DonNews #06
15 марта 1999 |
Application - Mega Apocalipse.
ЎЎЎЎЎЎЎЎЎЎЎЎЎ APPENDIX ЎЎЎЎЎЎЎЎЎЎЎЎЎ (C) Dimon Today in the annex is a very interesting game Mega Apocalipse. I had to redo it with tape, I also put the boot image which is found in Internet'e. At all wheelbarrows, which I tested the game buggy control, namely, when pressing the button to the left (O) + fire (Space) movement did not occur to the left and right. I never understood why the buggy On the key while holding the key space, as the replacement of keys on any another, all was OK So after all I decided to make the management to Sinclair joystick and game Governing and Kempston'om. Also the original was only 3 lives, but I do not began to make vechnyak, as the game have lost the meaningless, so I simply increased the number of lives to 9. And, of course, I packed the entire game, in bringing the total size of the program decreased almost twice. Game works even at 48 kb, but as the intro works only at 128 kb, then built memory test, so if you do not have 128 kb, then immediately load the game (or rather zagruzhatsya and intro, but it just does not runs). The loader runs on Pentagon'e 2 + +, Taganrog'e with normal disk drives, and does not work on emulators I even like it. In the last moment it became clear that the boot does not works on Pentagone 3 + + + (Compozit), and also on some other spectrum compatible computers. So that follow disketatsiyah I provided standard load through # 3D13. Enjoy your holiday for this game. Programa Mega Apocalipse Manufacturer Martech Games LTD 1988 release Disked Dimon / OHG / MFA Packed Dimon / OHG / MFA Some cheated Dimon / OHG / MFA Restored Dimon / OHG / MFA Size of 164 sectors Here are some pictures from the game.
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