On-Line #66
22 декабря 1996 |
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Mosaic - "Controversy" on the statute ZXNet.

MOSAIC (C) ARTMAN When you want to split the egg and beat him outside. A trust can be broken only from the inside. Sit on it and wait, when the chick would detonate the entire shell. ... Yes, it is gray, each trust is in the chest the seeds of its own destruction ... O. Henry, "Cabbages and Kings. Novels" Lenizdat 1986. "Trust, which is bursting str.368 Read the violent story of Alex in my address on the pages ONLINE and seized, was, for the feather ... But then cooled down, though theses sketched out, he decided to not answer, I thought that the people themselves sorted out. But circumstances change and the time has come to dot the "i", a need for clarity, because collaboration, what I wish with all my heart. At the end of for the full identity of views and beliefs - a great rarity, and most importantly, what unites us - so this is a common love for Spectrum, willingness to adopt it as a full-Comp, but somewhere and superior in a number of various cool and not very "pisyukov. Making the narcissistic users IBM ..., like here List known firms - will not (!), with respect to pronounce the combination of letters "ZX"! Let's start with the fact that Alex called me for the riders simple reason that I'm not registered. I, in turn, I dare to ask: what is the principle difference between the riders registered and not registered? Is Alex thinks I found it difficult to register, much less that the registration of anyone to non-binding. (Yes, and it would be necessary to know the coordinator, that his rebellious servant, registered in the past to Ditronike-2, but I, for reference). Nevertheless, I repeat the question: "What is the difference in principle?" Now, under the Charter ... The Charter is a constitution - the fundamental law, and if there is written - "The official language ZXNet - Russian" and writing should be appropriate. So in fact, even in This, briefly, the proposal is a violation of the Constitution (the Constitution). How not cool, and the official document of the Constitution, probably did not exist on the network, and this is not the only case in the Charter, it is packed with Latin and alien to the Russian language, words and expressions. Then and write, they say two official languages, one Russian, and to justify Tongues and hanzhenstva write: "... This makes it possible to specificity proshifki ROM second adopted English ...". You'll see and to the Russian constitution will enter something: "... Because with the collapse of the economy and rampant expansion of production and imports, expanding advertising on them to enter, along with the standard Russian ... "then these languages in terms of imports. Further, why are not allowed (and where in the Constitution say?) That not to criticize and discuss the charter network? It already smells dictatorship, criticism should be taken, at least to the attention even if it is not constructive, and absurd. In my opinion, it is important attention to him and what he read and reflect on its provisions. No, let me disagree! Discuss Constitution, anyone has the right to every person. Your, and any other people, writing I do not what to discuss - to read I have no right, and this document Level ... I have the right. Speaking of mail - in the Charter of the network legalized prohibited by the law of the Russian Federation perusal of correspondence ... What to say? Let me explain: in 3.2. stated the following: "... the network operator may be denied to the subscriber in the transfer of mail to external network, if he considers pointless correspondence or economically feasible. "So what is it but perusal (?) otherwise the operator "count"? The economic side I do not know may even be considered, and as appropriate, to judge the sender and recipient. In the continuation, in chapter 1.2.3. ", And some individuals." Who is "some" and "individual" who are separated? And why? Ibid "Council sisopov phenomenon (!) Is not periodic and is declared as appropriate." Firstly, what is this "phenomenon"? Christ to the people? or the weather ...? As a necessity, and who exactly determines the extent of this most needed? It is not clear! AND issues such Prorva, and do not think that they arise just me, not at all, you can assume that these questions you ask all who read the Constitution, are questions that need to be Answers, a document should be drafted so that they do not arise. We now return to your article. There it says about the idiots who constantly ring round everyone. I do not want to take this remark in your address, I am sure that it is not so ... But I venture to observe that idiots not to confuse the addresses throughout periodicals and ph_v ... listed phone number (for idiots, I hope?) and, although your the article says, "And this, in addition ...", it still, small as that. And