ZX-News #18
08 декабря 1996

about people ... - On the history and plans Virt group.

<b>about people ...</b> - On the history and plans Virt group.
                About the people ...

  We continue to acquaint you with those who
still about, in spite of everything, works
for the benefit of Speccy in our city. Today
Your attention is invited to an interview with Virt
Group, or rather their "organizer", Michael
Spitsyn (Michel), prepared by one of
Membury team Hitcher'om. Also present in the room and drink 
_pivo_ Observer and DNK ...

          (C), Alexander Komarov

 Hitcher: When and how did the Virt Group?

 Michel: Oh, those days are lost in the
centuries, the exact date is not known to anyone. A
it all started like this ...

  Showed up once we were with friends in LOGROS.
Then our team consisted of only four people, and called it "MR 
COMPANY". The first two letters are taken from the names of 
Michael and Roman. There still were Denis Nikolaev

Viktor Novikov.

  Mischa Akimov (LOGROS) told us that
quickly organized a meeting of all programmers Peter and we 
decided to go there ... Around that time the idea to make St. 
Petersburg a computer magazine. Well, I took for shell ...

  There we met with the O-SET, and I
suggested that they do grfiku the Land of Dragons. At these 
gigs, we met Vitali Romanov.

  And I wondered this question: "Why do we have
smart people there, and the group does not exist? ". Well
was created. The name was originally coined "Virt" (from the 
words of Virtual, a virtuoso). True virtuosos we had not yet 
been ... 

  In order to work on the Land of Dragons went faster, I began 
to recruit people: with the majority, we met while writing 
shell ZF'a, for example, Terry. 

  Taras (Terry) brought me to a group of Pacific Soft. True 
almost all of them are gone then in the army ... Of the seven 
people were only two - this is Terry and Leo.

  A wrapper for the ZF was written by me during
summer, it collected a large Number of material, but then came 
Andrew Rachkin and said that everything will be redone, and I 
walked away in the direction of ...

  Thus, in the first ZF okazlos my name in the programmer that, 
in fact, true, but not quite ...

  With redoubled efforts, I began to
"Land of Dragons" - began to look musicians and artists, and 
time was not wasted. 

  Once we rode the subway in LOGROS and
actively talking with friends about the Spectrum. Then we were 
approached by a young man and looking good looking, he said that

that Art. Petrograd is such tusovka - LOGROS. We responded that 
there and going. And met with Lelikov (sir

Alex fon begemot).

  In general, a relatively short period of time in Virt group 
entered: Comrade. Mega Brain (Creator), a man who was very good 
and productive, Alien (Musician), DNK (also a musician), 
Observer (Artist), Knight, who once upon a time

sostayal group Comrade. Sparker'a, Alexander
Humin, which is now kodit Mortal Kombat,
and many others.

  And the appearance of Hitcher'a best to tell
DNK ...

 DNK: From Alexander Komarov, we met purely by chance. Then I 
learned in school and, of course, loved to write

batches of different phrases such as "Spectrum is
the best ".;)

  And then one day I noticed on one lesson
that the party wrote the Spectrum is really best ", and then 
began a long correspondence on this and even on some other 
parties ... As a result, I was able to "Get" the phone number 
of the person, get to know him better and understand that it 
sits in a deep pit in relation to the new software.:) 

  I, actually, and pulled it out of this very well, revealing 
his ability to drawing graphs. So hit the Hitcher

Virt Group ...

 Michel: ... On _Enlight'e_ to join us man named Michael, ie, 
Mik. He coder. Generally, after _E'96_ "structure"

Virt group has become more complex and confusing.

  There were subgroups: Global games, in which at least someone 
working, not messing around, in this subgroup had accumulated 
on the sly Ten people; "Free members" - the name

this subgroup speaks for itself; Digital Arts, wrote the "DAF" 
demo; but with first of December, Digital Arts is not included

in Virt Group ...

 Hitcher: Is it true that Virtgroup 50

 Michel: Fifty people, say,
a number that fluctuates constantly,
Someone comes, someone goes, although if
rounded, about as much, and succeed.

  Work practically everything: someone draws
someone submits the idea, someone is testing, some one gets 
software, etc. Absolutely useless people we do not!

 Hitcher: Plans for the future ...

 Michel: In the "Land of Dragons" registered more than ready
90% graphics 90% code, 80% music. Music
write to her five musicians, graphic artists rusuyut about six 

  In parallel, wrote scripts for the future
strategy, Mik makes Overload megademo,
Creator brings to mind his Xplayer, Alexander humin appends 
Mortal Combat - ready about 80% code (has remained mostly a 

 DNK: Personally, in my plans, and what I am
busy writing a Mouzon for ZxNews,
Overload megademo, Countries dragons. Well,
naturally, to ZF. Cooperation with other groups, I try to spend 
on a commercial basis ... 

  Here's a great team here - Virt


  If you want to ask any questions,


  SpbZxNet (812/01.06) @ Komaroff Alexander


Other articles:

Iron - General Vision - advanced graphics capabilities.

Contest - Long-awaited results of the competition for game UFO-2.

about people ... - On the history and plans Virt group.

From the authors - the suspension of the newspaper.

Oshibochka - Right! Wiring diagram Covox'a to Scorpio.

Letters - Reflections on the shortcomings of the Spectrum keyboard.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Network News - the first meeting of network operators SPbZXNet.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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