Think #40
05 ноября 1999 |
NEOS - Description of a new operating system for the Spectrum.
NeOS - the new operating system for the Spectrum (C) 1999 Megus / Brainwave ^ X-Project. The idea of creating a completely new system for the Spectrum in the air is already very long. Perhaps many were taken for the establishment, but not many have the strength, patience, and and knowledge can bring such serious work until the end. In 1997, work on new OS launched Pavel Fedin, but he later, by Unfortunately, disillusioned with the idea. However, he has left a large number of specific theoretical developments, which later became the basis NeOS. Therefore, NeOS author of the concept of law is Pavel Fedin, and development of ideas and the implementation of all zadumok been engaged I Roman Petrov (Megus / Brainwave ^ X-Project). The decision to create a new OS for the Spectrum appeared not to scratch it as me and Pavel Fedin (hereinafter just developers) prompted the following reasons: 1. There are alternatives to TR-DOS (iS DOS) is obsolete, because was originally designed for machines with memory 48Kb. Also in the iS-DOS, there are some torye restrictions that do not give this freedom of the programmer. 2. Currently, there are many Spectrum models with memory than 128 KB, but the management of memory in each machine made by his own standards one that causes some difficulties a programmer. 3. Also there are many more periphery, but in this area there is no firmly established standards, as each developer strives to make all their own way. 4. TR-DOS, in fact, is not polnotsen Noah operating system. Actually it's just a tape emulator Operations on the diskette. 5. Absence of an integrated file system (As in TR-DOS, and in iS-DOS) hindered preserves the use of external media high-capacity data (HDD, CD-ROM ..). There are other reasons, but those that have just been listed, are the most important. All described problems are solved in NeOS. Here is a brief list of features that provides a programmer and NeOS user: - Supports up to 4MB of RAM (the theoretical cally - up to 1GB); - Implemented a system of block allocation memory, which will facilitate further implementation of the (pseudo) multi-tasking; - Implemented a system driver that Snee maet problem of incompatibility of different Noah periphery; - Implemented the system library functions; - Ability to work with any external storage ring Telem data; - Full support of the Director thorium; - Ability to work with files of arbitrary length (up to 4GB); - Supports long file names Noah and 16 characters with three-character extension; - Implemented the "transparent" support of times personal file systems. Now, all this in more detail. NeOS supports up to 4MB of RAM, while the programmer does not have any problems if operating under with this memory, as Work carried out by system functions NeOS, and the programmer has should not worry about the support of all the possible ways to implement the extended memory. For subsequent implementation of multitasking in NeOS system was implemented memory management: scaling in the selection paged memory. The size of allocated / freed block is a multiple of 1K. To work with external devices (not only with them) was implemented system drivers. Driver held in memory in the form of "chains": the beginning of each driver is a pointer to the next. Thus, the total number of drivers installed in the system is limited only by available memory. Each driver has its own name, by which the be searched. Drivers are divided into 2 types: resident and nonresident. K resident drivers are caused by each interrupt, a non-resident - the driver, specifically calling program. Each type has its own chain. From the driver program can be called follows: first, to find (open) the driver on his behalf, after then on the received address and the page contact number of the function in register A. Since in the future we plan to implement multi-tasking system has been implemented library functions. At the moment This system is not particularly important. Organization of libraries in memory is similar Organization drivers ("chain"), how to work with libraries are also similar. Working with external data storage carried out through two levels of Drivers: disk drives and drivers, file systems (FS). When working files the programmer must use Driver FS, and he has, in turn, uses the disk device driver. Thus providing support for any FS on any type of storage device. In NeOS implemented "transparent" support various FS. This means that the system can be installed multiple drivers FS and NeOS will work with any of them. When you select a disk device is appeal to each driver for the FS determining whether the disc FS. As only a driver recognized the disc as "Own" this