about FIDO, so because there is no certainty, and they themselves, it is just the way it should be. I repeat: (not just my opinion) address must be no larger than eight characters, then you can fully automate the sorting process. But when you exit external network ... We have to think! There, we are not free. Eight-mail for internal use, it is better not to think. But let us leave this question open ... Now everything is so fast changes ... It is possible that we can think of yourself tomorrow, will take adopted as your favorite FIDO, who knows? Importantly, in I am not pokalibim not have nothing to do "taboo" or as The Bible says "Do not make yourself an idol ...". Standard - a good thing ... but still ... Nothing great was produced It was then when the groundbreaking and taboo. And, incidentally, may You do not know, there is PO Box mailing address of the liaison office. But if hunting compare with ab.yaschikom, and say "no network, they say, address and subscriber number - so clearly. Well, in the end, again about a freebie (jammed me, no strength!). As evident from the third edition of the Charter network, at least from his "Caps", the Charter are not registered ... Then the more he subject to a comprehensive discussion, and no one who has permission to this question is not required. And if the Constitution is not registered, and as a consequence - the network too. From this follows a general freebie because all registrations are not registered within the organization is not legitimate. Did not want me to write, but such situation, it will confirm any person, little or less consolidated in a formal law. And yet, if we compare Our network of mail by and large, or even suspended, then no mail will not elect themselves customers, and caters for all (!), Even those on death row waiting for the bullet. And in the Constitution ...? Not exclude the possibility of a denial of service! One can understand the failure of a person to another, even for personal reasons, but NET does not have the right to refuse! Otherwise, it's not mail. AND I think, God only think it was for this reason Moscow and appeared four networks. This is not a sign of development, but rather a sign of division and disintegration, this trend is fraught with only that arrive at the conclusion of what had gone ... Ie all will just keep in touch with your friends without any coordination and learn new subscribers just from the notebook of Robert, buying a modem. That's why rooting for Network soul, I call it our! I want to be understood correctly, I do not want to stick to my network pocket, calling it their own, but let remind you that e-mail, any, can never be the Minister of Communications and certainly more than the postman, as if it belongs to only "12 out of 15 operators of sites" ... Unworthy of it somehow sounds from the mouth of one of the founders of the network. I think that this note will be considered constructive and not biased. I do not want to offend anybody or her ... on the contrary, I want to to be understood and understand others. ARTMAN 'ZIKLOP' For answers to BBS 462-89-02 (C) OLDMAN With its Charter in a foreign convent ... Yes ... case ... Well, ALEX, of course, got excited ... But let us content of the letter. So, you, ARTMAN, want to discuss-Constitution. And where were you when the Charter was created? Because this process involved not Only System Operators, and all those who were indifferent to what will be the network and who had something to offer on this issue. Now the "train has left" and you only have to take the Charter "as have or not to use ZXNet (benefit Spectrum network is not one). Not going to compare ZXNet with Russia, how do you compare Charter to the Constitution, but if you do not like the orders in a nearby store, you're going in the other, I hope? Or is there too, shaking your rights, arguing that the store is yours (?), Since you're the soul for it? If anything, ZXNet - private and she May take into account the wishes of users, but is not required! Other words, if the user likes "hanging" servers, it is not means that the operator must do everything to help him this task. Just as you can not dictate sysop time station. So it is with addressing - I absolutely can not understand what you the difference that it was entered in the appropriate box - your favorite number or special code. But I can understand the sysop, which yours, even if the one and only, phone number, says absolutely nothing, and the address contains all the necessary information. I come to the conclusion that instead of trying to understand addressing, you prefer to call it marasmus and offer that is understandable but you and some other goat (your letter ON-LINE # 62) ... In such cases, it helps a thorough "chewing" confusing topic than I now do (forgive me, more intelligent users). Thus, the network address of the user (eg my 095/100.1) consists of three parts, not