ZX-News #47
02 апреля 1999

From the Editor - The delay in the release rates of the newspaper.

<b>From the Editor</b> - The delay in the release rates of the newspaper.
              From the Editor

   ZX News No47 April 3, 1999


  An interesting screen saver created Hero, not so
right? =) Its meaning you'll understand when one familiar with 
the material, which in the end. ;) 

  That fills the rows, and the sun is defiantly throws rays 
through a window directly on the Monitor - Spring yet, coming 
soon time for fishing, picnics, twilight of the moon in

the surf ... uh-uh, something we did not
there skidded. ;-) Back to the virtual
world. :)

  Thus, we again "stormozili - bring
We apologize ... Just remember that every delay, respectively, 
means all more and more interested in the following

numbers! :-)

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 196140, Russia, St. Petersburg,

         Arthur Podtyolkov Demand

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Other articles:

General Sound - Questionnaire - What games are needed for GS.

Hotline - Where can I find the latest issue of the newspaper?

Interview - Spektrumisty of Zaporozhye Sech.

Opinion - On the state of the domestic zhurnalostroeniya: illusion under magazine titles.

Novella - short story of the game "Ivan Tsarevich".

News - of updates: Technodrom 2, Awaken demo, Pkunzip v0.9, Real Commander v1.7, Lara Croft v4.10.

From the Editor - The delay in the release rates of the newspaper.

Presentation - The presentation of the game "Four bastards" (Four Rascoals).

Advertising - Ads and commercials.

List BBS - The list of stations BBS.

Surprise - The Colour of Magic: discovery of the season.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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