driver is active for the device, and further operations with files on the disk will be produced by it. Therefore, NeOS eliminates the need for a Copy such as MS-DOS <-> TR-DOS, because system itself can perform similar operations. As in any full-fledged DOS, in NeOS capacity to work with subdirectories which is so lacking in TR-DOS. Also in NeOS no restriction on the length of a file specific to TR-DOS and iS-DOS, the maximum length of the file can be NeOS is equal to 4GB, which can not be considered restrictive. To implement the elementary contact with the user in NeOS integrated team interpreter allows you to perform basic commands and system management simple disk operations. There is a possibility combine a sequence of shell commands in a so-called batch files (batch files), which represent from a common text files. So as the built-in interpreter very modest, the possibility of install an external interpreter The developers had originally agreed that the system will be placed in ROM in the region occupied by 128 BASIC. This allowed maintain compatibility with virtually all existing software for the Spectrum (this Page ROMs used by a single program, the developers still have not found any one that would not work in the presence of ROM NeOS). In the ROM is the core system (Brainwave BIOS), the shell, as well as the most necessary driver, without which the operation of the system is impossible. Because cater for all users for selecting a standard set of Driver is not possible, it was decided to write installer NeOS. With installer each user can customize NeOS system the way he wants. It can choose the standard drivers, the type of computer (for use with expanded memory) color, language, system messages, layout keyboard, etc. The result of the installer is finished image ROM which is already possible to "stitch up" in Rom. It should be noted that NeOS does not work with ROM TR-DOS 5.03, for normal work with NeOS ROM drive to TR-DOS, which it is possible to directly consider floppy drive controller status register (Port # 1F VG93). It is recommended to use NeOS with TR-DOS 5.13, which will be attached to the system. To date, the core of the system is completely ready, and passes through the stage of active beta; parallel is writing software, without which the system can not exist, as well as to build library of drivers. Because one group able in the short term to ensure the system most necessary software developers invite all interested to the system cooperation. NeOS - it's free Distributable (freeware) product, but for a certain sum of money (it is still not defined), anyone can become a Registered User NeOS. Each registered user will receive from us a complete set of NeOS (installer, a library of drivers, the base soft), full documentation Programmer a small book, and we undertake to inform such users of the output of the most interesting software for NeOS and help in acquiring them. In developing NeOS attended: - Roman Petrov (Megus / BW ^ XPJ) - razrabot SC system, writing the kernel and more part of the driver; - Pavel Fedin - development of the system; - Andrei Mikheev (MAV / BW ^ XPJ) - writing drivers, constructive criticism; - Andrei Isayev - writing drivers FDD, constructive criticism; Neposredstvnnogo participation in development is not accepted, but tips help, criticism and morally supported by: - Roman Miliukov - author of the idea Installs torus; - Denis Dmitriev (Dismaster / XPJ) - constructive criticism; - Denis Sotchenko - constructive critical ka, tips for organizing memory and multitasking; - Jarek Adamski - constructive criticism, useful advice; - Evgeny Malkov (Tim Kelly / KGS), Alec Sandre Kormishin, Yuri Voynalovich, all Brainwave, the whole X-Project, Mihal Bukowski (YERZMYEY / H-Prog), ehokon ence REAL.SPECCY - a moral support. Contact the author: 424019, Russia, rep. Mari El, Yoshkar-Ola, ul. The festival, d. 77, kv. 13, Petrov Roman Sergeyevich. Phone: (8362) 22-66-09, 14:00 to 22:00 (mosk. time). FidoNet: 2:5052 / 7.37 ZXNet: 500:8362 / 1 E-mail: Description of the shell NeOS v1.0 Shell NeOS designed for elementary control system and files. It allows you to perform commands that can be divided into 2 main groups: - Team management system; - Team work with disk devices; When you first start NeOS made attempt to run the file "neosboot.bat" with disc set in the CMOS boot. In the absence of this file is access to the command line editor. In version 1.0 of the interpreter is limited, but this will be fixed in future versions. Command interpreter Team management system 1. VER Command displays information about Version NeOS. 2. MEM Command displays information about available upper memory. 3. CLS Command clears the screen and fills its current attributes. 