Micro #10
28 ноября 1998

Pokes - подборка Poke's.

<b>Pokes</b> - подборка Poke's.
         *                     *
***********      P O K E      ***********
         *                     *

               Mr. Freeze
             Infinite lives
                 33823 0
                 33824 0

                Mr. Heli
           Set number of lives
                55827 num

     Mr. Weems and the She Vampires
             Infinite energy
                 39973 0
                 40019 0
                 39974 0

                Mr. Wimpy
             Infinite lives
                 33693 0
                 33694 0
                 33695 0
                 33696 0
            Start on level 2
                 44501 1
              Infinite time
                 33501 0
             Infinite pepper
                 43105 0
          Set number of pepper
                33721 num

               Ms. Pacman
           Set number of lives
                48516 num

              Munsters, The
          Infinite time 37891 0

              Mutant Monty
         Infinite lives 54933 0

             Infinite lives
                 29667 0

              Mutan Zone 2
                255 lives
                33666 255
                33709 255
                39412 255

           Mystery of the Nile
             Infinite lives
                 55471 0
                 55472 0
                 55473 0

       Myth: History in the Making
          Set number of credits
                62005 62
                62006 num
                 62007 0
                 62045 0

        Navy Moves 2 (code:63723)
             Infinite lives
                 54047 0

             Infinite lives
                 32921 0
              Infinite time
                 43650 0

             Infinite lives
                 51949 0
                 51479 1

           Nemesis the Warlock
              Infinite ammo
                 31851 0
                 31858 0

              Nether Earth
            Infinite supplies
                44399 18
                44615 33
            Infinite credits
                 51840 0
            Something robots
                 51812 0
                 51813 0
                 51814 0
                 51815 0

         New Zealand Story, The
               No nasties
                51732 201
                 50000 0

             Infinite lives
                 36212 0

       Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix
               255 seconds
                33581 255
                33596 255

      Nightmare Rally Infinite time
                41652 182

              Night Shade 1
             Infinite lives
                52665 33
                52668 52
              Fast running
                49228 20
        See end sequence when die
                 52900 0
                 52901 0
                 52902 0
           Walk through walls
                 58056 0
               No nasties
                 52739 0

             Night Shift 48
          Always complete shift
                25265 58

             Ninja Commando
           Set number of lives
                29076 num

             Ninja Massacre
             Infinite lives
                 55832 0

         Ninja Scooter Simulator
              Infinite time
                45864 201

           Ninja Warriors, The
             Infinite lives
                29591 183
                52942 69
                53224 69
              Infinite ammo
                 29591 0
             Infinite energy
                 24654 0
                 39981 0
                29646 201
                29701 201
                 24599 0

            Nodes of Yesod 48
             Infinite lives
                 32661 0
              Infinite time
                 32203 0
                 32204 0
                32205 12
                32206 91

             Infinite lives
                 40703 0
           Set number of lives
                40785 num

  Non Compos Mentis 2: Pleasure Bey...
              Infinite time
                53328 201

            Nonterraqueous 1
             Infinite laser
                30596 24
             Infinite energy
                36047 195
             Infinite break
                25646 195
             Infinite bombs
                36464 24
                 36222 0
                25699 24

    Nonterraqueous 2: Soul of a Robot
           Set number of lives
                25812 num

               North Star
               No nasties
                 44433 0
                 45283 0
             Infinite lives
                48371 190
            Infinite weapons
                 43680 0

            Nuclear Countdown
             Infinite lives
                 41803 0
                 47788 0
                 47789 0

             Infinite lives
                 58289 0
                 63329 0

            Odd Job Eddie 128
             Infinite lives
                 30349 0

            Odd Job Eddie 48
             Infinite lives
                 30349 0

  Olli & Lissa 1: The Ghost of Shil...
             Infinite energy
                 34569 0
                 34570 0
                 34571 0
                37610 24
                 34343 0
                 34344 0
                 34345 0

