Spectrofon #06
31 мая 1994 |
From the world of bat - an overview of reading mail: standardization issues, problems IS-DOS, etc.
From the world of bat Recently, our mail put on weight, but still I would like what you wrote to us more often, and more. Probably, the lack of full backward communication, this seems to be the scourge of all electronic computer magazines. We have evidence that in many Western magazines of this type section on readers' letters is missing. Now, about the letters. Recently time is often raises the question of protection that we use. Yes, she did until recently operated only in TR-DOS 5.03 and above. K Besides, does not like too high speed drive. To this should be brought attention to those who drive "Squeezes" a lot more than 300 rpm. And yet. You can not handle floppy Regeneration programs such as DCU - mess up disc. Those who wish to restore the disk suggest that you use the ADS, but only in mode CHECK. After disk will be checked, the program asks you whether you want to restore the "broken" sector (if are to be found). In this case, if you wish to restore floppy disk, do not leave the regime CHECK, and immediately the question RESTORE? answer YES. But in fact we do when we put protection, have completely forgotten that in nature is still a dinosaur such as TR-DOS 5.01. Bring We apologize to those who still then uses this prehistoric instance. Repent, that is not made it possible to read our magazine at 5.01. But we it is now clear - in a country still full of all sorts of computer family "ZX-SPECTRUM" and would not be surprised if tomorrow the editors will receive a letter from the owner "SPECTRUM 16K" with two drives and "screw" on a gigabyte, which will ask to pump some cool games on the modem. But seriously, is not quite clear why the people it most 5.01, which does not go nearly all of the new program? Although it is clear that there are users who are easier to alter loader for 5.01, than climb in the wilds of his computer to find there home 5.01, drag it to the light of day, and then paste incomprehensible 5.04T. Oh well, someone who 5.1 enjoys prominent, which, so to say, the configuration must be his computer. Now we discover the world "SPECTROFON" but also for those who still remained 5.01. As you can see, the issue of standardization of our Speccy is very sharply. How to grasp the immensity? How to provide all the nuances Conduct computer Uncle Vanya, whose one-sided 40-track drive, but in addition TR-DOS 4.99? But he was also very want to play. The simplest would advise him to come to Moscow for Mitinskaya market and buy a normal computer. For example "PROFI" or "Moscow" at worst "Pentagon". And if Uncle Vanya has no money? And if he is to get to Moscow, you need to spend money twice more than the cost of this is the "Pentagon"? In short, the cavalry assaults this problem is not solve. It is clear that we must somehow agree on standards our computers. "SPECTROFON" ready to give your pages for everyone to speak on this matter: and developers and programmers, and producers. Let's try to decide. Our magazine is ready to become the testing ground on which to hone your ideas and thoughts. We NEED a standard. Otherwise, what you get. Please, two letters on one subject. From Mr. A. Kiba: On the 128th version of "DEACTIVATORS". In the form in which you publish it, it fail to work at the family computer "SCORPION". And, I think, on any other computers with memory above 128K. "S": Not exactly. On the editorial MBytes "PROFI" this the game is going. A. Kiba: Everything happens because of incorrect work with the transfer port memory 7FFD. In order to make it work had to insert a few commands. The second letter was even more rigid. Sim OLEG: offensive that pages of your magazine appeared hack hacks - "FANATIC STASa, which had irritated by all progressive humanity skripyasche-flashing encodings, and now the example of "DEACTIVATOR 128", distorted by the fact that makes their version of "fail" on a third computer, switching pages barbaric way - OUT (# FD), A and monitor any non-standard processor NMI (fear resident monitor). We refer to all like Hacker, so jealous relating to his (?) intellectual property to keep these crafts at home, nobody display and admire them in loneliness. "S": We think that FANATIC STAS listen to the wishes of our readers, and we would say that's what. The thing is, that preparing the game for inclusion in the "Supplement" we sent all them in two vehicles: "PROFI" and MOSCOW. If at least one one game does not go, we will either remake it or look for another version. And keep all editorial species Speccy - starting with "Robic", "Master" bypassing "byte" and Delta and ending with "Pentagon" and "Leningrad" we do not no way. And in general can you imagine such a