ZX-News #32
19 мая 1997 |
Iron - Spectrum-compatible PC with a new generation-Sprinter'97 What is it? PC settings. A few words about the TR-DOS. Expansion RAM. Slot system. Disk system. Video system. Videoaksererator. Keyboard IBM-AT. RAM-DISK. How do I write programs for Sprinter'97. Prospects. "Iron" information about your computer.
IRON (C) Yuri Buravtsov (OneSOFT) 812/01.14 SPECTRUM-COMPATIBLE COMPUTER NEW GENERATION SPRINTER-97 "What?" .. " - You ask. "What?!" - queries. Yes, you heard right, do not "Ovidelis: comes into play a new computer class Sinclair enormous, if do not say - huge - might fundamentally new for Spectrum, and for all other computers in the including IBM and others like them, "primelkantov. Manufacturer of a new computer - trading firm Peters, currently engaged in resellerstvom, repairs and upgrades of IBM-compatible computers, peripherals and software for them. Firm Peters has been four years (About to celebrate in May), during its existence, the group company dabbled in the construction of Spectrum-compatible machines, at first - Peters-48 port for printer, and ROM-drive, and then - Peters-128 with approximately the same, then - Peters-256 on based Scorpion, as well as the firm developed a variety of peripherals, such as vosmigolosovaya eight-bit (per voice) sound card, independent management amplitude of the output of each vote for two channel. If desired, you can easily modify the way up to sixty-four votes. When the environment sinkleristov start slowly "smell slightly" entry Speccy "in corkscrew, then Peters'y began to think about how to make a computer that could not only easy to fit in home environment, but also render good service in production, which, having capabilities, IBM and Amig'i, and possibly much richer would be the same easy to use and also the most accessible wide range of people, like our beloved Speccy. It is such good ideas pursued computer makers Sprinter-97. First meeting with "writing" people - encoders and myuzikmeykerov (sorry for such a anglifikatsiyu:) with a computer Peters'ov occurred in August last year, when the St. Petersburg took place over a certain event Enlight-96. Then was presented Scorpion'opodobny computer, then He had implemented only one mode of the extended schedules. Then he was seen with kind of skepticism that, they say, such ideas already were, and they do not spread much receive. Besides, if you do every computer model under the "own" standard, on such machines, not all software will be able to work. Eleventh May this year in one of numerous offices at number 35 on the street uprisings taking place at an interesting event. Namely: to meeting with the creators of programmers Sprinter'a. Occasion of the meeting was very simple and the laws: you need to coders from zhelezyachnikov. Discussed issues of implementation enhanced graphics in terms of "udobstvennosti" programming. Also, the programmers got quite a good portion all sorts of technical information. Were and trips. But this - a little lower, and now go directly to the representation of this perspective and "steering", As one of the participants, machine. In general, the considerable achievements made in the field of graphics, but it is only "for now". That will continue - from one such thoughts mouth filled with saliva ... However, everything in order. Computer Settings 1. Processor Z84C15 - 14 MHz / 3.5 MHz; 2. Main RAM - 4 MB; 3. Video RAM - 192 KB; 4. 3.5 "floppy drive, work with disks 720KB / 1.44 MB; 5. Keyboard IBM-AT; 6. IDE, Mouse, Sound-card, Modem. TURBO-MODE Processor Z84C15, used in the Sprinter-97, improves the operating frequency to 14 MHz, but it is not the limit. On request customer, this processor can be replaced with minimal application of physical and physical effort on a different processor, more speed, and the board will automatically be run on high chatote, which increased to 28 MHz. But even at that speed work ROM-will occur with some delay because of the limited access time to the ROM, so this eliminates the negative as follows: in part is copied to RAM ROM and the work is already in RAM when This record in this area is prohibited. Command processor is compatible with the Z80 processor family completely, including and at the level of undocumented commands. How is the change in turbo mode? Now there is an ideology: to changes in the turbo mode there is a point login 3D13h. "Let me - you say - the same TR-DOS!!! "That's right, for turbo and not only for its use ROM TR-DOS, where used previously unused space. Switches to turbo-mode in extra command TR-DOS, while Use one of the ports TR-DOS. Explained by a constructive fact that mode switching speed is required programs are not as common as, for example, to switch between pages of memory. In addition to switching software there is a "manual" mode. The button "TURBO" is block the switch to turbo mode forcibly setting mode "is not the turbo. Among other things, the page variable computer will be a separate memory location of the mode of the computer, ie, "Looking" into it, you can see which mode, the computer works. A FEW WORDS ABOUT TR-DOS There are two references