4. CLW Command clears the current text box and fills its current attributes. 5. COLOR attr Command sets the current attributes attr. 6. BORDER color Command sets the border color color. 7. RAM page The team consists of # C000-# FFFF page number of the page. 8. CALL addr Team invokes, at the address addr. 9. STACK addr Command sets the stack pointer the address addr. 10. HEX Command sets the output of all the numbers in hexadecimal. 11. DEC Command sets the output of all the numbers in decimal form. 12. SILENCE Command turns off the sound AY. 13. POKE addr byte The team enters the 8-bit number in byte cell addr. 14. PEEK addr Command displays the 8-bit number of cell addr. 15. DPOKE addr word The team enters the 16-bit number in work cell addr and addr +1. 16. DPEEK addr Command displays the contents of cells and addr addr +1 as a 16-bit number. 17. TEXTWIN x y width height Command sets the current window koordintami upper left corner x and y, wide width, tall height. Coordinates and window sizes are set in the familiarity 8x8 pixels. 18. MEMMAP Command displays pokilobaytnuyu map Employment memory. 19. EXIT The command produces output in the StartUp Menu. Teams work with disk device 1. LOAD file [addr [length]] The team loads the first length bytes file into the address addr. Options addr and length optional. 2. SAVE file addr length This command writes the file file length length from the address addr. 3. RUN file [param] Command starts to execute code file file. Characters found after file name may be perceived as parameters of the program. 4. RUNS file Command starts the execution a batch file named file. Batch file - a text file containing sequence of commands NeOS. In addition to standard commands there are additional: "+" - The device to display the executable commands on the screen; "-" - Off the map executable commands; "" - A symbol of comment - all current Line is considered for the comment and ignored. The last line must necessarily end with a newline (# 0D, or # 0D, # 0A), otherwise it will not implemented. 5. CD [path] Command sets the current path and / or device. In the absence of parameter, the command displays the current way. 6. DIR Command displays the file names contained in the current directory. 7. REN file1 file2 Command renames file1 to file file2. 8. DEL file Command removes the file file. Read-Only files are removed from the preliminary confirmation. 9. MKDIR name The command creates a new directory name. 10. RMDIR name Command deletes an empty directory name. In NeOS set the standard for file extension: *. Cnp - executable; *. Bat - batch file; *. Drv - driver library; *. Lib - library of functions; *. Scr - screen file (6912 bytes). The upper memory NeOS organizes itself small area (1Kb) for their domestic needs. Memory allocation in this area is as follows: 256b - buffer command line; 512b - time domain for different functions; 114b - the current path In kernale there is a region reserved to call some useful functions shell. Here are their Description: # 00FC. Input string Function represents the editor character string. It provides the following facilities for editing: - The ability to move along a row arrow keys; - Ability to insert symbols in mid-line; - The ability to switch Russian / Latin registers, as well as Caps Lock. At the end of the set to end of line appended code # 0D. Input: HL - address of the edit buffer; B - the length of the input string. Exit: - # 00FF. Command interpreter The function performs the action specified in command line. If interp +2 and interp +3 equal to zero, use the built- Larry, otherwise - appearance, which indicates this variable. Log in: - Exit: - # 0102. Read number The function reads from a string 16-bit number. The number can be in hexadecimal and decimal form. Input: HL - address of string. Output: HL - a limited number; DE - the address in the following numbers; C = 0 - number of considered successful; C = 1 - error while reading. # 0105. Shut AY The function is similar to the SILENCE shell. Log in: - Exit: - # 0108. Change directory Function is similar to the CD shell. Input: HL - address of string. Exit: - ; *** Labels from 0 to 16383. DRV_BEG equ 23831; # 5D17 ERR_SP equ 23827; # 5D13 ERR_JP equ 23829; # 5D15 F_DRV equ 23844; # 5D24 F_LIB equ 23851; # 5D2B F_RES equ 23858; # 5D32 HK_INT1 equ 23810; # 5D02 HK_INT2 equ 23812; # 5D04 HK_INT3 equ 23814; # 5D06 HK_INT4 equ 23816; # 5D08 HK_INT5 equ 23818; # 5D0A HK_NMI equ 23820; # 5D0C HK_ERR equ 23808; # 5D00 LIB_BEG equ 23835; # 5D1B NEOSFD equ 23865; # 5D39 PROGRET equ 23825; # 5D11 RES_BEG equ 23839; # 5D1F STACK_P equ 23823; # 5D0F TEMPFA equ 23296; # 5B00 TOTR equ 23913; # 5D69 VARLEN equ 23843; # 5D23 abhl equ 234; # EA adddrv equ 90; # 5A addlib equ 96; # 60 agetcel equ 240; # F0 agetatr