counting the delimiters: "095" - code of Moscow, if the address belongs to a subscriber ZXNet, who lives in another city, the code would be appropriate. "100" - the address or, if desired, the number of a particular station, the user which I am, in my case it's ALEX BBS. You, ARTMAN, as you say, registered on February DITRONIK BBS - Address your site "301". The last part of "1" - this is my private address on the ALEX BBS. Because in your network directory data are available (for some reason - more on that later), take your address as "?". Thus, your network address should be 095/301.?. It is so difficult Remember Me? In principle, the same method adopted in addressing Fido, differ only in the Codes. The Internet address for first glance, does not look like, but the principle is the same. Now try to chew, "but why do it" ... Imagine such a situation - you have decided to send a letter to me. In a letter to you specify my address, just leave it at its plant under the name "> 4968508". So what do you think, should do Sysop seeing these unique characters in its own directory - grabbing the phone and dial them on the phone to download my email? Yeah ... Right now, with ... Or just leave lying around on your PC, in hope that sooner or later, I was lucky enough to visit his station? Or found in the directory my network address, and then act as adoption of the Charter? What do you personally, ARTMAN, way he recommend? And why do you expect that the sysop will listen to your advice, not simply erase incorrectly addressed letter. Well, if you, ARTMAN, on InterNet will receive a letter like it must be addressed? "ARTMAN 'ZIKLOP' For the answers to the BBS 462-89-02 ", as you sign up, why the operator of the gateway have yet to decipher it? Its capriciousness you make the his work, not to mention what, in fact, hell is he must receive a "pleasure" so for their own money ... And anyway, when you send a letter by regular mail at envelope also only write the recipient's phone number? Or all did accept the rules of postal correspondence and with difficulty, but remember the desired code, city, etc.? Well, everything seems to be explained. If even this is not clear, then ... welcome your questions, I am patient. Now about the riders ... Registered freeloader differs from non-registered so that it ... not freeloader - it a full network user. Even if he does not intend to engage in correspondence to the network, and collected only from time to time to download nove, it is by definition a network address and the opportunity to correspond (as long as it does not bother sysop feel like a cash cow). Registration, in addition to providing the address is even obliged - to be registered, the user agrees to comply with all requirements of the Charter ZXNetwork, including the use of correct addressing. He could disagree with any claims, but is obliged to perform. That is why he did not freeloader - using the services ZXNet, he agrees not to violate its work. By the way, this does not mean that you can not use the stations ZXNet, not registered - if any operator is not against your presence at their station, then for God's sake Use it with kindness, but to claim - it is impudence. In addition, in this case sysop is not obliged to handle your mail and generally may terminate your access to the his station without giving any reasons. You, ARTMAN, argues that "long ago registered on DITRONIK2 BBS, then I do not understand why you get the mail to "BBS 462-8902" ie RABBIT BBS, not a part of the ZXNet, but in the Network Directory absent any information on your account. Can you, after all, the wrong end of the procedure began to direct? And can open little secret? You are from June Not registered to DITRONIK2 BBS - just missed a re-registration (apparently in protest "...). You are not a subscriber ZXNet and use its services - you, sorry, freeloader. About censorship ... Pick of expression ... You letters not in envelopes're sending! Their one specifically does not reveal! Itself the word "perusal" is inappropriate here and in the Charter does not mention! Read Encyclopedic Dictionary. So, if you zashifruete his letter, and sysop read it - it is with interference can be called censorship. But the network to transmit encrypted messages are not be. This is a resource protection nonprofit network of users who through free correspondence can extract profit in your pocket, perhaps substituting a network. Encrypted communications is prohibited in all non-commercial networks and the Internet to encryption correspondence are available to all security services. In addition the network has the right to take care of their own prestige. Remember not so long ago the stations went to the network address of the president of Microsoft's proposal to write to him (like "here man surprised to get a letter from Russia ")? So, to these" men "do not surprise and censorship of foreign mail. Or take