to values TR-DOS. First - it's Technology Research Disk Operation System. Second, as mentioned above - is a program written in the freed space shadow ROM TR-DOS. TR-DOS ROM currently has a significant number of inclusions, not directly related to TR-DOS. Log in sub TR-DOS is a very effective means of expanding the program functions, therefore, at this stage, it is the main access to new features. Entrance through RST8, I think, less effective compared with the entrance through 3D13h, as requires more time to switch to shadow ROM. However, we can use the option ROM Expansion on the similarity of Scorpion, using the port 1FFDh. But such method is not applicable in BASIC'e, because of what this possibility is eliminated. EXPANSION RAM Address Space CPU Z84C15, as the Z80, is divided into four windows of the projection size of 16 KB, ie, on so called. Page CPU. In each window can be turned on any of the 256 pages of RAM computer. Switching pages fairly simple: derive the desired page number in the port of the corresponding window of the processor. To ensure compatibility with Scorpion'om and other machines with high memory, saved the old port for the manipulation of memory pages in the last window of the processor. But the programmer has access to ports RAM through the ROM. "Again, TR-DOS?!!" -You ask. In general, yes ... In the ROM written a program that determines the amount of free memory pages, ie not engaged in any under any needs, including a RAM-disk (see below). The programmer is relevant sub-ROMs, and receives the available ports and page numbers. Turn the pages unpretentious team OUT (C), reg. The data returned by the procedure can be prepared once and then used as many times, only to be monitor the status of open / close the new configuration. What happen if you use old and new ports at a conclusion? Ie installed configuration Scorpion, and we need to include the 111-th page of RAM. So, there will mixing rooms pages, which is difficult to predict. Program, including new distribution ports must forget about the old to the point until it is restored by calling appropriate function of ROM. How to invoke new features in ROM? There may be several options: 1. Appeal by TR-DOS by logging on to 3D13h; 2. Appeal by switching to the Expansion ROM ROM0 and call the appropriate subroutine. It's faster ... There are other variants of the call. What is the function? 1. Initialization of distributed RAM or fully initialized computer. Busy there are only 256-page machines and special page where the configuration settings and other necessary variables. 2. A request for access to the page RAM. The program returns the user key and the flag state of SY (in case of error - installed); 3. Exemption pages of RAM on a key user; 4. Getting the page number of the S on the key. This routine returns the page data (byte, which must be output at the port of the window). Program, receiving the second function page number RAM, may get a few bytes, respectively - page numbers - referred to at its disposal; 5. Getting the port addresses for windows projection. The program requests an address window number 0 .. 3. Address - single-byte. Your program can save it and then use it as a team OUT (C), reg; 6. Getting page numbers that are connected to the box CPU. ALLOCATION OF PORTS Sprinter-97 has its own scheme distribution ports. The first part relates to the internal ports Z84C15. She unchangeable and constant, which is somewhat not fits into the rest of the circuit. The second part has a flexible programmable structure. The scheme has several addressing modes ports (at the moment - 2). Various addressing modes allow do not worry about the compatibility of the ports with the old software. Firstly, because one of the modes are simply copies the old distribution, and secondly, because future we plan to go to accommodation information on the distribution of ports ROM to RAM. Here you can see that the new port allocation brings the car to the standard for similarity Plug 'Play. Any new device, developed by for Sprinter'a should be connected without any incompatibility problems on ports. Slot System For standards-based computer slots taken bus ISA-8. Because almost all external controllers devices connected to the ZX Spectrum, are on board Sprinter'a, the need to maintain the format of the tire type Scorpion / Kay does not arise. IBM-Keyboard, Mouse, IDE will be present in the base model. With regard to other devices - a modem, the programmer light pen, etc., there arises the question of whether or not it be easier to use already There is no charge these devices for IBM. If someone wants to develop their own fees, it will be a significant plus, if it appears compatible with the ISA-bus 8, as this fee can be will establish and IBM. By the way, the computer's memory is very simple increase: to take one shawl and SIMM insert it into one of the slots on the motherboard ... Video System In the process of developing computer video system has undergone significant changes. 