Nicron #27
31 марта 1997

Information - rights and responsibilities of teacher and student in the school.

<b>Information</b> - rights and responsibilities of teacher and student in the school.


            "Teacher, we should be put
             so high ... "

Leading role in the school belongs to the teacher.
He does state honorable and responsible task
training and education of the younger generation.
(Reference headmaster. M., "Education", 1983).


1. Be at work for 15 minutes before the lesson.
2. Do not think about the salary before leaving school.
3. Go to class in a good mood, talking politely to
children (and even each other).
4. Time to start a lesson and time to finish it (not to delay
children after the call and not go before).
5. Do not lose any of the pupils during a lesson, nobody should 
be outside the door. 6. During the changes the teacher should 
look after children and not only for their own. 7. Do not pass:

   - Uncultured behavior on the part of students;

   - Child conflict;

   - Rubbish.
8. During the breakfast, do not forget to eat yourself and to 
organize cultural meal students. 9. Withdraw from school with 
head held high, oblivious to fatigue and salary. 10.Prilezhno 
maintain all documentation (journals, diaries, personal the 
case of students). 11.Vesti strict control over the knowledge, 
skills and abilities of students. 12.Nesti responsibility for 
the office, which conducted the lesson. 13.Imet in mind that a 
methodical day is not an exit (Teacher has no right to refuse 
to return to work in a methodical day without a good reason). 
14. On duty at the school - the honorable duty of every 

            LAW TEACHERS

1. The teacher has the right to receive state salaries if all 
the above mentioned duties. 2. Has the right to leave (48 days).

3. The teacher has the right to develop and maintain any program
on his subject, agreeing with its administration.
4. The teacher has a right to know their workload for the next 
year before leaving for vacation. 5. The teacher is entitled to 
consideration and respect, caring (and maybe even love) by the 

(Adopted at the meeting of the teachers' council 91-th school 
24.03. 97 .. Valid during the second training day of the third 
training quarters and ninety-six shot ninety-seven school


        Excerpts from memo

"Golden Fund of our school - our students!"
(From the minutes of teachers' meeting).

1. Study at our school - the honorable duty of every student! 
(See advertisement in the late issue of the newspaper). 

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Information - rights and responsibilities of teacher and student in the school.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Feedback - contact the publisher.

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