RIP #04
13 декабря 1997

7 Origins - Seven top origin'ov-wise, and not expressions.

<b>7 Origins</b> - Seven top origin'ov-wise, and not expressions.
(C) Ars' Werewolves

 Ars: Do you like my topic? Not yet become boring? A better way
seven jokes inserted. Will be safer:)
 WW: Well, well ...

1. Envy can get to kill your neighbor, or a dagger
or pen ...
WW: It depends on what envy ... For drunk someone my beer, I 
kill the empty bottle;). 

2. Who said that Sinclair died? Dead man who sold the Sinclair!
WW: I now understand what happened to Nikiforov;).

3. The most important thing in our business - cut your nails, 
that would sort out Claudia was convenient. WW: Then we have to 
sieve zatarivatsya - that would still sifting;) 

4. What would the child do not teshilos, if only Windows 95 is 
not set. WW: Let teshitsya, it is still often have to 

5. ... and he shall come up hot percent and talked with them ...
WW: ... but sent him Proc away, because he was obkurivshimsya

6. How auknitsya - Departure not catch ...
WW: It is a tractor in the cold - wets eggs in kerosene ... 
(Logic - is the same;))

7. It is better to be alone than with just anyone ...
WW: It is true, but irrelevant. We drink alone is not 

Other articles:

7 Origins - Seven top origin'ov-wise, and not expressions.

BBS news - Schedule BBS'ok.

Marazm - Humor.

Post ... - will look like a funeral RIP'a?

ZX-news - finalized project "Minsk map". Will soon release a new edition of the newspaper Funny 5.

Entry - This world has nothing to save.

Toys - The content of the magazine "ZX-Format 7.

Opinion - The Saga of Lameroo.

School Hacker - Cycle BASE -1: Legend, Arithmetic.


Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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