16-color display, presented at the Enlight-96, remained in the distant past and moment of it was just the principle of Switching the screen mode. How to change the video mode? Concept: The screen is still divided into familiarity 8x8 pixels. In each familiarity defined its graphical mode. In familiarity each have its own mode of output. The entire screen is a block from 1280-Ty familiarity - familiarity 40 horizontally and 32 vertically. What are these modes? 1. Standard ZX-Spectrum (ZX-40). In familiarity in this mode displays the usual symbol in the standard ZX-Spectrum - 8 bytes image of the character and 1 byte of attributes. 2. Mode ZX-80. In each familiarity are two horizontally compressed symbol standard ZX-Spectrum. The conclusion of these pixels Character is made with a frequency of 14 MHz, which leads to an increase in the number of characters per line up to eighty. 3. Graphics Mode G256-7. Familiarity is a graphical representation 8x8 pixels, each of which may have any of the 256-and flowers, selected from the palette (16 million colors). 4. Graphics mode G16-14. High resolution mode. In each of familiarity Horizontal is 16 pixels, 16 colors per pixel. Vertical number pixels is equal to eight, and increases up to sixteen input only mode INTERLIVE. 5. Graphics mode G16-7. In fact, this submode G256-7, which reduced the number of colors per pixel to reduce the amount of video information. As the address information in familiarity? For the regime of ZX-40 all remains the same. The shape and attribute located in standard ZX-Spectrum for all familiarity. ZX-80. The first character - it's the same symbol as in the mode of ZX-40, the second - the symbol of regime ZX-40, taken from the alternative screen. Graphic modes. In all three modes addresses match. According to numerous requests of programmers, addressing pixels was changed. Horizontal pixels constitute a solid mass in one video page, but the vertical pixels located in different video page. While it is possible in one location page. It will be seen as alternative to the existing implementation. Addressing a familiarity in a particular is a kind of relative addressing. The specific address of pixels - is the amount of addresses familiarity in the screen and the pixel in the familiarity. How to address the familiarity? To determine the display mode to three bits of information. In the working version Sprinter'a familiarity each has 2 bytes information regime. Such an increase in the amount of information provides a fundamentally new opportunity. 12-bit video mode, specify the address information of the data block from which displays information on this znakomesto.Takim, the question is about addressing the question of what the address is written in the mode of familiarity. This address is determined by the system or user program. The screen is made up of characters, selectable from the character generator, which occupies the entire space of video RAM. Number these signs (3072) exceeds the number of familiarity screen more than doubled. This gives greater freedom to select the graphic and symbolic images. In the same ZX-40 number of characters increased to 12,288. Where is the information the video mode? For the video mode within the designated Home Video RAM size of 16 KB. Data regime familiarity are continuous array, which include and zaekrannye area the size of 5120 bytes to the screen. These visible occupy 2560 bytes. These data also contains some other information - the location of upper and lower clock staffing, position curb, the beginnings and ends blanking interval, so programming this area will ROMs. Opens a new opportunity. Now programmed timing signals from TV / monitor that gives a simple way of hardware scrolling the entire image up, down, left and right. Changing clock signals can change the position of general background on which the battle unfold and bytes of the new SUPER-toys for SPRINTER-97. How to use this expansion? In the G256-7, each pixel represents a single byte specifying the color of the pixel. Horizontal pixels represent a solid mass (320 bytes), which gives an easy way to write data to the screen line LDI / LDD-like commands. Using superznakogeneratora as Generator and Output Management characters on the screen by programming the mode familiarity dramatically accelerates if uses a limited set of characters or graphic images. Modes can be mixed! Mode of each familiarity is determined independently. His amendment did not require any change scan mode, thus mixing there are no obstacles. Graphics Katrinka highest resolution you can join with simple graphics Spectrum. This will give additional opportunities to accelerate of graphics software, where in one familiarity is enough to have two colors. As the page address of video RAM? It should be noted, the page of video RAM - it's just memory page size of 16 KB, occupied by the needs of video. Video page - this is the information displayed on the screen. For the regime of G256-7 contains the video page 80 KB. In the standard ZX-Spectrum It takes only 6.75 KB. The result - the number of video page ZX-Spectrum considerably exceeds the number of graphic video page. An array of video RAM is shared by all regimes, so the same information can be displayed