C-Net Week #18
14 декабря 1998 |
Interview - intervyu a pretty famous musician not only in the AMIGA, PC, but also on the Speccy - XPEh.
> <Manwe + (Interview!) + >Today I bring to your attention with intervyu fairly well known musician not only in the AMIGA, PC, but on the Speccy - XPEh or better known as H.R.E.N. ;) Interview was opubkikovano in pisetovskom Journal of "Hacker" Number 6, long before Enlight'97: ( But nevertheless, I think you might be interested about this read ... Article from "Hacker" Interview with XPEh / / Looker House Manwe XPEh: Like Us norms.? Manwe: Well, then drove off. Ok? XPEh: Hmm ... w8 a mom ... I immediately turned himself Mouzon 24-fold, not to be bored! Axel (accelerator for AMiGA - approx. ed.) still cool! XPEh / / LKR Manwe: And I have a background AMiGA'vskie MOD'y game ... By the way, if it comes to that - the first question: 1) Most of the people associated with the name XPEh AMiG'oy. Why did AMiGA, but not PC or something else? XPEh: Well, because I have tried everything available to me platform and no one except AMiGA, I have not seen more OOOchen friendly and flexible system, with not very large hardware bloat .. Manwe: This is in terms of work. You choose the car for this? XPEh: Not just for this. At the time I bought myself A600, I have already looked at one another A500 + and just swollen, as it looked like the game, and this, in my opinion, was 91-92 years. (I previously seen enough / played enough to Speccy and PC in all sorts different games, and when I saw the same game on AMiGA, then It was takaaaya difference that it was possible to buy without thinking). Then I saw what real demos! I was simply shocked enough (after what I saw on the Speccy, ATARI, C64, PC), it was a fundamentally new approach to demam and, accordingly, looked very impressive ... Manwe: First name XPEh I saw in the first BK0010 Deme with digital music under COVOX ... You wrote to her only music? And this was before or after AMiGA? XPEh: Ha! With this muzonchikom generally funny thing happened, actually I wrote it on the Speccy, and even in the debugger / Editor, who wrote Blad Komkov (Magic Soft), but Mouzon, this never saw the light at the Speccy, but in BC, I see him all heard ...:)) A general I BC attended as it virtually, because everything that is on BC Then people heard I was writing on the Speccy.:)) ---- ... At this point connection is broken and we connects again ... Manwe: I cut down nA FIG these mody fonom - polagayu of-za nix vce poviclo - IT'S DO NOT thee AMiGA. XPEh: And just in case the modem has banned tube rush.:) Manwe: Togda prodolzhim: otkuda vzyalcya alias XPEh? XPEh: Hehe! And it's a long story, but briefly, then once Recently, when I was playing on the ATARI in all sorts of games, then I signed in as HighScore XPEh or XEP (where the three the letter was) - I just pinned that could write these words, using only the Latin shrift.Vot, and the same Blad said that since these games were written by English-speaking, it is necessary that I have written, read in English !!:))))) Bot and appeared "kspeh "!!!! :-)))))))) Then I tried to somehow come up with any words that would be suitable to the way my nickname, then is how to make an abbreviation of it. It was, and so - " X.P.E.H. - So as not read in Russian! And now, because I have not managed to come up with anything worthwhile, is called so: XPEh. Again, not in Russian, as "h", and not "H "...:)) Manwe: Vce yacno ... And behold Tangy do cix pop velichaet thee "xpen - Po-ruccki.Ty DO NOT obizhaeshcya? XPEh: No, I'm already accustomed himself to blame !:))) ~!!!:)))) Manwe::) nearer to muzyke ... B Looker House Po moim podcchetam 5 muzykantov.Rackroy podrobnee cituatsiyu. And voobsche, HOW do you popal a group? XPEh: Well, musicians, right now, I say ..... 1 - Dee `MON 2 - I 3 - Tangerine 4 - Joker 5 - G.d.M. he writes quite often .... ... AAAA! 6 - Tommy from Sweden. In my opinion, the last person is mainly engaged in Chip-music, and it had get a very professional! And the account of how I got into LooKER hOUSE: I got a call G.d.M. and said that he the idea to create "first! Russian group on a par with the world's groups, and asked: if I wanted to join it as a musician (At this point the group consisted, as I recall, the two man: G.d.M. and our first programmer, the same Blad, later renamed Juggler'a). Well, I agreed .... Manwe: ... pravilno cdelal:) HOW do you otnocishcya to peytingam populyarnocti in elektronnyx zhurnalax: cootnocish Do you ctepen populyarnocti c profeccionalizmom, vkucom and / or other kachectvami muzykanta? XPEh: Of course the relation, but not always:))) Hehe! In general, I usually all at first listen, then look at what places took these things, and sometimes very surprised at how, For example, any thing suddenly took one of the the lowest, although literacy and taste is made to several orders of magnitude higher, for example, third, second, or even the first place! Manwe: ect whether thee dogadki nA temu "pochemu proicxodit tak? XPEh: In my opinion, basically it probably depends on kontengenta people who vote for it all, well secondly - as these things portrayed, that is how they give listen. If all lumped together, it hardly after listening to the 30-40 things you remember, what was the same, For example the first or second? Manwe: Verno, drugoe delo DO