07 января 1987 |
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1. Outlines CHRISTMAS CHARITY COMPILATION. Proceeds from 'BACK PACK' (`9.9) to the NSPCC. The tape has:XENO, NIGHT GUNNER,MARSPORT,METABOLIS, MONTY ON THE RUN, STARION, LUNAR JETMAN, MAELSTROM,STARSTRIKE and BOUNTY BOB STRIKES BACK. COPYRIGHT BILL- NO CASSETTE LEVY This is welcomed by: FEDERATION AGAINST SOFTWARE THEFT(FAST) but the Bill is heavily criticised for its apparent failure to tackle copyright problems posed by Information Technology. VIRGIN BUY 45% OF MASTERTRONIC - that's the subsidiary: Virgin Vision Ltd. MASTERTRONIC THREATENS GALLUP with court action. They claim GALLUP's charts misrepresent their proportion of market sales. CODE MASTERS DEAL WITH MICRONET to produce budget telesoftware. This may be a very significant pointer to the whole future of buying software. Perhaps one day all software will be bought "down the 'phone line" 2. Outstanders 1.Joe Blade BMX Simulator.6 2.Renegade Paperboy.7 3.Exolon ATV Simulator.8 4.Indiana Jones Barbarian.9 5.Dizzy Back to future.10 JOE BLADE `1.99 PLAYERS Addictive. effective, humourous graphics. excellent value. Good fun rescuing 6 hostages thru' dozens of rooms evading guards and bombs. RENEGADE `7.95 IMAGINE Atmospheric, detailed graphics in a game that is pure street violence. Nicely animated thugs hurt you a lot. EXOLON `7.95 HEWSON Space-suited hero has to penetrate 100+ levels. Excellent, colourful graphics with addictive gameplay. Lots to hold your interest. INDIANA JONES `7.95 US GOLD Moderate platform game loosely based on the movie theme of rescuing the children and recovering the Sankara stone. DIZZY `1.99 CODEMASTERS Cuddly egg seeks magic potion ingredients. Willing to run, jump and generally fall about like a good egg. Nice one. Nice price. Nice egg. BMX SIMULATOR `1.99 CODEMASTERS POPULAR RACE-TRACK GAME FOR 1 OR 2 PLAYERS. ACTION REPLAY FEATURE. NICELY PRESENTED. MORE SKILL NEEDED THAN AT FIRST APPEARS. GOOD VALUE. (NOT MY CUP OF TEA! - B.C.) PAPERBOY `7.95 ELITE NICELY-PROGRAMMED COIN-OP CONVERSION INVOLVING BIKING ALONG THE PAVEMENT AVOIDING VARIOUS OBSTACLES WHILE SLINGING NEWSPAPERS AT FRONT DOORS. IT'S ACTUALLY BETTER THAN IT SOUNDS. ATV SIMULATOR `1.99 CODEMASTERS Moderate dune buggy simulation. Not great but some enjoyment to be had. BARBARIAN `9.99 PALACE SOFTWARE 1st Class combat game fought with swords on quality 2-colour background with multi-colour surround. Rated the best "fist" -type game, it takes time to master the many blows, chops, punches and kicks but has satisfying game-play when you do. BACK TO FUTURE `1.99 FIREBIRD Budget re-release loosely based on the film. No lasting interest. 3. Outview YOUR SINCLAIR , DEC. ISSUE STREET DATE:11.11.87 P.72 has a special offer of ten 3" discs for `18. P.93 has some compact sprite moving code for you would-be games writers. CRASH, DEC. ISSUE STREET DATE: 25.11.87 DRILLER gets an extraordinary accolade - "...one of the best games CRASH has EVER seen" - an ecstatic review! There's also aninteresting item on professionaltape duplication. Tech Tips has info on sending printer control codes from a 128K+2. SINCLAIR USER, DEC. ISSUE STREET DATE:25.11.87 Report of sound bug on the Plus 3 (P.21) & a brief look at available software (P.60) - predictably, Tasword, Scrabble &Gauntlet, together with a coupleof 48K game compilations. Hewson's Helpline explains the way some screen scrungers work and how to set the interrupt vector - giving details of the various interrupt Modes. (P.108) PERSONAL COMPUTER WORLD, DEC. ISSUE STREET DATE: 18.11.87 Could find absolutely nothing for the Spectrum owner this month! YOUR COMPUTER, DEC. ISSUE STREET DATE: 18.11.87 The comms section: LINE NOISE has an interesting item on a proposed 'Keyline' computer - possibly free like the French Minitel system - to form a vast network directory and retail database. Good advice from p.88 on marketing your adventure games.
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