differently. Information for regimes ZX-40 ZX-80, naturally, did not compatible with information graphics modes, ie switching of familiarity mode ZX-40 in graphics mode require a change in data content of the familiarity. In order not to overwrite data After switching, just use a different address data familiarity, written in the regime of familiarity. Pages video RAM switched separately from the pages of the main RAM. Certain page of the main RAM projected on a video RAM. Record in these pages is made simultaneously to both RAM. Reading is made only from the main RAM, which reduces the number of video RAM and allows us to obtain the maximum speed CPU (working with the main RAM does not require waiting cycles). What happens if I switch the page of video RAM and leave the former page ground? Information go to the appropriate Page video RAM and a former page main memory (main RAM data will be overwritten). Switching page video RAM is output to port address which will be granted special functions of the ROM. What is the difference between addressing the data familiarity between the graphical and ZX-40/80 regimes? Switching addressing video memory is made simultaneously with the withdrawal rates page. Output to port address of the page the video RAM values 00h .. 3Fh connects different page screen ZX-Spectrum. Values 40h .. 7Fh connect the same video RAM, but with otherwise addressed. Values 80h .. BFh connect to the place of video RAM page color palette. This is a separate page with 16 kB, which is not included in 192 kBaytnoe video RAM, but is addressed as well. Output to port page video RAM value C0h .. FFh just off the entry into the video RAM. WARNING! Switching data addressing familiarity leads to diversion address pages, because page number is part of the address of video RAM. Thus, the record in full graphic mode strings of 400h bytes lead to recording data in different pages regime ZX-Spectrum. That is what prevents the specific binding of shadow pages of video RAM to the village core. They switch independently of each other. In addition, the addressing of pages of video RAM mode ZX-Sprectrum performed with 24 8-KB pages. In graphics mode pages have a volume of 16 kb, and their number is sixteen. Used only even-numbered pages from the range 40h .. 7Fh. 16 KB x 16 = 256. Where did those extra 64 KB? Each line in graphic mode contains 400 bytes. They "stitch" through all 24 pages regime ZX-Sprectrum, and exciting in its quest 8 other non-existent pages. In fact, the record last 100h bytes in this line does not lead to entries in any cell of video RAM. What are the specific addresses of familiarity? For ZX-40/80 this same address screen, which has the ZX-Sprectrum. All of familiarity on the extended screen is addressed exactly same, plus video page address is changed. In graphics modes, addressing different. All the video RAM is a set of 32 rows of 96 familiarity. Line familiarity have adjacent addresses pixels. Each such string represents a set of eight lines of 8h96 = 768 bytes, located in different pages of video RAM, and have the same starting address. Line familiarity are 2 groups of 16 lines. Data for each of the 16 rows in one groups are in the same pages of video RAM. All this information applies to a specific version of a working computer Sprinter-97. In further work may be some changes, so do not come here more accurate description of the addresses, ports, ROM function, etc. What are the possibilities of the new screen? 1. The screen has everything to create a window system. In each box, information may displayed in its mode and these modes can simultaneously coexist in a single window. 2. Window has its own area data that allows you to switch them without loss of information. Restriction is imposed only the total volume of video RAM. Suffice it to say that the screen will be the possibility of including up to 22 windows with a volume equal to the amount of information on the screen ZX-Sprectrum. 3. Random addressing information familiarity allows fast conclusion of homogeneous images, such as background patterns ("wallpaper"). For graphics mode it dramatically reduces the amount of output data. Example: you take a repeating 256-color pattern 16x16 pixel Full screen 320h256 points. That this case makes IBM? Draws this picture 320 times. But what makes the Sprinter? Draws a picture once, and then writes the address of the address screen image. Thus rate of output images at a much lesser computer performance significantly ahead of IBM in the schedule. Further, the question arises as to this screen to draw on, if the output of a small picture immediately propagate in all its 320-T copies? The answer is very correct prost.V address on the screen changes to address output image. If you have a screen at least 40 familiarity with recurring images, the amount of printed information becomes equal to the total amount of the information screen. If such familiarity more (and this very common in programs), the amount of information will decline rapidly as the number of identical familiarity. In addition, such a conclusion saves video RAM, which will increase the number of