Adventurer #01
31 декабря 1995

System - On the old and new system software: VU-3D - the construction of figures on the planes; Mega Screen v1.8 - a graphical editor.

<b>System</b> - On the old and new system software: VU-3D - the construction of figures on the planes; Mega Screen v1.8 - a graphical editor.
              C & S T E M A

     In this section, you'll have the pleasure of reading as 
both new and sitemnyh old programs on various tricks and 
enhancements, as well as of all that associated with system 
software and programming. 


     (C) Kotov AV

     Today we will talk about two programs, one of them belongs 
to the long-standing 1982, the second is quite fresh.

     So ...

     We begin our review with a good old-fashioned
VU-3D software company PSION. Year of Manufacture

     This program, generally speaking, has been
for his time, very cool. Even today, I have not seen anything 
better from her this area. (Also, according to rumors, CAD +3 D 
​​Plot). Many will say: "What is he trying to us

foist junk some ... "and will not
right. This system, though slow, but allows you to receive any
object known, collected from the lines, erase lines
invisible path, asking the two sources of illumination. And all 
this at 48 kilobytes memory! (If you recall the story, then 
many pet IBM PC had just appeared in America and had not so 
much a color image, and just do work only text).

     So it was kratenkoe intro
and now I will describe the program menu and the principles of 
operation, at the end of the description here are a few working 
screens of the program. 


        (C) 1982 Psion Software

     The program performs the construction of figures on the 
planes, ie you create ob'em of the sections (see figure).

     Download the program is produced in
mode, 48 kbps (for machines with 128K).
After downloading, you are prompted to create new object known 
or boot with the old external media.

     1) Create a new figure

     2) Load a data file

     After you select 2, the program
load them from external media and will
to the main menu (MAIN MENU).

     When you select Create you get
in the creation mode object known.

       In this program, all actions
performed or when you click on the letter that corresponds to 
the first letter of the command, or a figure standing in front 
of the team. The program introduces any object known as a set 
of Z-plane (Z axis into the screen).

     Screen with the Create command has the following structure:

  At the top of the screen are:

   Indicator of the current mode (displayed in

    reverse video)



  On the left side and bottom of the screen held
X and Y axes as marked.

  In the very last line shows
current position in X, Y and Z-plane which is at present the 
current one. (All constructions are made on the current


     Menu command Create:
Open, Close, Figure, Magnify, Reduce,
Next Z, Quit.

     1. Open
- Start creating object known. After selecting
This command changes the list of commands and
cursor appears. The cursor is controlled
5,6,7,8 keys and the same key with Caps
Shift provide more slow moving the cursor.

    Commands available in the Open:
Start, Line, End, Delete.

    Start-marks the starting point of the figure

    Line - draw a line from the last

            construction, the points to the cursor.

    End - to finish construction and get into

          previous menu.

    Delete - delete the last line of


    2. Next Z - Move to the next Z
    plane. The new plane is preserved
    are figures with previous planes,

    they can change teams and Magnify


    3. Figure - go to the next Figo
    solution (if built more than one

    figure). Selected figure stands

    dotted line. After that it

    You can change the keys 5,6,7,8 and

    teams Magnify and Reduce.

    4. Magnify - increases narisovanuyu

    shape in size.

    5. Reduce - reduce narisovanuyu

    shape in size.

    6. Close - completes the current object known

    7. Quit - ends the object known, and ALL

    exits to the main menu.

         Main menu command:


                MAIN MENU

    1) Modify a figure

    2) Abandon

    3) Load a date file

    4) Create a new figure

    5) Save a data file

    6) Display

    7) Change colors

 Modify - change the size and arrangement
          of figures.
 Abandon - to erase all the pieces.
 Load - load data.
 Save - save the data.
 Display - work with the object known.
 Change colors - change color.
 Display - This mode allows you to get


           object known to hide invisible Do
           Research, get drenched object known.

 Komandy Mode Display:
Far, Near, Magnify, Reduce, Quit, Picture.

    5,6,7,8 keys you can turn
object known around the axes.

    Near - closer to the observer

           object known.

    Far - udalaet observer object known.

    Magnify - zooms

              object known.

    Reduce - reduce the image

             object known.

    Quit - exit the main menu.

    Picture - after logging in to this option, you

              see several teams

              to work with the display DISP
              expression pattern.
 Command mode Pictute:
Hidden line, Shade, Colour, Print, Keep,

    Hidden line - removal of hidden if
                  tions of the contour.

