Micro #04
30 апреля 1998 |
AD & D - Board Game genre Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
AD'D The world has long existed genre D'D (Dungeons and Dragons), but over time it transformed into AD'D. This game is nastolnoy.Odin man who is called DM (Dungeon Master) draws to a map, and all other then "walk" on the invented country DMa.Dlya game needs three Books: A Book for the players, there are contained all races, the possibility of heroes, the rules of their strikes, and more books about monsters (Rules of conduct of monsters, their types, their possible); book DM, which explains how to behave as DM in some situatsii.Nizhe text from the book go to igrokov.Sama book was written in English, for this is not convicted of perevod.Skorey just the fifth issue will have more part of this knigi.Tekst translated and stuffed Maxim Vishnevsky. Rules of the game. Character of the hero - a guide for foundations its moral and ethnic relations to other characters, society, good, evil and the forces universe in obschem.Ispolzuyte selected nature as a guide to decide, and What will your hero in one way or another difficult situation as he decides the moral dilemy.Vsegda use nature as a instrument, do not limit their hero rigid framework, which requires harakter.Hot character and sets a major relationship, but it does not interfere with the hero to change their relationships with other heroes, belief, or even do something protivorechayshee nature. Law, Neutrality, Chaos. A look at the orders and regulations of the hero is divided into three opposing points vozzreniya.Graficheski these views can be represented as vertices of a triangle that goes from one drugoy.Itak these views: Law, Neutrality, Haos.Oni explain the relationship of each character to the society, friendship, partnership , contracts, etc. The heroes who believe in the law, believe that order, organization of important, even natural, forces in vselennoy.Svyazi between people and Governments prirodny.Filosofy Law argue that the order was not created by man, and is a natural law vselennoy.Hot people and generates orders, but he must live only within them, otherwise All ruhnet.Pravda some philosophers of Law believe that people will adhere to law, if there will be udoletvoryayuschie their pravila.Naprimer people only will not resort to vendetta, when they can make a complaint to any authoritative cheloveku.Sila also creates union that we have seen in guilds, empires, and strong churches. Neutrality for a more balanced view on veschi.Oni say for every force there is an opposite her strength in vselennoy.Est Act, there is chaos, there is neutrality, there Priverzhennost.Tak same for the life and death, good and Zla.I most importantly, all these forces are in equilibrium with each other in vselennoy.Esli one factor ceases to stronger another, the universe ceases neustoychivoy.Esli several factors weaken, but the opposite is not, then it may be horrible posledstviya.Dlya example, if mortality rate exceeds the birth, the universe may become deserted and lifeless. Neutrality is not only philosophers argue that for every force has an opposite, but argue that if one power completely destroy the other, the universe perish because nothing can exist without its opposite. Fortunately for philosophers Neutrality universe self-regulated, and only the emergence of a new, great power (which has not yet happened) will make them seriously reconsider. Veruschie in Chaos believe that there is no laws or balance in vselennoy.Oni see universe as a collection of objects and creatures that interact with each other utterly nezavisimo.Oni argue that any action does not affect another. Chaos philosophers believe in the power of personality and it is inherent in them is such a thing as anarhiya.Bolee pragmatic philosophers did not believe that the functions of society in protecting their own interesov.Haotichnym very difficult to join together in groups as they put their interests above those of their association. Good, Neutrality, Evil. As well as in relation to the rules of the hero The second part of the character, too, is divided into three zony.Oni describe, in greater or lesser extent, moral character, and their concepts good and bad. So try to be good geroi.Oni honest, generous and pryamolineynymi.Lyudi imperfect, and therefore can not always be amenable to dobrym.Inogda character weakness and commits oshibki.Dobry hero is worried because of his mistakes and tries to fix any damage caused by them. Remember that the concept of good is not absolyutno.Hotya many things common to all Good (Helping the needy, protect the weak), but in different cultures may have its own Interpretation of Good and Evil. The behavior of the neutral depends on theirs also made "sentences". They do not divide people and things is good, and some Zlo.V cases relate to other neutral characters depending on their "state of health" (Animals are neutral). For example, they kill themselves when they are hungry or frightened, they sleep there, where we found the food (and of course they are there and ate it). They do not worried about the morality of their actions, as their action instinctively. Evil - opposed Dobru.Tolko some evil natures specifically looking for the weak and vokrug.Bolshaya destroy all of the people not even aware that it is doing great uscherb.Lyudi and things for the evil plans of a hindrance that needs to be ubrat.Nado just remember that evil, like