants or cherries, or dried dill. 6-7 days sourdough

ready. The conventional wisdom is that of kg of sugar is 
obtained 1L vodka. When using a steam-appaprata zavodik 10l

horoschego moonshine obtained from 7 kg of sugar. That is not 
necessary do Braga too concentrated in sugar. He

"Burnout," and goes to waste.


Grate sugar beets, cook in the oven, squeeze. On
30l beet juice add 200g of yeast. Put starter in
warm place. Sugar is added is not necessary. Fermentation of 
5-6 days. Exit 5 liters.

              ANOTHER WAY

Grate and bake sugar beet - 10-15L iron. Allow to cool, but
to beet remained warm. Add to it 5-6 kg of sugar and
10 liters of water temperature 24-25 degrees, add yeast (500g)
diluted in a little water. cover with a mixture
in a warm place. Let it play for 3-4 days to mix.
Readiness is determined by time. When the beets fall to the 
bottom dishes, and the top crust is formed, then zplit Braga in 
the tank and chase vodka.

              FROM THE JAM

Get 6L tainted jam, dilute in 30 liters of lukewarm water
add 200g of yeast. To have a high yield of moonshine have
add 3 kg of sugar. Ferment in a warm place for 3-5
days. Exit 6A of moonshine, but with added sugar - 9.

               From molasses

On the one bucket of molasses to add 200-250g of yeast and 
dissolve in 25 l water. In a warm place for a week. Exit 6-7l. 
Very desirable, resulting once again surpass, as a time-brew

obtained with a bad smell.

             FROM apple juice

Pereteret, chop the apples, squeeze the juice. 35L at the juice
add 3kg of sugar and 200g of yeast. Standing in a warm place.
Done in a week. Exit 6-7R moonshine.

            Syrup ANY

6 liters of syrup diluted in 30l of water, add 200g of yeast
through ngedelyu ready. Output of 7 liters.

              FROM WILD PEARS

Collect wildings. Pour them into a wooden tub or barrel, up
half of capacity - let them rot. Then mash them wooden
myalom and let stand for 2-3 weeks, nothing is absolutely not 
to add. Output of 3 liters.

                FROM PLUMS

3 buckets drain and let the mash ferment 2 weeks. Do not add 
water. Output of 3 liters.


At 5 liters of water add 5 cans of spoiled pears (boiled)
2 kg of sugar and 200g of yeast. In a warm place for a week.
Output of 8 liters.


For 2 buckets of water to add 10kg of starch and make them as 
jelly, then add 1kg of sugar and 500g of yeast. Fermentation of 
3-5 days. Output of 11 liters.


5 kilograms of chocolates (filled) diluted in 2 buckets of warm 
water. Fermentation of 4-5 days. Output of 5 liters.

                FROM Halva

10 kg halva dilute 20L of warm water. Ferment for 8 days. Exit 
10l moonshine, but it retained the smell of sunflower oil.

To destroy it, you can add a sprig of mint in a vodka.

                FROM DRY

2 kg of dried apples or pears Zavriev in a bucket of water. Add 
3 kg sugar, 300g yeast. All this is tightly closed, leaving

a small hole. Week could stand in a warm memte. In this
starter added before production beam of dry thyme
dry. Output 3,5 liters of moonshine.


Squeeze the juice of the wine, but what remains - a bucket of 
waste add 100g of yeast, 5 kg sugar and 30 liters of water. 
Fermentation 7 days out, 7 liters of vodka is very bright.


20 cups of wheat, 3 l of water, 1kg of sugar to mix. 5 days let
is warm. Then add 5 kg of sugar and 18L of water. Fermentation
7-8 days. Braga, the taste should be gorokoy. Drain. If the
remainder of the cake to add 5 kg of sugar, 8l warm water and 
stand 8-10 days, again you can get 12-15L moonshine.

         Of tomato paste, sugar and beer

To 30l of water - a liter cans of tomato paste, one bottle
beer, 10 kg of sugar. Stir and allow to win in a warm place.
Surpass. Yield 8.7 liters.

            NO yeast and sugar

In this recipe, yeast and sugar substitute and park the malt.
Park your vehicle: in 2 liters of water to brew a handful of 
fresh hops (dry two), give a little brew, broth of strain, even 
in the heat Stir a handful of flour. After a short vystoyki 
30-40 Minutes - Park your vehicle is ready. Malt: sprout grain 
rye, dried and grind. The main product - beets, potatoes, 
apples, pears Park your vehicle and add the malt, dilute with 
water to semiliquid states give vygratsya in a warm place. 
Surpass. Expenses this park the number of: 3 kg of malt, 5-6 l 
ground product. Output - 3 liters.


