Nicron #120
31 декабря 2000 |
Humor - Christmas jokes.
New Year's anecdote Family ring round a few companies and orders a Santa Claus. Doorbell. Includes Santa Claus. Suddenly a shot - Santa Claus falls. Behind him is a hired killer and asks: Grandfather Frost ordered? New Year in Ethiopia. Starving children gathered under a bush waiting for Santa Claus. Santa Claus appears, congratulates the children on a holiday and going to leave. - Grandfather Frost, and gifts? - A gift only those who eat well. Two of the homeless after the New Year holiday exchange impressions: - New Year well met! Get out of the basement I look at the landing bottle of vodka - 100 grams unfinished, peered into the tank - a sandwich with caviar, just once nadkusheno. Drank, ate, walked down the street. And how are you? - Bad, all holiday homes sat: some bastard put the ice rink at the door. Telephone conversation with the New Year: - Hello, this insurance company? Tell us, we can insure a house call? - No, this is impossible. Now we will send a representative, and he enter into an agreement with you. - Well, send. Only hurry up, but then we already burning out tree and starts to smoke carpet! In Paris, a famous restaurant Maxim, is a New Year show. In the smoke drunk NEW RUSSIAN beckons to the waiter and asks: - Bro, you have frog legs? - Of course, Monsieur! - Well, then quickly sprygay to the bar for a beer! .. In the airplane passenger looks out the window and in fear pozyvaet to his stewardess: - Have we strayed off course? - No, what you it took? - But under our snow, taiga, and must be Hawaii ... - Yes, no, everything is fine, just a new Russian New Year celebrate ... Comes as a man on the street, he sees: a woman sits in a puddle. - Why are you sitting in a puddle? - Maybe I'm Snow Maiden, and maybe I melted! The family had two children - one a pessimist and the other an optimist. Approaching New Year. Decided their parents' level the "well to no such extremes have been, and prepared presents: pessimist horse, but the optimist bunch of horse manure. In the morning the children wake up ... Pessimist: - Hyyy, loshadkaaa ... Small, and I wanted more ... brown, and I wanted a gray dapple ... Derevyannaaayayayaya, and I wanted zhivyyyyuyuyuyu ... Optimist: - A y me LIVE! Just run away! Guests sat on the New Year, the owner really does not know what do. Phone call. It fits here and an idea ... Comes back and yells: - Fire, Fire! All: - Who has the fire? - I do not hear ... someone of you.
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