ZX-News #21
21 февраля 1997 |
Humor - News megademonstratsii AntiArno microdemo.
HUMOR (C) Alexei Mikhailov News. Two days ago at all stations bbs network SpbZxNet appeared under the long-awaited megademonstratsiya mesmerizing title "ANTIARNO microdemo". According to recent reports, by name, the popularity of this creations grew to hitherto unprecedented numbers - 100%. This means that every Point and user, who visited bbski was able to download and appreciate the miracle that created nebezizvestnym Comrade. Sobolev! As a result, all once again got an idea about this man, as a professional coder who created something that never even dreamed of RST7, and on no less than professional, just great hacker! Tonight, a few minutes before this issue of Newskah, we were again shocked: was published by us all welcome and advance the popular and warmly esteemed newspaper ReadMe, which translated means "ProchtiMenya! In the best traditions of hacker Sobolev, the leader and the ideological mastermind SKHG, as well as no less than the best traditions of the encoder Rambo, though having a remote, but all the same resemblance to Stallone, known to us by his masterpiece DAF demo, put forward at the Enlight'96 and only because of the enemies who finished first place is not at first, but at the end, made this very bestovy, the most ambitious in its scope the project! Surrender as a tribute to people who despite the coolness and comfort shell ZF stated that their II (Interactive interface) - no steeper formatovskogo, but merely convenient. Vivat! __________________________ >
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