equ 243; # F3 alloch equ 117; # 75 allocl equ 120; # 78 atrf equ 1; # 1 border equ 5; # 5 brd_l equ 46; # 2E brd_r equ 48; # 30 brd_u equ 50; # 32 brd_d equ 52; # 34 buttons equ 54; # 36 cd equ 264; # 108 chpag equ 114; # 72 chpagl equ 144; # 90 chdrv equ 204; # CC cinterp equ 255; # FF click equ 84; # 54 cls equ 147; # 93 clw equ 150; # 96 countrs equ 68; # 44 csymdrv equ 156; # 9C curpage equ 27; # 1B curdbl equ 39; # 27 dabhl equ 237; # ED dbhl equ 228; # E4 drbox equ 189; # BD drive equ 33; # 21 drvnum equ 34; # 22 drivdsc equ 35; # 23 drivtab equ 37; # 25 dskerr equ 41; # 29 exprog equ 87; # 57 fdrvcal equ 210; # D2 filatr equ 153; # 99 flags1 equ 57; # 39 flags2 equ 58; # 3A fontadr equ 4; # 4 freeh equ 123; # 7B freel equ 126; # 7E getmax equ 129; # 81 hpagchg equ 141; # 8D interp equ 70; # 46 keywait equ 78; # 4E keywclk equ 81; # 51 lastkey equ 16; # 10 lastki1 equ 20; # 14 linput equ 252; # FC limcrd equ 12; # C mesger equ 165; # A5 mprealc equ 132; # 84 neos_r equ 59; # 3B neostmp equ 63; # 3F nmi_hnd equ 102; # 66 opendrv equ 105; # 69 openlib equ 108; # 6C openfil equ 207; # CF paginf equ 135; # 87 pagset equ 138; # 8A pagemp equ 21; # 15 pnum8 equ 168; # A8 pnum16 equ 171; # AB pnum32 equ 174; # AE pnt_x equ 42; # 2A pnt_y equ 44; # 2C ports equ 29; # 1D putch equ 159; # 9F puts equ 162; # A2 putspr equ 198; # C6 raminfo equ 111; # 6F ramtop equ 25; # 19 rbytes equ 213; # D5 rblock equ 219; # DB rbhl equ 225; # E1 remdrv equ 93; # 5D remlib equ 99; # 63 recdisk equ 201; # C9 readnum equ 258; # 102 repwait equ 17; # 11 reprate equ 18; # 12 repcnt equ 19; # 13 scrlup equ 177; # B1 scrldw equ 180; # B4 screup equ 183; # B7 scredw equ 186; # BA scrtatr equ 246; # F6 scratr equ 0 # 0 scrcrd equ 2; # 2 scrbeg equ 67; # 43 sens_x equ 55; # 37 sens_y equ 56; # 38 silence equ 261; # 105 strcmp equ 249; # F9 styles equ 6; # 6 sysinfo equ 75; # 4B symdrv equ 14; # E textwin equ 8; # 8 vmenu equ 195; # C3 wbytes equ 216; # D8 wblock equ 222; # DE window equ 192; # C0 zbhl equ 231; # E7 The general concept of Brainwave BIOS v1.0 Brainwave BIOS is the core OS NeOS. BIOS gives the programmer a set of certain management functions system. All functions can be divided into several types: - System-wide functions; - Functions to work with drivers and libraries; - Memory management functions; - Functions of the disk; - Functions to the screen; - Other features Appeal to the system functions is by kernalya located in a specific point of ROM. As improvement of the system will grow and kernal, but all the old features will be remain in their seats. Many of the BIOS functions do not check the correctness of input data. This done to improve the speed of their work. To control external devices system provides an opportunity install the appropriate drivers. Each driver can have its their own internal functions. For each type of device installed certain standard functions driver. Thus, replacing devices in a similar but implemented differently, it suffices to replace driver. Since the BIOS provides only a minimum necessary functions, the programmer can plug in their own libraries functions. Certain types of libraries (in according to their purpose) and set the standard. Thus, when create a new library of any type painlessly as possible replacement of the old library to the new without losing compatibility. Restarts the system BIOS RST # 0: Reboot system Complete system reboot. Intercept This restart is impossible. RST # 8: Error manager Error handler. Follow the instructions RST # 8 indicates the error code. When value HK_ERR equal to 0 is called standard error handler, otherwise If the transition goes to the specified address. RST # 1910-RST # 30: Interrupt handlers Restarts are designed to handle interrupts from external prihodyashih interrupt controller. RST # 38: Interrupt handler Handler traps (IM 1). B # 000E is the address internal Error Handler, and # 0016 - Address built-in shell. Standards for drivers of different types Devices For resident drivers available The following restriction: These drivers do not to spoil the area TEMPFA. If driver uses this field, then all changing cells need to remember and output to recover. If the driver of do not use, but uses calls functions of BIOS, then make sure to save those Bytes TEMPFA, which uses the function BIOS. Driver File Systems These drivers provide job NeOS with any file system (TR-DOS, MS-DOS, iS-DOS, etc.). After install this driver will also be polled to determine membership drive. Standard driver features: # 00. Identify disk Function determines whether the disk belongs to this device on a given file system. Upon successful identification sets the root directory of the current. Log in: - Output: Z - disk belongs to the system; NZ - disk does not belong