graphic windows with non-overlapping information. On the color palette. The color palette Sprinter-97 brought to the as a reasonable limit. Each color chosen from a set of 16 million color palette RAM is determined by the data (24 bits / color). Palette - it's another whole page RAM. It is addressed similarly to other pages in memory, but has a completely different structure and purpose. Each color is determined by three bytes in the palette RAM. Each of these three bytes determines the weight of blue, red and green in the defined color. VIDEOAKSERERATOR. Changes introduced in the structure of the screen, did in fact unnecessary most of the functions of the accelerator. But the idea is alive and will be brought to life in a somewhat different form. Speed of data exchange, which gives the accelerator, almost unattainable for the processor, so the accelerator needed! And he will be! What are the functions of the new accelerator? 1. Fast data transfer. This should raise the speed limit data transfer from memory to 3.5 MB / sec (when using a processor with a frequency of 14 MHz transfer rate data from memory to memory is 800 KB / s). 2. Fast processing logic arrays data. Recoding - it's just one of possible types of such treatment. Other opportunity - unpacking the compressed data. Such a function should allow greatly accelerate the work with video images, which are most often presented in packed condition. Processor procedures decompression are too long, expected introduction of the function unpack format RLE. 3. There is reserved a place for your ideas. Field activities are extensively ... DISK SYSTEM What should be a DOS? For ZX-Sprectrum have three options: TR-DOS, iS-DOS and CP / M (MicroDOS). First predicting the death of an ambulance. Second to this currently not well developed. The third is used mainly as the most convenient environment for programming. In Sprinter'e chose another option. It has long been a system of MS-DOS. She deserves attention and respect. The question arises: "How to reconcile the irreconcilable? How much suffering delivers transfer information from the TR-DOS with MS-DOS and back! In this version of the Sprinter-97 made the first step to such a reconciliation. Adopted defined the concept of combining and attempted to work with the file system MS-DOS. In the TR-DOS ROM introduces additional features read / write drive system MS-DOS. What is this concept? 1. Nothing can be changed in the MS-DOS. 2. Nothing, except the information in the files. If these two items to add experience work with the RAM-Disk in the TR-DOS, and how should think, there is great option of combining systems. He declines drive limit 1 MB allowing you to seamlessly work with MS-DOS disks, and at the same time leaves almost completely compatible with TR-DOS. What is it? DOWNLOAD MS-DOS = DISK TR-DOS!!! On any MS-DOS disk may exist multiple files, the sizes of which determine the size of disks TR-DOS. Problem associated with a difference of sectors, with the recording and reading TR-DOS files removed one simple solution. MS-DOS file read in the computer's RAM, which formed a special RAM-disk in the TR-DOS. After downloading the file, the program can freely access this RAM-disk, get out of it data, and the changes are written back. At the end of the RAM-disk is written, if necessary, in a file on disk MS-DOS. Nothing prevents to make further function of direct work with files MS-DOS - read / write flat files with BASIC, DATA, CODE. And all this at the MS-DOS disks! DISCS 1.44 MB / 720 KB How to use them say the maximum briefly. With high-density data storage diskette 3,5 "refused to work, because requiring high data rates that can not be achieved at frequencies of 3.5 and 7 MHz. So, now - 14 MHz + 2 MHz to VG93 = 2HD! ! Regarding the OS on SPRINTER'E Sprinter-1997 has all the features requested by developers of the OS. Now it only for the coordination of requests for new computer functions. Already a lot of talk about changes that may occur in the future, but they will fit into the above scheme. Once the agreement will be determined by using the new features, the "floating" point of entry will be fixed in the future and will not change with modernization of the machine. RAM-DISK Everything has been working on a machine Peters-256. Work all the functions to be called through the points 3D00h, 3D03h, 3D13h. In the Sprinter-97 introduced the possibility of many RAM-disk based on the new allocation of RAM. This enables connection to the RAM-disk A:, B:, C: and D:. RAM-disk Sprinter'e may have a volume more than 1 MB. TR-DOS will only see the first MB, and programs that are in it, will have full access to all RAM-disk space. This shifts the limit the length of the MS-DOS file to the limit of 3,5 MB, which is determined by the volume of the main RAM. KEYBOARD IBM-AT Sprinter is designed to connect only IBM-keyboard. All hardware complexity went to the serial port of the processor Z84C15. There are only policy. While IM1 no problems. Interruption calls the keyboard handling, and if the key has been pressed, the program closes sotvetstvuyuschy hardware "key" which is then read by other programs through standard Spectrum-port 0FEh. Mode IM2 well done. Normal The user program, of course, not aware of the fact that the keyboard at the machine does not ta ". To call processing on IBM-Keyboard Interrupt IM2 called interrupt NMI, which occurs at the beginning of the interrupt handler IM2. In such a case NMI interrupt stack usage in any way does not affect the execution of the program, because interrupt IM2 uses it for the same goal. It remains the only mode in which computer will be without a keyboard - it is barring a call interrupts. Some programs perform DI and so to the Reset'a. Here - a field for business ... How to record a program FOR SPRINTER-97? 