4 cans of 700g of honey, 3 liters of liquor, 27 liters of 
water, 300g yeast. Ferment 7 days. Output of 7 liters.

            READY FOR THE DAY

Per 1 kg of pea have 5 kg of sugar 500g of yeast and 15L of 
water. Add 1 liter of fresh milk. Vystoyka 1 day. Output of 5 

            ANOTHER WAY (per day)

5 kg of sugar, 25 liters of boiled water, 500g yeast, 25 
secondary raw potatoes, 3 cups milk, 4 th loaf of bread, all


            . And for two hours

10 kg sugar, 1 kg of yeast, 3 l of milk, 3-4 buckets of water 
pour into the washing machine and spin for 2 hours. Writing to 
settle and can be distill.


The worst in the moonshine - fusel oil. What do they eat each 
can convince himself: it is enough to light a brew in a spoon 
if it does not lit - a bad product. After combustion of alcohol 
in the bottom left oily liquid - that is harmful fusel oil. As 
of get rid of them?

        1. Compliance with technology generation.
        2. Not perebavlyat temperature.
        3. Constantly change the water in the cooler.

Already finished brew purified by potassium permanganate. At 3
liter jar drop 3.2 grams of potassium permanganate. Wait until
fall deposits. Moonshine akkkuratno merge. For this purpose,
use of household-type filter "SPRING" for water. If not,
You can simply drain through the container and charcoal. His
a good substitute you can get at home.
Kindle birch fire when the wood be burned, but the heat still
very strong - they fill a clay pot, blow out the ashes.
Pot tightly close the lid. Wait until the coals go out. Remove
them from the pot. Cool, istolchite not very finely. Can
used as a filter.

             AND IMPROVEMENT

There are still lots of ways to improve the product, eliminating
specific odor, improving palatability. Here
some of them.


To 3 liters of strong brew add one tablespoon of sugar
and good tea, 3 bay leaf, 5 peas of black pepper, 3-5
gvozdichek, pinch of vanilla, lemon or neskoloko
orange peels. Vystoyka 10 days.

             ANOTHER WAY

At the same dose 3 bay leaf, 6 peas allspice, 6 -
Bitter, 3 tablespoons sugar, 1 / 4 tablespoon vanilla,
1 tbsp of cinnamon, 2 tablespoons of tea, 6 sht.gvozdichek. All 
this tie in cheesecloth and drop into the jar.

             THIRD WAY

At the same dose 3 teaspoons of sugar, the same amount of 
soluble coffee, 3 bay leaf, 5 pieces cloves, 8 perchin.


In 0,5 l 5 drops dripping ammonia (amoniynaya salt is used in
human and veterinary medicine). Well shaken.

               IN ARTEMISIA

Dried in the shade of the upper leaves and flowers of the field 
wormwood, throw in vodka 1 / 4 tank. Consume within 1-2 weeks.


Take a kidney currants, pour half the bottle and poured up to
full of vodka. Bottle covered with a clean cloth. 6 weeks
insist on the sun. Strain, given to settle and pour
in bottles. The larger store KANTABAS - so tasty.


Pour ripe greengage (almost complete bytyl), pour
vodka and leave for 6 weeks. Pour the vodka and seal.
Pour the remaining plums with sugar syrup, 3 weeks later to 
merge and Mix with vodka, strain, pour and resealed. Drink with

half of the year.


            Just as in the previous recipe.


     In principle, this vodka can be obtained from any fruit.


Although we and equality, women usually prefer to drink
weaker, sweet and mild than the classic brew. For
are a few recipes.

               STRAWBERRY Spotykach

Poured 0.5 liters of strawberry quality. Sugar is boiled as
caramel, is ground to powder. Fall asleep on top of 
strawberries. Pour vodka complemented. Sat down during the 2 
months in the sun constantly shaking. Drain, drain. You can use 


In the bottle to pour in 3 / 4 ripe raspberries, pour vodka and
put on 2 days in the shade. Drain, discard the raspberries,
pour half a bottle of fresh and again in order to fill the same 
for 2 days. Drain, strain, dissolve the sugar syrup and add to 
the robin to taste.