to the system. # 01. Set system variables The function sets the system variables to work with the system. Log in: - Exit: - # 02. Catalogue info Function gives basic information about current directory. Login: IX - a pointer to the descriptor directory. Exit: - # 03. Close file The function closes the file. If the current Sector file is not recorded, it written, if I am heading file is recorded and the title. Login: IX - file descriptor. Output: Z - file closed; NZ - error closing. # 04. Create file The function creates a file of unit length. In file descriptor to be filled the first 26 bytes. Login: IX - file descriptor. Output: Z - file is created; NZ - the file is not created. # 05. Read bytes The function reads a sequence bytes from the file. Login: IX - the file descriptor; BC - the length of the sequence; HL - address of the boot. Output: HL - address after boot; Z - reading success; NZ - move abroad file. # 06. Write bytes The function writes a sequence bytes in the file. Login: IX - the file descriptor; BC - the length of the sequence; HL - address of record. Output: HL - address after recording; Z - the CD has been successful; NZ - can not write. # 07. Set file position The function sets the file position. Login: IX - the file descriptor; BC - position (lower 2 bytes); HL - position (highest 2 bytes). Output: Z - position is set; NZ - there is no such position. # 08. Delete file The function deletes the file. Do not remove the Read only files. Input: HL - the file name. Output: A = 0 - file is deleted; A = 1 - no such file; A = 2 - Read only. # 09. Set file attributes The function sets the file attributes. Input: HL - the file name; C - attribute. Output: A = 0 - attributes set; A = 1 - no such file; A = 2 - can not install. # 0A. Create directory The function creates a directory. Login: IX - the name of the directory. Output: A = 0 - directory is created; A = 1 - there is no place for creation; A = 2 - can not create. # 0B. Delete directory The function removes an empty subdirectory. Input: HL - the name of the directory. Output: A = 0 - all OK; A = 1 - there is no directory; A = 2 - impossible to remove. # 0C. Set path The function sets the directory for one level deeper than the current (or return to a higher level or to the root directory). If the string is are two characters point '.', then there transition to a higher level. If the point is one, then go to the root directory. Input: HL - address of the directory name (19b.). Output: A = 0 - the path is established; A = 1 - there is no path; A = 2 - can not install. # 0D. Get file number Function on the file name gives the number of his descriptor in the directory. Input: HL - filename (16 +3). Output: A = # FF - no such file; other values of A - number of descriptor file (0-253). # 0E. Get catalogue cell Function gives a file descriptor starting at a particular location. Input: C - number of the initial file; B - number of items to reading; HL - address of where to put opsateli. Exit: - # 0F. Reread FAT buffer The function updates the buffer FAT. Input: C - sector number FAT. Exit: - # 10. Disk Info Function gives basic information about disk. Login: IX - pointer to handle the disk. Exit: - Drivers character output These drivers provide output single characters on the screen and other possible character display device. Standard driver features: # 00. Print character Function displays a single character on screen. Code # 0D - linefeed (CR + LF) Input: C - character code (# 0D - CR + LF). Exit: - # 01. Set coordinates The function sets the coordinates of the print characters on the screen. Positioning is the current text box. Log in: BC - coordinates; Exit: - # 02. Init driver Initialize the driver and setting up on current text box. Input: C = 0 - initialize the driver C = 1 - restore the original video mode. Yield: BC - the character size in pixels Basic Mode Spectrum (256x192). Size equal to # FF means that this coordinate size of the unstable (B - y, C - x). DE - limiting the coordinates X and by Y, are available when a text window specified on the screen. # 03. Put string The function outputs the string of characters. Marker for the end of the line is the code # FF. In line can meet the following control codes: db # 10, N - Set the color of ink N; db # 11, N - Set the color of paper N; db # 12, N - Installation bright N; db # 13, N - install flash N; db # 14, N - setting current attributes; db # 16, X, Y - coordinate the installation print. Input: HL - address of string. Exit: - Driver-volatile memory (CMOS) These drivers are provided for access to CMOS, get the current time etc. The CMOS stores some settings NeOS. Standard driver features: # 00. Read byte from CMOS The function reads a byte from CMOS. Input: L - number of bytes