1. The program must adhere to the rules to access ports. Some ports simply can not be touched. In Z84C15 have ports that control sequential and parallel ports, control mode of the processor itself. Mismanagement can lead to faulty or hang the machine. 2. It deliberately does not name addresses ports. Firstly, they can be changed, and secondly, it would force the program to contact the respective roles of the EEPROM he would not give further compatibility problems for the new version Sprinter'a. 3. Dealing with TR-DOS. Gentlemen programmers! If you want your program worked, and worked as it should, use the standard input to TR-DOS. Everyone who uses only the entry points 3D00h, 3D03h, 3D13h, can be assured that their programs will work in RAM-disk and floppy MS-DOS, and (future) with hard drive and a CD-ROM. Protection of software against unauthorized copying in this case it is necessary to speak separately. This protection must be and it will, but not in this form, when the program the sake of it holds sverhstrannye manipulation VG93. On RAM-disk, they give nothing. With MS-DOS - only God knows that after this will be, but the hard drive and speak nothing. 4. ROM will function best approximates to the gland. Wherever there will be important speed, the program will receive specific port addresses, and data to be output to these ports. When the program starts it will only need to seek the necessary addresses and paste them into the body of the program. A similar procedure can be performed installation of software on the hard drive. PROSPECTS 1. Winchester. Working version of Sprinter-1997 has everything connect the hard drive IDE. There are currently no programs only work with the hard disk. To provide access to all hard drive space is supposed to use the file system MS-DOS, as basis. Virtually every file MS-DOS disk will be in the TR-DOS. Access to data file will be done by file mount as a drive to A: .. D:. All work with the hard disk will be similar to working with MS-DOS 1.44 MB disks. Access to the length of the file will be through the recording of these files in the RAM-disk. In the future the system will be improved. Will consider all proposals and suggestions on the organization of work with disks in the system MS-DOS. 2. Mouse. One of the serial ports Z84C15 busy at the keyboard, the second - under a standard IBM-mouse. All the matter only in the treatment program. 3. Sound-Card. It is now a separate operating unit that has enough high performance. Work on it was suspended and will resume in soon. In what is expected release a new version of Sprinter'a built-in version of Sound-Card. Will consider the possibility of emulating Music coprocessor AY-3-8910/8912. 4. Further extension of RAM. Memory size is 4 MB in some As a limit, because for memory addressing up to 4 MB is already neobodimo use at least two bytes of information. In this If the limit is 1 GB and is currently not reachable on the real RAM. "Iron" INFORMATION Structurally, the computer made in the case of type MiniTower. The current version of the board (So far - in a layout design) more lower fees Scorpion, because almost all executed on programmable logic matrices (PLA). Due to this decision fee becomes absolute protection against piracy. In this minimum configuration include: system unit, keyboard, and one drive 3,5 ". The decision on such a configuration is not final. Peters Company plans to release Sprinter-97 on the market to fall this year's presentation is scheduled for the "Enlight-97. That's minimum description new car. Well, it you like it? Now, perhaps you can make out some obvious questions. Turbo mode. Could be adapted button only as a mode switch, and do not lock. On what kind of regime should be at the computer can indicate a non-volatile memory cell, where in addition it may be a lot of other information: the number of disk drives, hard drive capacity, the current date / time (and the RTC time would be useful), the drive from which you want when you turn on or "cold" reset the machine to download a certain program, etc. When you click on a button or a procedure call regime change, the record in this cell there is a "train". Thus, the mode in which a machine at the moment off in such and it is translated into time of inclusion. TR-DOS. Performing additional procedures ROM through the entry point TR-DOS is not very flexible. In terms of performance it quickly. But in terms of length of the program ... You