    Shade - the construction of black and white pu
            sunka. After you select this to
            Manda asked about located
            Appendix begin with the first use
            light source, and then - the second
            rogo. Possible responses

            first question:

  And - on top, B - bottom, C - in the center;

            the second question:

  L - left, R - right, C - in the center.

    Colour - Set the background color and pattern.

    Print - print the picture to the printer.

    Keep - write a display file on the outside
           shny carrier.

    Quit - exits the Display.

     Now consider the example of creating a
simple shapes. For example, we take
cu. Thus, began ...

     Run the program VU-3D (cm.prilozhenie). Vyveberem 
paragraph 1 (Create a new figure, ie button "1" and Enter) - 
get into a menu object known. 

     Click Open, will be a new
menu and the cursor is in the form of the cross. Pose
cursor keys 5,6,7,8 in the upper left
corner of the future of the cube. (Just Take the cursor from 
its initial position on a few points left and up, focusing on 
the axial scale). Press the "S" (Start) - this is the beginning 
of construction. Take the cursor to the right so that it

symmetric starting point. (just do-it
not necessarily, but it will look better). Press the "L" (Line) 
- y You will have a line from the starting point to

cursor. Pull the cursor down to the same
distance (the cube all the sides are equal), and
Again, press "L". Do this for the remaining two sides of the 
square base, then press "E"

(End) to finish the construction of the figure.
After that we return to the menu
Create. Here you can get the right
you figure the size of the keys "M" (Magnify)
and "R" (Reduce), now with the key
"N" (Next Z) Get to the Z
(Bottom right) was equal to, for example, 30 or 40. (But it's 
better that this value was equal to the size of the edge of the 
square). When you press "Q" (Quit) figure

considered completed, and the program jumps to the main menu 

     In it you will need to select
Display. Going into this mode, you can
increase or decrease the object known, to bring
or remove the observation point, turn
object known (5,6,7,8 or 5,6,7,8 keys to
Caps Shift). Once you enter Picture
(Press "P") can do some image manipulations object known: to 
remove invisible lines get cut

image, burn the image as a screen.

     These manipulations with our cube I
I hope you have done yourself without my


     Teper go on to describe the most
Fresh on the date of the program for
working with graphics. It's called MEGA
SCREEN. At the moment, to my knowledge
full working version of the editor and one
DEMO version. Version 1.8 is a complete
working version and it will talk.

            MEGA SCREEN v1.8


     It's no secret that the computer ZX-Spectrum conventional 
means displays only two colors in the familiarity of set in 8 
colors. For a long time it was considered axiomatic. And then 
came the editor, where you can get all sixteen

colors available computer.

     This may not be represented and
the creator of this machine.

     So, a short description of the Editor:

     After starting the editor on the screen
will be operating the menu, the edit box and a window that 
displays the whole picture. 

     The screen is divided into three parts. At the bottom is 
the edit box in the upper left-hand side - a field indicating 
the selected color, brightness, flicker. 

     Key color management:

   1,2 - color change INK

   3,4 - discoloration PAPER

     B - enable / disable BRIGHT

     F - also to Fight FLASH

     T - set the Transparent

     In the upper middle of the screen is a box that displays 
ALL Fig. When you press [Space], a frame, which can be used

select a site for editing.

     In the upper right-hand side is a menu
Tips for the teams. Here are the commands:

    Clear - clear the window or screen

    Inverse - invert the window or


    Q - enlarge the color

    A - reduce color

    Load - load the screen with a disc

    Save - to write the screen to disk

    Remove - to copy a window from any

             another screen in the current

    Exit - [Space] key.

    + / - You can customize the system to


    M key allows you to switch the screen
    Ny (25 screens for 128k cars).

     Together with the editor comes
compiler screens. It connects the procedure, the hook output 
screen to second interrupt mode (IM2).


Other articles:

Author - addresses and phone numbers of the authors of articles in the magazine.

Interface - Topic is devoted to letters from readers. Food for Thought on Life SPECCY.

the way - In this section you will find a variety of "tricks", found when working with programs and POKES.

Review - On the software updates in Rybinsk: Octopus, Lords of Chaos, Pipe Dream, 48 irons, Field of Dreams. Top Ten.

Exchange of experience - On the achievements in the development of ATM-Turbo.

Ads - Advertising and announcements.

Presentation - On the new game genre Adventure - "Talisman".

Presentation - On the new game genre Adventure "Ship of Doom".

System - On the old and new system software: VU-3D - the construction of figures on the planes; Mega Screen v1.8 - a graphical editor.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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