in the CMOS. Output: A - bytes read from the CMOS. # 01. Write byte to CMOS The function writes the byte in the CMOS. Input: L - number of bytes in the CMOS; E - value to write. Output: Z - write was successful; NZ - can not write byte. # 02. Read time from CMOS The function reads the time from the CMOS. Log in: - Output: L - seconds; H - minutes; E - watch. # 03. Read date from CMOS The function reads a date from the CMOS. Log in: - Output: L - number; H - per month; E - day of the week; D - per year. # 04. Write time to CMOS The function writes the time in CMOS. Input: L - seconds; H - minutes; E - watch. Output: Z - has been established; NZ - can not set the time. # 05. Write date to CMOS The function writes the date in CMOS. Input: L - number; H - per month; E - day of the week; D - per year. Output: Z - date set; NZ - can not set a date. Disk device driver These drivers provide job NeOS with disk devices. Drivers file systems do not work yourself to the disk and use the features of this type drivers. Standard driver features: # 00. Get info about drive Function gives basic information about device. Input: C - Sector size (256/512 = 1 / 2) DE - address where to put the table describing the device. Exit: - # 01. Read sectors The function reads a sequence sectors from the device. Input: HL - address of the boot; B - number of sectors; DE - number of the initial block; C - number of sectors in the block. Output: A = 0 - the sector is read; A = 1 - a nonexistent block; A = 2 - invalid number of sectors; DE - unit number after the reading; HL - address after reading; C - number of sectors in the block. # 02. Write sectors The function writes a sequence sectors on the device. Input: HL - address of the boot; B - number of sectors; DE - number of the initial block; C - number of sectors in the block. Output: A = 0 - the sector is read; A = 1 - a nonexistent block; A = 2 - invalid number of sectors; DE - unit number after the recording; HL - address after recording; C - number of sectors in the block. Format accommodate drivers and libraries in memory Drivers and libraries in memory as a "chain". That is the beginning Each driver / library is link to the next unit of the chain. So way to search for a specific driver / library, you must go on chain. On the one hand, this structure slows down access to the drivers but on the other hand this method removes the limitation on the number of simultaneously installed drivers / libraries and their number is limited Only free memory. Header format drivers / libraries Offset Length Description 0 2 next page number Driver February 2 address of the next driver (# FFFF-end of the chain) April 1 a flag byte driver May 1 Length of the driver's name 6 ... Driver Name ... ... The body of the driver The first 4 bytes - a reference to the following driver / library and the rest are information about the driver / library. The length of the name of the driver / library should not exceed 16 characters. The layout of the flag byte (0 / 1): bit 0: Controls whether the file system (No / yes); bit 1: reserve; bit 2: resident / resident driver; bit 3: is a character device O (no / yes); bit 4: activity / inactivity of driver (For resident driver); bit 5: reserve (should be 0); bit 6: same bat 5; bit 7: same bat 5. For a library, a flag byte can not be held no information. To refer to a specific the driver must do the following Operations: - Open the driver (a function of BIOS); - On the received address / page apply to the driver. Number of driver functions specified in register A. The system must attend the following drivers: - Keyboard driver (kbd.drv); - Driver CMOS (cmos.drv); - Print driver is a character (symXX.drv); - Driver (s) disk drives (Fdd.drv / hdd.drv / cd.drv / ram.drv etc); - Driver (s) file systems (trdos.drv, msdos.drv, isdos.drv etc). Reserved a number of standard Names of drivers for certain types of Device: - Mouse.drv - mouse; - Joystick.drv - joystick; Format driver library The library serves as a driver for shared storage of the same type of drivers. Drivers are stored in a movable form, ie You can download the driver at any memory area and configure it to work in its special function (source for work with the driver library attached to a set of delivery NeOS). Header Format Library Offset Length Description 0 4 Id "DLIB" April 1 Number of drivers in the Bible. May 3 Reserve Total 8 bytes. Next come the headlines drivers. Header format driver Offset Length Description 0 16 Name of Driver Feb. 16 start position driver (Relative to the drivers, and not from the beginning la files) February 18 The body length driver February 20 number of elements matching pattern January 22 a flag byte driver January 23 Reserve Total 24 bytes. Format storage driver First comes the body of the driver compiled at address 0. Then comes matching pattern. Matching pattern consists of a two-byte pointers asbolyutnye address in the body of the driver relative to its beginning. 