            One For the Road
             Infinite lives
                 27066 0

               On the Run
             Infinite energy
                39026 201
              Infinite time
                43669 182
               No nasties
                36212 201

            Operation Hormuz
             Infinite lives
                 47123 0

          Operation Thunderbolt
             Infinite lives
                44529 183

           Operation Wolf 128
             Infinite damage
                 40840 0
            Infinite grenades
                40756 183
             Infinite lives
                 40840 0

            Operation Wolf 48
             Infinite lives
                 40691 0
                 40710 0
                30734 195
            Infinite bullets
                 40681 0
                 40783 0
                 40784 0
            Infinite grenades
                 40710 0
             Loads of energy
                40733 255

          Orbix the Terrorball
             Infinite lives
                 32127 0
                 32188 0

             Infinite lives
                37319 201

             Infinite lives
                 57226 0

            Out of this World
             Infinite lives
                26984 182

              Infinite time
                 40623 0

              Overlander 48
             Infinite lives
                 29521 0

               Pacland 128
             Infinite lives
                 35141 0
                 23541 0

               Pacland 48
             Infinite lives
                 35141 0
                 23541 0

            Pacman's Revenge
             Infinite lives
                 26000 0
                27354 183

               Panama Joe
             Infinite lives
                38633 183

           Lots of accessories
                 25657 1

               Paperboy 1
             Infinite papers
                 49263 0
             Infinite lives
                50577 190
                50495 201

             Infinite lives
                 38303 0

               Park Patrol
             Infinite lives
                 53949 0

             Infinite lives
                 49917 0
               Super jumps
                 50751 0
              Infinite time
                49977 182

           People from Sirius
             Infinite energy
                 31329 0
              Infinite ammo
                 31473 0
         Infinite torch battery
                 31374 0

         Percy the Potty Pigeon
                255 lives
                25931 47

                Phantis 1
             Infinite lives
                 54216 0
                 54232 0

                Phantis 2
             Infinite lives
                 57606 0

               Phantomas 1
             Infinite lives
                52804 62
                52805 128
             Infinite energy
                 44819 0
              Something OK
                25095 201

               Phantomas 2
             Infinite lives
                 26602 0
                 26606 0
                 28452 0

              Phantom Club
             Infinite energy
                49803 237

             Infinite lives
                 29375 0

           Set number of lives
                44424 num
                 46457 0
                 44416 5
                 46441 0

             Infinite lives
                 38151 0

             Infinite lives
                 31566 0
           Set number of lives
                28950 num

          Opponent can't score
                33180 201

               Pipe Mania
      Infinite time (ENTER starts)
                 34011 0
             Infinite energy
                 38481 0

                 Pi R 2
             Infinite lives
                 38752 0
             Infinite energy
                 38481 0

           Pixy the Microdot 2
             Infinite lives
                 28402 0
             Infinite energy
                26979 24
                28366 24

           Set number of lives
                24026 num
             No enemie fire
                 26744 0
                 24373 0

               Platoon 128
            Infinite grenades
                 31138 0
                 31268 0
             Infinite morale
                 31270 0
              Infinite hits
                 31268 0
                 31269 0

               Platoon 48
            Infinite grenades
                 31138 0
                 31268 0
             Infinite morale
                 31270 0
              Infinite hits
                 31268 0
                 31269 0

                Plot, The
             Infinite lives
                 47100 0
             Infinite energy
                 44658 0

             Infinite lives
                38345 183

             Infinite lives
                 25146 0
            Set number of ???
                25309 num
                25200 20

             Infinite lives
                 44259 0
                44260 33

             Power Pyramids
             Infinite lives
                51175 183
             Infinite energy
                37379 183
                49209 183

               Predator 1
             Infinite lives
                51413 183
             Infinite energy
                51410 175
                51411 50
                51412 151
                51413 139
                51414 195
                 51415 0
                51416 91

           Pro BMX Simulator 1
            Standard version
              No time limit
                31784 24
                36231 201