you, ARTMAN, suddenly you itch to criticize Data Express On-Line - an Internet service provider ZXNet, as they are with you their documentation did not agree. And there is this strictly - can disable the entire network (or, more likely, simply served take you to court for interfering in their internal affairs). Empty conversations via external networks ZXNet can not, unfortunately, allow - only one gateway and reboot it not necessary. Now, if you, ARTMAN, instead, to engage in "Unhelpful and absurd", according to your definition, criticism would have sacrificed his IBM-compatible and the time for the organization More than one gateway to external networks, then restrictions on the correspondence, it might be less ... And then, how do send the letter without seeing its contents, if the address sysop takes it from there? With the same success can be accused of censorship postman who brought you a postcard or a telegram. Do not worry, sysops are not perverts and will not be without a special reason to pry or make fun of it on the bugs ... Economic feasibility did not cause you to doubt ... Apparently, when it comes to money, then you understand everything - life taught. Although there is just the special problems and do not: want to send a certain number of megabytes on InterNet - contact operator Gateway, arrange for payment of Communications and ... swing ... swing ... Just do not demand anything, and then send you to hell and did the right thing - handling a large volume of information, other than payment for services outside the network, requires a special approach. "... If the Constitution is not registered, and as a consequence - network too. From this follows a general freebie, because any Registration in an unregistered organization is not legitimate. "This is an appeal or a statement?" I hope that is not the first - You adult ... Then let me say that ZXNet registered in the INTERNET and has there address. And there on this subject relevant documents, as well as the mass of the bills paid for registration and provided communication channels. A INTERNET and translated - an international association of networks. In general, what you cares? Network offers services and agrees to comply with assigned to a function. Your right to use the Service or abandon it. Organization of Services - an internal affair of the network. Want to take part in the organization? So offers help pay bills, rather than criticize. And what the heck is childish - If the organization is not registered, so you can mess it hold? The truth is doubtful that the network was in need of your services ... Have long known that you want to create some public ogranizatsiyu or movement, using as a base ZXNet. Think sysops will allow you to "bend" yourself and your child under any then my uncle? Proxy fire raking want? Take the other BBS Moscow and knit your network, make its move ... Were observed You plant ZXNet ... Everything. The rest I did and I will not explain. In my opinion, the Charter lacks a single sentence: "If you do not agree with Charter or by separate provisions of the Charter, its only right - to refuse service ZXNet. "And it's still very soft. In nespektrumovskih network with you on this topic even speak not will not explain what desirability of separate articles "Agreement" - simply refuse access without warning. Charter FIDO, if you're interested to read about and order and about inadmissibility mail encryption, you can always download at ALEX BBS. And here FIDO? Though ZXNet created by its image, running on the same principles, and has a gateway to this network and must adhere to established rules there. A regular mail as an example to lead is not necessary - it is the state and the state took care of its citizens, here and make a fuss "with them, ZXNet also no social problems do not put yourself, except that it exists and provides services free of charge. A year ago, nobody imagined could not be able to write to the Spectrum with the world. Finally, I note that in the third edition of the Charter in ZXNetwork Paragraph 1.0 reads: "The official language ZXNet - a Russian, an additional language - English." And more ... Generally it is nonsense that you, ARTMAN, something explain. The only reason that you still have Answer - my desire as detailed as possible to inform readers ON-LINE and the initiator of this all I was. Dmitry (OLDMAN) ZXNet: 095/100.1 P.S. A Council sisopov - a phenomenon likely all the same "weather" than "Christ to the people" ... Although they say there is anything can happen ;-) P.P.S. At the Council of the Network, which will be held 12/31/1996 at the Year same place and at the same time, after checking the lawyer will be approved by a new, 4 th Charter network. This is due not so much with the "attack" but rather with the fact that the network entered the city, located outside Russia.
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