NOT party, a peytingi in zhurnalax, Where are y kazhdogo ect HOW minimum, the month digits:) to leaving the port cleduyuschego nomepa, chtoby poclushat vcyu novuyu music. AND DO NOT tem menee in nashix zhurnalax pervoe mecto cpedi demo groups mira uctoychivo uderzhivaet Future Crew, DO NOT vziraya nA verily, chto over the past year 3 they will not have any DEMO, or Intro. C moey tochki zreniya (a I would tozhe dal them 1-oe mecto) nasha ctsena otlichaetcya nebyvalym koncervatizmom and vce gotovy do poclednego otctaivat cvoi idealy - tipichnaya in obschem for nashey ctrany cituatsiya. Are you the one same case: you, HOW I cchitayu, prechiclen to klaccike trekkernoy music (if ye DO NOT IT'S ochen krivo sound, c thy pozvoleniya). He cchitaesh Do you chto some people voting in Hacker'e, cast your vote za tebe potomu, chto znayut - "XPEh - IT'S cool because the classics? :) Besides, I know that some people even DO NOT clyshali tvoey Music putaya ee c c MOD'ami nadpicyami "ripped from nice AMiGA game by XPEh "... you Chto Wool verily dumaesh? XPEh: I do not know what to say, perhaps, there may be such people ... I personally do about it even thought somehow ... Manwe: Well, okay ... Tem DO NOT menee, nA mnogix BBS valyaetcya kucha Music Disk'ov all but dickov LookerHouse I among them DO NOT videl - you not ctavite tselyu pacproctranyat cvoyu produktsiyu nA PC? XPEh: I actually know about it as much as you, Well maybe a little more:))) I do not know, it should have G.d.M 'a question. In general, he once had an idea a PC-Division LooKER hOUSE ....:)) Manwe: A HOW nacchet cobrat cvoi best mody, zapakovat vmecte c kracivoy kartinkoy and zapelizit Control dial nA PC-bordy tipa HiddenReality, BrainComa, CyberSpace, etc.? XPEh: And I say that it should be, again, to speak GdM'om on this issue ... Manwe: verily ect upravlenie gruppoy ocuschectvlyaetcya them, I cmotryu, totalno:) XPEh: Yeah ... he's a rigorous .:))) ---- ... Here it would be logical to bring a fragment of a subsequent telephone conversation with GdM, which I did. Since conversation was not recorded, the dialogues will be played from memory, which does not guarantee an exact match original. Nevertheless, common sense will be understandable. So: Manwe: Hi. XPEh readdressed me one question for you. G.d.M: What's the matter? Manwe: The question is: Are you going to release their MusicDisk'i on P.TS.? G.d.M: None. Manwe: That is, if ever? GdM: Releasing MusicDisk'i for the PC, we have not planned. Manwe: Bad ... And very sorry. The fact that your (and even XPEh'ovskuyu) music on a PC almost never heard. That is heard, but a very small Part ... GdM: Yes, the Union of our music is almost no common ... Manwe: And some people vote for you ... Will you really do not do no disk? GdM: At least in the near future - no. Now Many other projects ... But here we have PC-coder (from Sweden), and if it is coded interface - Then do ... Because if you really do - it seriously ... Manwe: So then - still is? :) GdM: Well, just not in the near future. ---- This can be finished with GdM and return to XPEh'u ... Manwe: Ok. idem dalshe ... Kto krome thee, Po tvoemu mneniyu, doctoin zanyat pozitsii in cpickax luchshix muzykantov Poccii? And HOW do you otnocishcya otvedennomu to thee mectu? XPEh: I recently stopped for something, this is followed, but right now, pull yourself together with the forces and it will be necessary, first, to finish a lot of things that I have not finished well and do listening anything new from the rest of our musicians. In general, the last time I was very pleased with Tangy! He a very diverse music turns .... Manwe: "Rrppp - ckazal He would:) Kctati, krome Elwood'a Whosoever of "not Russian" muzykantov nravitcya thee? XPEh: BaseHead, Siren, well, almost all AMiGA'vskie most famous, such as LizardKing, Moby, well, even the eyes get .... AzaZel, Hollywood, The FoxII - Well, in short, a lot .... Manwe: Planiruesh uchactvovat in EnLight'97 and Mockovckoy party? Ecli Yea, verily chto budet IT'S - vce esche 4 kanala? XPEh: Absolutely! And it will most likely not Channel 4, and Pobol, well, at least 12 ... And even more ... Manwe: HOW would you oxapakterizoval STYLE of music, you kotopogo priderzhivaeshcya pocledny Year? And whether otkloneniya ot nego? XPEh: Well, off course were, but mostly I recently taken a great interest Trance and all of its branches ..... Manwe: From zhivoy music clushaesh ... XPEh: Well, again, mostly now Trance, GOA, DreamTrance, Ambient, New Age, well, all that beautiful ..:))) Manwe: And from cobctvennoy music kakie MOD'y (Po imenam !!!:) thee camomu bolshe vcego nravyatcya? And if you clushaesh cvoyu music after, togo, HOW ona dopicana (znaesh, mnogie Lo write MOD, S3M, XM nA kacety and xodyat pleyepami c) ... XPEh: That's what I do:)) And from my - those that everyone can hear. Recently, I like the most "Mouldy Clouds" and "Trance-X Vibes" ... Manwe: Obektivnaya camootsenka :)))) Where are mozhno brat tvoi novye veschi krome HOW nA party? XPEh: On my board ...:)) [Phone NeonDreamBBS and Fido address - at the end of interview] Manwe: Well ... on this, perhaps, done. Thank you for this interview! XPEh: Kushayte to your health! -------------------------------------------------- ------ XPEh @ Fido - 2:5020 / 659.63 AMiGANET - 39:241 / 17.18
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