the Welcome in different societies is interpreted differently. Combinations of traits. There are nine different combinations these two mnozhestv.Kazhdy character different from another is sometimes completely and sometimes chastichno.Kazhdaya combination is described below. Good law-abiding This character believes that a strong, a society with laws and horoshoorganizovannym government can make life much better for most lyudey.Chtoby is satisfied by laws should be strictly vypolnyatsya.I if people comply with laws and help each other, then society will be protsvetat.Etot hero fighting for the things that bring happiness to most people, but others will cause the least vred.Primery zakonnoposlushnyh good characters - honest industrious servant, good and wise king, or rigorous but straightforward judge. Law-abiding neutral Order and organization are very important things for this geroya.Oni believe in a strong, has its own laws, the government, despite that this government of tyrants, or the present democratic pravitelstvo.Po This attitude toward people should be out of their conduct and performance zakonov.Inkvizitor searching for the offenders at any cost and soldiers besprikoslovno follow orders, are good examples of law-abiding neutral hero. Law-abiding evil. This character believes that society and the laws must protect its interesy.Po his opinion organization becomes better when there is a clear division between rulers and slug.Itak, evil characters to protect society and laws that are of benefit to them. If these laws interfere with the lives of others, it is their problemy.Zakonoposlushnye evil characters obey law, not because of fear of punishment, because they preobretut notoriety If you do not some kontrakt.Zakonoposlushnye evil heroes always keeps his word, and if their pledge to be burdensome, then the characters are trying to find the law loophole using which it can be circumvented obeschanie.Tiran, managing with an iron hand, or cunning, greedy mercenaries are examples law-abiding evil hero. Neutral Good. This character believes that the balance of power is very important, but the chaos and the law should be Dobrom.Tak how the universe was a vast and It has a huge number of creatures seeking different goals, that Good should balans.Dobro support the view neutral must maintain good this system, the independence will be a Chaotic Good or Lawful Good. Structure of society (Law or Chaos) is not vazhny.Glavnoe to come Dobro.Baron, following orders from the king to "destroy" (it should be "Destroy" the evil that is evil in the eyes of the king) is a good example of a neutral Good luck. Completely neutral. Completely neutral hero believes in full the balance of power and refuses to share action on the evil and Dobro.Mnogo people have chosen their path in this present neutral almost ostalos.Nastoyaschie Neutral does not side with either good nor evil, neither law nor Haosa.Ih duty to look to strike a balance between the forces. Sometimes completely neutral join any squad, but they quickly change direction, if the losing party ceases to win and go to proigravshemu.Polnostyu neutral druid should adhere to small troops of Baron to fight off the attack vicious gnolls, but as soon as the gnolls will lose it pass on their storonu.Polnostyu neutral will try to avoid increase of force with any party. As already mentioned in the other world is very few completely neutral. Neutral evil. The neutral evil character is always advisable only himself to soboy.U have no desire to work for someone else, unless it will benefit im.Esli there an easy way to gain (Regardless of whether or not it is legal), then neutral evil character will go on nemu.No Yet neutral evil does not believe that "Each for himself alone, in contrast to the chaotic zlogo.U they do not have a personal relationship to his partneram.Oni build their relationship to power and money, the latter can be easily podkupit.Ne medium chosen mercenary ordinary thief, the informant giving information to both parties, constitutes a magnificent examples of neutral evil. Chaotic good. A chaotic good character is a strong individual, which, however, tends to Dobru.Oni believe that all means to achieve the Good horoshi.Ih actions depend only on their own "moral compass." brave border guard always takes decision itself is an example chaotic good character. A chaotic neutral. A chaotic neutral character thinks that There is no order, including their own myslennye.Vdobavok they decide problems only when they pull over are already way nelzya.S heroes of the type is very difficult dogovoritsya.Haotichny neutral hero is usually too happy and refers disparagingly to smerti.Etot hero quite nepreskazuem, on this his very difficult obygryvat.Lunatiki and crazy - a good example of chaotic Neutral. Chaotic evil. This hero kills all the good and organizovannoe.Etot hero complete egoist and guided only by its vygodoy.Oni not see nothing wrong to take what he nravitsya.Dlya them the laws and the government set up for the weak, but not for nih.Ochen it would be interesting to look at situation where the chaotic evil characters together in gruppu.Ved they put their interests above all drugih.V a group leader captures the strongest, but if He once showed weakness, it will throw off any other metodom.Krovozhadny pirates and monsters with low intelligence are examples of chaotic evil characters.
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