can offer this: do access to the new procedures through the points TR-DOS and address 0009h, combining them with the interruption RST8. In the TR-DOS, we can enter for access to its ports and its routines, and address 0009h may include hardware ROM Expansion without port 1FFDh processing routines Expansion. A procedure by RST8 analyzes membership team to a particular ROM. Why 0009h? In both ROM (ZX-48 and ZX-128) at 0008h instructions are unconditional transition. Ie no program should move to 0009h. Command processor to read from address 0008h as usual, but Here's a direct transition to 0009h will switch to the Expansion. Slot ISA-8. Still, I think, we should not yet abandon the system connector in the standard Scorpion. Until it should. Then, over time, from him will be dropped. Emulation Scorpion. What is the Scorpion, without Shadow service monitor? And it is very great program, given the opportunities for professional expansion. As Procedures for maintenance HDD, if Sprinter'e will work with them in the format of MS-DOS? We ought then almost fully process the entire shadow monitor ... Yes button and Magic is now a discontinued ... MS-DOS. I think it's not worth while standardize the format of the floppy MS-DOS. Suppose, though, and 720, but still TR-DOS in pure form. And problems with the protection of ON until. Complete the same amount of Floppies 3.5 "may be used in the system iS-DOS, moreover, in iS-DOS'e amount of information will not be stowed in the 1.44 MB and in 1,6 MB! Unless, of course, IskraSOFT'y take that car and begin to write and under it, too. In the extreme case, if it really can not wait to use the full 1.44 MB TR-DOS, then we can consider the concept of "Logical" drives: one diskette 1.44 There are two MB to 720 KB. Winchester ... You can use as basis for the concept, proposed S. Zonov: sections, subsections, etc. Then it will be stored on winchester multiple operating systems. You can certainly use the system MS-DOS, but after a year and a half of active Use hard disk MS-DOS files will be so until all rastaskannymi vinchestreru that will not do without some speeddisk'a ... IBM-keyboard. You can offer this concept. 1. Trap mode - IM1. Status - resolved. After pressing the code enters the cell 5C08h. When reading from cell 5C08h it automatically resets, the code disappears from the keyboard buffer, and from Buffer enters the code next time keys, if, of course, the buffer is not empty. 2. Trap mode - IM2. Status - resolved. Here everything, as in the previous case, only one can arbitrarily change the cell to be "postponed" the key code. 3. Trap mode - any. Status - any. You can specify a pair of memory cells (as possible and cancel), which will be delayed more detailed key code - in order to control, for example, pressing Shift or Num Lock. In addition, we can provide reading from the port 0FEh: if the program interviewed some port and the port serves first in the buffer key, Byte read from port, will match the key. You can also consider turning off features buffer if need to check a few keystrokes. Drives. Should consider connecting a number of external drives. FDD 5,25 ", FDD 3,5", HDD, CD-ROM, ZIP-Drive ... Now from the software - encoder. It is time to develop algorithms fundamentally new programs. First of all - should be as follows "Spin" machine: demos, toys, etc. Soft dozhen be of sufficient quality, important - not timing, and quality that can dawn on the most experienced user. Next on stage - a professional assembler, debugger, meet the latest the requirements of programmers. Then - on the file wrapper like Norton Commander, graphical editor in the style of Corel Draw (Or, at least - at first - Paint Brush), any professional integrated tool envelope Pascal and / or C, "preferably in the style of turbo", a text editor in the style of the Write and etc. It would be good to develop as it should, iS-DOS for the Sprinter. The plans of the firm Peters - refusal to trade IBM-compatible computers and a full transition to production Sprinter'a. Also Company plans to establish collective of programmers to develop various software projects for computer Sprinter. For comparison: some of the major manufacturers of Spectrum-compatible machines come from the development of their creations to various side business - the same most resell IBM-compatible machines, peripherals and software. Firm Peters - a golden mean that producers have modern Speccy - good organizational skills, and that was Sir Clive Sinclair - a great creative mind. We wish the computer successfully and rapid development, so that in a short time He managed to win all the fans and Speccy to win them back from the pi-si-Schnick. Not gift of his name - Sprinter. Firm Peters gladly listen and take into account all of your questions, suggestions, comments and criticism, as well as give an answer to them pages ZxNews. You can send them to me oridzhin or contact misuse of the firm Peters: st. Insurrection, 35, of. 22 Red Village, Lenina, 77 t. (812) -275-7784, 275-0810, 132-0586 __________________________
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В этот день... 23 November