    Professional Skateboard Simulator
             Infinite lives
                 34281 0
              Infinite time
                56294 195
                 No ???
                 56291 0
                 56292 0
                 56293 0

             Project Future
           Set number of lives
                30147 num
                No aliens
                 27662 0

             Infinite lives
                 24984 0
                 27250 1

             Psycho Soldier
                 level 1
             Infinite lives
                 40807 0
             Infinite bombs
                 40123 0
                41401 201

           Set number of lives
                48930 num
                26142 52
                26143 55
                 22625 0
                 22626 0
                26142 62
                26143 255
                 26144 0

              Infinite fuel
                 28625 0
             Infinite oxygen
                26143 255
                 26144 0
             Infinite lives
                41098 17
                41099 32
                 41100 1
                 41101 0

                 Pud Pud
             Infinite lives
                 49287 0

             Infinite lives
                 34730 0

             Infinite lives
                 48126 0

             Infinite lives
                 45632 0
                 45636 0
                 45637 0
                 45638 0

                Push Off
          Infinite lives + time
                26862 167
                 27136 0

            Infinite credits
                 42698 0
              Infinite time
                 46084 0

             Infinite lives
                 48658 0
             Infinite energy
                 33832 0

               Pyra Curse
             Infinite energy
                33450 201

             Infinite lives
                 30357 0

              Pyramid, The
             Infinite energy
                 44685 0

             Infinite lives
                 46064 0
                 45944 0
                 45945 0
             Set start level
                44991 num
              Infinite time
                45370 183

                26215 201

               Quazatron 1
             Infinite energy
                 58238 0
                58255 24
                58256 65
                58347 195
                58348 220
                58349 224

                Race, The
              Infinite time
                 53298 0
             Infinite turbos
                 55531 0

            Raid over Moscow
                40299 182
                43364 182
                46507 182
                49130 182

             Rainbow Islands
             Infinite lives
                 65110 0

                 Rambo 2
             Infinite lives
                27401 52
                 30263 0
                38841 24

                 Rambo 3
                 57830 0
                 57831 0
                 57832 0
                 60190 0

             Infinite lives
                 56693 0

             Infinite lives
                 43059 0
                35079 201

                Rana Rama
             Infinite lives
                57463 205
                59836 205
                57572 201
                 59821 0
                 57421 0
       Inifinite cast power runes
                51631 201
                53532 132
                51533 201
                57633 33

          Rastan Saga 128, The
             Infinite energy
                 39710 0
             Infinite lives
                40084 62
                 40605 0
             Infinite icons
                 39393 0

           Rastan Saga 48, The
           Set number of lives
                48909 num
             Infinite lives
                 40269 5
             Infinite energy
                 39895 0
               Mega jumps
                 40790 0

               Raster Scan
             Infinite power
                 39220 0
              Infinite time
                 39228 0
          No door logic puzzles
                40078 201

            Real Ghostbusters
             Infinite lives
                 40913 0

                 49958 0
             Infinite energy
                 51139 0
                 49239 0
              Infinite time
                 49249 0

               Red L.E.D.
             Infinite energy
                 32626 0
                 31928 0
                 41961 0
              Infinite time
                32746 201
             Infinite lives
                 49249 0

             Renegade 1 128
            Don't fight back
                 35094 0
              Infinite time
                 39804 0
              Hard punches
                 37666 3
             Infinite lives
                40455 195

              Renegade 1 48
             Infinite lives
                 41047 0
                41046 195
           Set number of lives
                23343 num

     Renegade 2 48 : Target Renegade
              Infinite time
                 63936 0
           Set time (minutes)
                63760 num
      Set number of lives (play 2)
                63797 num

             Renta-Kill Rita
             Infinite lives
                 57982 0
             Infinite sprays
                 58520 0
              Infinite food
                 58229 0

             Infinite lives
                35652 182
              Infinite time
                 47111 0
        Set starting level (0-7)
                34831 num

