ZX-News #12
29 октября 1996

VICOMM-modem - History Vicomm'a.

<b>VICOMM-modem</b> - History Vicomm'a.

            Alex Mikhailov, 1996

  Many of you, dear readers, have already
have heard many times that in Moscow there ZxNet, which runs on 
Zx and Zx!

  And why should we, in Peter, do not
something like that?

  They were simpler - CDOS, a piece of iron, much more suited 
to ensure that bet on it bbs, than Vicomm. However,

due to the fact that many people set about trying to create our 
own, the Peter network it became possible to improve somewhat 
Vicomm, teach him to raise and lower the tube, ie respond to 
the call, What he had could not.

  For those who do not know, briefly describe
history Vikomm modem.

  A man who has not configured their descendants his name, has 
developed a commissioned Sergei Usov circuit consisting of a 
telephone transformer and a few detalyushek. Also, he or 
someone else, made IBM-Vicomm, ie Vicomm, connected to the PC, 
in order to be able to open the station bbs. 

  Sergey Usov immediately realized that the sale of modems you 
can earn good money and started the so-called "INDUSTRIAL 
PRODUCTION "Vicomm'ov. 

  And came up with the original course of protecting the
from competitors, which could make such
same modems are not worse, and even better than he:
bbs closed except for those who have bought a modem from him 
personally, that is, so-called registered users. 

  And to no one else can have him for his
bbs open to ANYONE he never betrayed the scheme IBM-Vicomm'a 
and the program to work with him.

  Several years have passed ... For various reasons (damage, 
loss of papers certifying the "authenticity" of the modem, the 
repeated resale, etc.), so-called COMPANY Vicomm'y quietly 
vanished into the past, have closed several usovskih bbs (there 
was one - Eldorado), and no bbs, no the possibility of 
communication, correspondence and exchange of programs is not a 
neighbor of the entrance, and though, would be throughout the 
city, dial-up gradually died out, and not having time to 
properly develop ... 

  And then there's Usov turned mass proizvodtsvo modems.

  And hundreds are gathering dust on shelves vikommok
user'ov, because access to the bbs they do not

  Or rather did not have, because before the opening
OmegaNet only a matter of weeks! So
that reach for the shelves of modems, is blown away from
are dust, and be prepared for an event that
if not change your life, you will make it much more 
interesting. Working in networks will bring you many new and 
exciting singles, but for someone it will become a lifelong 

            Yes, everything will be OK!


Other articles:

BBS on ZX - The draft statute, created in St. Petersburg computer Network ZX-compatible machines SPbZXNet.

VICOMM-modem - History Vicomm'a.

From the authors - The second "special" number ...

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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