imagine? Therefore, returning to the subject of standardization, for example, - write, we will negotiate their own GOST. A few more words on the subject "Go - no go." Gemara AV: Music Editor ASM v1.12, included in the second room, refuses to work with drive for all operations. (I "PENTAGON" 128 TR-DOS 5.03). This version of the ASM operates in its own OS. Perhaps it does not work correctly. Even when trying to write compiled code of music is failure. The computer accesses drive, LED lights, head twitches and program issues - DRIVE NOT ATTACHED. The same thing happens with choice of all other disk operations. "S": This question we long give rest. It was very difficult deal with the system ASM "great archiver" Sendetsky. Probably only he could competently explain why it occurs. Unfortunately, the author failed to warn us about possible inconsistencies in the record in ASM shell magazine. We found only one thing: ASM must be recorded at the beginning of the disc. Then this system does not conflict with the shell of the magazine and works normal. When we were recording another batch of the second edition This question was removed from the agenda day. Those who bought the distribution second edition (the firm Inforkom ") from the first batch of the journal offer to send us a floppy disk and we will replace it for labor. Those Who can come to the radio market Mitino, come to the place A-37, where you can easily change the floppy disk. Others, if they have similar problems may apply to regional distributors. Golikov Alexander from Krasnoyarsk asks us whether we are not going to open a subscription for "SPECTROFON". "S": Not yet, although we thought about it. Simply not yet possible to work with the data bank subscribers. Hands is not enough. But maybe next year we return to this issue. Recently, we received several letters with questions some games. Well, let's try to answer. VEDERNIKOV VN from Perm again returns us to talk about "ELITE-3", which is released Firm THD. Here's what he wrote: You did not mention anything about a circumstance. Or maybe it only happens on my computer? I mean loop programs on a mission to rescue a dying planet. In the first galaxies that mission do not offer, but is only fly in the second, as already 2-3 trip in this galaxy gets to the dying planet. Well, take away the people and using planetary hyperdrive (Per 125cr) or intergalactic flies in the third galaxy. In It repeats the same story. And so on until no find ourselves in the first galaxy. If I try to not drop people or take them all, then again taken to the crumbling star system and all this can continue until you get into the first galaxies. I've tried do not fly up to this planet. Refilled from the star start to another planet, but the same result. I'm not talking about that after the first shipment of refugees suddenly discover that disappear all acquired in the additional menu cargo compartments and ship has a load capacity only 35 tons instead of the usual 150, 200 or 255 tons. And I just lost 220 000 credo spent on the purchase of these compartments. Probably saved people saw off a piece of ship on a long - long memory in gratitude for the his salvation. I would very much like to get an answer or an explanation on this subject: it property of my computer, my broken line version of the game, or a general property of the game "ELITE-3" (THD)? "S": The common property of TND. We have already wrote about the looping of the game and we have nothing to add to the letter our correspondent. Penzina JP (Samara): Read in the third issue of your magazine the full version BATTLE COMMAND. Whether this is the version that is Name BATTLE COMAND + 10 missions? In Samara, for two years already for sale version without maps and without missions. Is it possible to publish This full version of the journal "SPECTROFON"? "S": Yes, this is the same version. A about the publication ... When will prepare a full detailed description of the section "Expertise" Then be sure to include this play in our application. Now about the games that we themselves would have gladly bought and visitors. At this time, these games and want to see our readers: F-19 STEALTH FIGHTER (described in 1 issue of "Computer Worlds ZX-Spectrum "ed." Peter "). BARD'S TALE (we know about this game only that it is quite successfully transferred from IBM and belongs to the genre ROLE PLAYING GAME. By the way, and at IBM, this game remains one of the best in the genre RPG). GATES OF ASSEENOT (about this game mentions one of the readers ZX-REVIEW in the third issue of the magazine). We appeal to those who have have these games, with a request respond. Thank you in advance! We have several letters the structure of our magazine. Semkin ALEXANDER from Bryansk writes that in the "Supplement" to his opinion