Sinclair Club #05
31 декабря 2001

Contest - The attention of the competition, "Your Game"!

<b>Contest</b> - The attention of the competition,
     Attention Competition "Your Game"!

      (C) Alex XOR / Perspective Group

        Next, developers!

   It is fashionable to call some
these people are not friendly Russian people,
word. For those who also do not understand
explains. In the computer world
developers are usually called
software developers.

   Well, now is the time to tell
you about what we will try
intrigue in the last issue.

   Thus, the newspaper "Passage" and
Perspective Group as a whole, announce
competition of computer games on ZX-Spectrum -
"Your Game". The contest
as individual developers and
creative teams. No restrictions
on gender, age and native language we do not
put. So everyone who feels the
strength and will to win, can take
participate in this contest.

   Acceptance of papers will continue
almost a year and expires on 1
August 2002. Games, presented at the
Competition will disperse on a floppy disk (diskette)
with some of the numbers, "text", in which
will be a coupon for a vote. Cost
such a kit will be announced in advance
through the newspaper towards the end of the competition.

   Vote for the game will you, dear
Readers! The only limitation -
not to vote for their work, in
Otherwise, such votes will not be
taken into account.

   In September and October of that year, we
summarize the results of the competition and, of course,
publish the results in "text".

   Requirements for the games
are as follows:

   - To participate in the contest, "Your Game"
Games contestants must not be
published previously, and to take
participate in any other competition;

   - The game should not be protected from

   Games, participating in the competition must
be presented in two versions:

   - Demo version, ie version, briefly
showing the beauty and essence of the game;

   - Full version, ie full games
version which has completed the form, or
version, which has at least one full
passable level.

   Demo versions of games are needed in order to
attract the attention of network Spectrum
public to this event.

   And now the fun part! Since I
there is competition, there should be prizes. We also
not without it. As usual, prizes
considered the first three places. Contestants
ranked first, second and third place
will receive cash prizes (the rate of 50, 35
and 15 percent of the total prize
Fund for the occupied space, respectively) and
certificates of participation. There will also be
consolation prizes and certificates.

   Regardless of the occupied space
Each participant will receive all participating
Contest and games room "paragraph", which
they apply, plus to all this,
one newspaper, which will
results of the competition.

   At the moment, prize fund
amounts to 1000 rubles ($ 35). During the year we
try to increase this amount. But to
This amount was actually present, we
your help is needed. Therefore, readers
who do not mind, "his blood", can
send remittances to our address, where
specify: "For the contest," Your Game ". Amount
does not matter, everything is useful! By
If you wish, your name will be
printed in each room, and we hope
their number will grow.

   And will the game?

   Will! At least one game you
see. It will release our team. Alex
Xor is working on her second year! Also
We received verbal agreement from another
one team to support this competition.
And anyway, we hope that the contest "Your
game will be supported by all the creative
teams and individual developers,
which can produce neat and
quality game. It is possible that some
team just priurochat out of his game
for this event.

   What game do?

   What precisely, we ourselves do not know yet
But just as this issue is devoted to the questionnaire
distributed with this number. Like
so you do not ignore it. Answers
publish. In general, though in BASIC
"President" do (although there already is)
but the second "Black Crow"

   Works are accepted at our PO Box and e-mail.
With all the questions and suggestions
refer to the same addresses.

   Address for translations and correspondence: 160035,
Russia, Vologda, PO Box 136, Shushkova
Alexander Dmitrievich.


Other articles:

From the authors - "Read our publication and your soul will be crystal Spectrum'ovskaya net. "

Demopati - Announcement ASCII'2002.

Programming - a very effective way to improve the performance of the interpreter BASIC (48 Basic), integrated into the ZX-Spectrum, the processing of large data sets.

Iron - Sprinter? Questions and answers!

Contest - The attention of the competition, "Your Game"!

Soft - Strange system programs: STS 5.1, ALASM 4.1.

Chaos Constructions'2001 - Cusick shares his impressions about the next festival of computer art.

Soft - description of a new version of the GFX UTILITY v0.5.

phONOmania - a database of phone numbers active ZX scenery.

Announcement - advertising and announcements.

Authors - The editors of the newspaper.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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