0.5 l whole milk or cream to boil, cool. Glass
sugar, 6-7 egg yolks, vanilla at the end of a knife, beat up on
eggnog. Stirring pour in the milk 300g of vodka and a slowly
stirring pour in the mixture previously. Writing a stand
half an hour to collect the foam.

             ANOTHER WAY

1 cup milk to boil, dissolve vnem 1 cup sugar,
cool. Beat 6 egg yolks and add milk, then
slowly pour a glass of vodka, then stir well, pouring
fluid in 3-liter jar, whisk and add vanilla,
the present 10 days.


To 1 liter of vodka add 1 liter of grape juice, 1 kg of sugar,
a tablespoon of tea, 5 bay leaves, 5 grains of black pepper
0.5 tsp vanilla. Infuse 5-6 days regularly
stirring. Drain. Consumed.


Boil 100g of very strong black coffee, pour no grounds to 200g
sugar, melt it all in a water bath. Pour 1 liter of vodka and


Fill the bottle with rose petals. Pour vodka, insist on
the sun for 3 days. Pour vodka. Replace with fresh petals, pour
Toy same vodka. Repeat once. Then dilute
received vodka sugar syrup.


Fresh raspberries get a raspberry juice, mixed with sugar of 
1:1. Boil 3 times, removing the scum, add vodka to taste,

Strain, pour into bottles, zakuporte.

             Cucumber Vodka

At the flower bed planted with cucumbers put a bottle or jar, 
put place the cucumber, that he grew up there. When the 
cucumber is grown, nip off it from the stem and fill with vodka 
shop. Taste of vodka will be fresh cucumber.

            VODKA salted

Same thing, only to fill a strong brew. Taste of vodka -
salted cucumber.


Vodka can be given a beautiful color. So that it has acquired 
Blue color - to insist on the cornflower, green - in mint, red 
- on the blueberries, purple - on the sunflower seeds, yellow - 
on the saffron.


* To learn ready LDI Braga, should strike a match in one
capacity, which is fermented. If a match is not lit -
hence starter is not ready, but if bright light - can begin.
* There is another way to learn about the readiness of the 
leaven. Must just try it on the tongue, if a sweet - albeit 
still stand up, if bitter - is ready. * It happens that during 
the production container with vodka runs starter. To this was 
not necessary in starter add 0.5 liters of fresh milk or 2 
tablespoons butter oil. * The starter for a pleasant smell and 
color of vodka before production can be thrown root Colgan. 
Then the color of vodka will be light brown and it is pleasant 
to the taste. Can add red pepper ripe Zubrivka grass, twigs, dry

mint. * Alcohol of any brew depends on the quality of yeast and
thermal regime vystoyki starter. * Waste - Braga - never
do not pour, but it add the necessary components for the new
backlog. The quality of this vodka is always better. * Patch
leaven, that came out good vodka should be always on the old (by
lunar calendar), and make moonshine in any day, but not in
a new month and not on the rotten kvatire (again the same 
according to the lunar calendar). * Cultures are best 
incorporated into the timber or enameled vessels.

           Aromatisation Persisting

Remember the factory brand vodka Zubrivka, "" Hunter ", etc.
These and many more can be done at home,
using herbs and berries. fruits, etc. Many flavored
vodka gain therapeutic effect. To obtain the flavor can be
use many herbs, almost all fruits and vegetables.

The easiest way - insisting. In a ready-made vodka
added that the same St. John's wort, Zubrivka insist. 
Interestingly, that the greatest number of aromatic substances 
in plants give Fortress solvent 45-55%. Ie not need to use

alcohol and even Pervatsch. If you insist the plant from time 
to time change to fresh with the same vodka, it will concentrate

infusion, which can improve the vodka. Practical only
infusion to produce in a glass container. If guests arrive
soon and very much want them to treat flavored vodka
Put the bottle in a pan of water on the wooden blocks,
Boil for an hour. Cool in cold water.

            ... And distillation

The easiest way to grass, the skins of lemon, orange throw in a 
starter with the tab. But the flavor is obtained by a barely 
noticeable. That he was stronger, which can be diluted with 
water, yeast, pre- nasoyat in your preferred flavors, or make a 
decoction desired grasses, roots, etc. Then dilute it ferment.

If the starter cook on flavored water, and
flavor (dry grass), placed in a dome, moonshine
get absolutely no peculiar smell, and with the scent of
improver, which you used. 04.05 buckets of potatoes.

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Tips - ways of preparing the vodka, liqueurs and brandies.

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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