would suffice and one, a maximum of two games. Yet he asks give more information on system. The same write SIM Oleg and fungi BORIS, but in a slightly different plane: ... Absolutely no need to "APPENDIX" combined with information part. It's not even that of the all the extant four issues we had only one game - "GREAT BRITAIN" (for quite a good reason) ... "S": What! Cool game, right? ... and that the use "SPECTROFON" as a boot somehow irrational. Much better to produce more extensive information part and, separately, the application. A user, sorry, the subscriber, he decides it is worth taking a second disc or not. "S": At first glance, it is logical. C On the other hand these words You can see the people who themselves sell diskettes and thus have a large number games and software programs. Just tell me what to do those with some programs is, and some not? Him that buy "application" on a separate floppy disk for only one program, which has been described in "SPECTROFON" e? While, however, We are confident that there will be and such. But, without doubt, the cost of our readers with such an approach would increase at least in half. No, all the same journal wondered a little different way: "Honor-run." True, we can change its policy and to do so, as suggested authors of the letter, but it should solve most of our readers. In general, thanks to SIM OLEG Gribov and Boris from Volgograd a detailed letter, which addresses many of the problems, and in particular to work with is-DOS. As part of continuing discussions on the subject cite that portion of the letter, which refers to this system: ... Fully agree with the author of the article (V. Ananin "We do not need such an order" "S" N2) in that in addition to the text editor in this system, in general, nothing worthwhile or not. And if anyone interested in the appearance of programs under the is-DOS, so Let him speak from the pages of any publication (ideally - SPECTROFON) and tell everyone about The kernel functions caused by Rst, and preferably more detail, than the mere transfer of Copyright help-file. "S": We join the call Our correspondents and appeal to the creators is-DOS, as well same to the company "slots": IF you want your system does not withered in Decor ARTIFICIALLY An information hunger, and will continue to actively LIFE - Give the programmer MEET WITH SYSTEM CLOSER. Use our information capacity ... However, if everything will remain the same, someone can be very sly sort out with this system, only, perhaps, by this time the bulk of users are interested in very different machines and other systems. In the meantime, is-DOS reminds us tin with a beautiful label (a sort of computer Uncle Bensom). Everything is closed, soldered, and the contents of a word. The so-called USER MANUAL for is-DOS - an ordinary book has long been the studied along and across the help-s. Useful information for thinking people - zero. Of course, at some stage this "User's Guide" was necessary, but now it is not enough and people like the air we need different books on is-DOS. Well, if they do not be? .. Gentlemen, remember that cans have a tendency to swell and deteriorate. True all that we are now discussed here corresponds to PROGRAMMER opinion rather than a normal user. User have not fastidious, and eats what gives. And the user is completely satisfied that YET dozens of programs is-DOS, which exists at this time. But ... Want more. And one "Slots" in it hardly a virtue. Therefore I would like to make this system is opened to all, who wants to create her masterpieces to the public good. Recently, we learned aware that the firm "slot" is preparing a book on Macroassembler for operating system is-DOS. Ice started? .. In conclusion a few words about distribution of our magazine. Y We have a few emails with questions on this topic. Those who purchase a license for "SPECTROFON", gets a magazine unprotected from copying the form and becomes our official regional distributor. This, however, does not apply to Moscow and Moscow region. Those who purchase a license directly on all issues of the journal, we pass another diskette with our defense. Thus, our regional distributor can quite easily spread "SPECTROFON" without regard for the fans of piracy. Although it is clear that the ideal protections do not exist and to play with Hacker cat and mouse is useless: the more complex and impenetrable defense, the strong desire break it. Therefore, in this case, the protection is on the magazine only for the that would somehow keep the profitability of our business on the right to survival level. Once again we remind you that program in "ATTACHMENT" Not protected and, if necessary, you can copy them its sole discretion. WAITING FOR NEW MESSAGES! *
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