                  Rex 1
             Infinite bombs
                 38745 0
                 38748 0
                39396 183
                 40057 0
                39396 62
                39397 99
                 39398 0
                39399 183

                  Rex 2
             Infinite bombs
                 38721 0
                 38724 0
                39170 183
                 40303 0
                39170 62
                39171 99
                 39172 0
                39173 183

            Rick Dangerous 1
             Infinite lives
                 58359 0

             Infinite lives
                 37385 0

              Riddlers Den
                29820 24

             Infinite lives
                52031 201

             Infinite lives
                 35427 0
           Set number of lives
                35528 num

              River Rescue
             Infinite lives
                 33420 0

              Road Blaster
            Infinite credits
                 48635 0
               Extra speed
                 47025 0
               No corners
                 47541 0
             Infinite lives
                 29261 0
              Infinite fuel
                 37100 0

               Road Racer
             Infinite lives
                 27150 0

               Road Runner
             Infinite lives
                 40806 0
                 40891 0
                 42600 0

          Roads of Plexar, The
             Infinite lives
                 47754 0

                Road Toad
           Set number of lives
                30208 num

                Road Wars
        Infinite lives (player 1)
                 43059 0
        Infinite lives (player 2)
                 43078 0

          Robin of the Wood 48
             Infinite lives
                 49111 0

                Robocop 1
               No baddies
                 31007 0
             Infinite lives
                 25917 0
                39540 201
              Infinite time
                45722 201
                 25424 0
               Turbo speed
                 34039 0
          Don't pause when shot
                 25795 0

                Robocop 2
             Infinite lives
                 38765 0

               Robo Rumpus
             Infinite lives
                50939 195

              Robot Escape
             Infinite lives
                54700 183

              Robot Messiah
             Infinite lives
                 53336 0

             Infinite lives
                57048 182

             Infinite lives
                 56344 0
                 56345 0
                 56346 0
              Infinite time
                 52549 0
               No nasties
                 46353 0
           Set start level + 1
                40051 num

              Rock 'n' Roll
             Infinite lives
                 41423 0

        Rocky Horror Show 48, The
              Infinite time
                 48821 0

             Infinite lives
                 37200 0

              Rogue Trooper
             Infinite lives
                 30942 0
           Infinite fire power
                 35091 0
             Less enemy fire
                 34297 0

            Roland's Rat Race
          Infinite lives + glue
                50940 201
                56449 82

             Infinite lives
                 30900 0

             Roller Coaster
             Infinite lives
                36594 50
                36868 70
                 36869 0

             Rolling Thunder
             Infinite lives
                 39792 0
             Infinite energy
                 40013 0
              Infinite time
                 38909 0
               Slow motion
                 40318 0
               Good laugh!
                 43397 0

            Rommel's Revenge
             Infinite lives
                 42976 0

                R-Type 1
             Infinite lives
                 37374 0
                 37525 0
              Drunken ship
                38241 22
                38242 154
                37362 201

              Run for Gold
             Infinite energy
                 41097 0
                37278 60

             Infinite lives
                 61577 0
              Infinite time
                 51216 0

                 44945 0
                 37835 0
           Set number of lives
                43396 num

              Saboteur 1 48
            Everlasting clock
                 47009 0
                 47010 0
                 47011 0
              Infinite time
                 46998 0
             Infinite energy
                 29894 0

              Saboteur 2 48
             Infinite energy
                 61382 0
              Infinite time
                 37122 0
                61340 201
             Infinite lives
                 37122 0
                61340 201

               Sabre Wulf
                 44786 0
             Infinite lives
                 43575 0
           Set number of lives
                45599 num
          Move (small) monsters
                39702 30
         Infinite lives player 2
                 45520 0

               Sai Combat
             Infinite lives
                65364 201
                 32421 1

             Infinite lives
                 48052 0
                38701 201
             Infinite bombs
                 38592 0
              Top weaponry
                 35616 0

            to be continued...

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Юмор - подборка анекдотов.

Pokes - подборка Poke's.

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