6 and 7 bits High Byte pointer - a reserve for further improvements in the format. Thus length of the driver may not exceed 16K. Due to the characteristics when setting there is some restriction on the code Driver: absolute addresses within the body driver must be listed 2 sequence of bytes. That is, for example, appeal to the table can not be done as follows: ... ld a, offset add a, TAB \ 256 ml. b. address table ld l, a adc a, TAB/256; Art. b. address table sub l ld h, a ... TAB db 0,1,2,3,4,5 ... Function "Driver / library manager" This set of functions responsible for the drivers and libraries. Number simultaneously installed libraries drivers is limited only by memory computer as a driver's memory and libraries are located in a "chain" that is in front of each driver / library is a reference to the next. Drivers divided into two types: - Resident, that is working on interrupt; - Non-resident, that is caused by program specifically, but not automatically. Prerequisite is find the first driver and libraries low memory (# 0000 - # BFFF). Since the ROM must present at least one driver and a library, then this condition is satisfied always. Options: # 005A. Add driver Function sets a new driver (Any type). Input: HL - address of the driver; BC - his page. Exit: - # 005D. Remove driver Function removes the driver. Input: HL - pointer to name (in the lower memory). Output: Z - Driver deleted successfully; NZ - the driver is not found. # 0060. Add library Function sets a new library. Input: HL - address of the library; BC - Home of the library. Exit: - # 0063. Remove library Function removes the library. Input: HL - pointer to name (in the lower memory). Output: Z - Library removed successfully; NZ - Library not found. # 0069. Open driver Function searches for the driver and returns information about it. Input: HL - pointer to name (in the lower memory). Output: HL - address of the driver (# FFFF - driver not found); BC - page driver; DE - Driver header length; A - flags of the driver. # 006C. Open library Function searches the library and returns information about it. Input: HL - a pointer to the name of the library (At the bottom of memory). Output: HL - address of the library (# FFFF - library was not found); BC - Home of the library; DE - header length of the library. Function "Disk manager" This set of functions responsible for the with disk devices. Options provide access to both files directories, as well as directly to disk sector. Almost all of the functions executed through the appropriate Driver, this block is Managing and removes some of the problems with programmer. In NeOS v1.0 can connect up to 19 disk devices (hereinafter will be perhaps 26 disk drives). Options: # 00C9. Recognize disk Function determines the membership current storage device to any installed file system. When successful identification is also establishes root directory of the current. Log in: - Output: Z - system is defined; NZ - the system is not defined. # 00CC. Change disk drive Function changes the current disk device. Determining whether drive system is not made. Input: A - number of the device. Output: Z - the choice is made; NZ - no such device. # 00CF. Open file The function opens the file for random access (read / write). Before opening a file descriptor should be set to the file name and address of the buffer reading. Login: IX - file descriptor. Output: Z - the file is opened; NZ - file could not be opened. # 00D2. File driver caller Function makes an appeal to driver file system. Number of driver functions given in the register A. # 00D5. Read bytes from file The function reads a sequence bytes from the file (forwarded to the driver file system). # 00D8. Write bytes to file The function writes a sequence bytes in the file (forwarded to the driver file system). # 00DB. Read sectors The function reads a sequence sectors with the current device (Forwarded to the driver disk devices). # 00DE. Write sectors The function writes a sequence sectors on the current device (Forwarded to the driver disk devices). Function read / write bytes from / to file made in the kernal, not only for the convenience call. Since different devices can be active in different file system, then can go hand in hand to work with two files on different devices and, accordingly, belonging to different systems. Function refer to the file system driver to the driver of this device, a function of the read / write byte address to device where you open the file. Continued in the next issue.
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