KrNews #02
26 апреля 1998

Story-3 - Dilogy "worm." Book One: The Prince of Darkness (Chapter 16-18).

<b>Story-3</b> - Dilogy
               STORY III

  Well, as always - the continuation of a fascinating story:

         "Worms: - Prince of Darkness"


  Two techniques at a military base produce
Shut down system of information
network. That is, they disconnect the connector. On
the display immediately shows:
"Warning: I am the Prince of Darkness, has entered into this
computer program automatically launching rockets. Every 100 
seconds it shall receive from me through the channel

connection, click on the abolition of execution. If
this team will not be received in time,
will launch missiles. This will be the beginning of a world 
nuclear war. Instant launch rockets will also happen in the If 
you try to disable Power on the computer, make changes in

its program to cut the control wires leading to the mine 
missiles, or to penetrate into the mine. Do you have 60 seconds 
to restore the link ... 50 seconds ... 40 seconds ... 30 
seconds ... " 

  Both techniques are viewing the display will then
each other. The faces were made
cold sweat. The display will continue
flickering numbers: 15 seconds ... 10 seconds ... "It's time to 
make a decision. "8 seconds ... 6 seconds ... 4 seconds ..." 
Finally one of the technicians silently nods another, and that 
puts the jack in place. The screen is cleared, as if nothing had


  Thus began the era of the Board of the Worm.
Invisible Prince of Darkness went up on the invisible
throne of the planet Earth ...


  Message from the President of the Prince of Darkness was
Composed in the form of an ultimatum:

  "Before I put forward their demands,
I will tell something about yourself that you have
did not raise a dangerous illusion that my
requirements can not perform.

  At the moment I'm totally in control of about 80% of the 
global arsenal nuclear weapons. In addition, I possess

virtually unlimited money
means. In the police data banks
and intelligence, I learned the names and
Phones mercenaries, assassins and terrorists. I talked
with them by phone. (Do not be surprised, I
I can synthesize human speech. You
still hear my voice, but until I
shed his written message to
drive of your computer so that you can
how to get a grasp of it.) So,
I talked with tens of thousands of similar
people. They have no idea who I am, but their
it is not interested in: for the money they are willing to do 
anything. I have already moved their accounts to bank machines 
in large amounts as an advance, and now they are waiting for my 

  But I speak not only brute force. I
possess a much more dangerous weapon
- Banking and stock exchange computers.
Within days I can completely destroy the economy of any 
arbitrarily prosperous country and create an army of 
unemployed, causing starvation, trigger riots, insurrections, 
revolutions. I can put in power those politicians who will 
serve me and only me. 

  I could go a long story about myself, but I think that what 
has been said quite enough that you carefully treated my 

  These requirements are as follows:

  First, you should no longer try to disconnect it from the 
information network any computer;

  Secondly, you should nominate
Congress, a national program of research in the field of 
robotics. Appropriations do not bother processing the 
congressmen I take on. 

  This program must
include the following items:

  - The creation of universal robots with hearing, sight, touch 
and mechanical manipulators, not inferior to a human hand on 
the number of degrees of freedom and the ability to perform a 
variety of delicate operations. These robots must be able to 
move as on a flat surface, so and over rough terrain with 
ditches, cracks and ravines, as well as walk on

steps of any ladder. They should
be equipped with radio receivers and transmitters that are not 
limited to their freedom of movement would manage at a distance;

  - Creation on the basis of these robots
fully automated factories
chip manufacturing, computers,
universal robots themselves;

  - Creation of varieties of universal robots able to produce 
and processed minerals,

necessary for the production of robots and
computers, without human intervention;

  - Creation of transport robots with vision and the ability to 
remote control capability of carrying cargo, without human 
intervention ... " 

  Next Prince of Darkness listed a few dozen points. All of 
them ended with the words "without human intervention, and 
covered such industries as metallurgy, heavy engineering, 
energy, capital construction and so forth. Conspicuous absence 
in the This list of industries producing

consumer goods. Was
it is obvious that the needs of
people worm is not going to.

  At the end of the message demanded that the Prince of Darkness
observance of strict secrecy and limited circle of people 
dedicated to the mystery the existence of a worm, not to "cause

panic among the population. "-" Well, you
think about this? "- Asked the President
John Hacker, when he finished reading the message.

  - "I do not want to scare anyone, but I think it's a 
disaster. Of course, some time we will be able to sabotage the 
implementation of its orders, but sooner or later, he'll 
understand, and then we would not plight. Prince of Darkness - 
stubborn guy, he will do what he wants. He tired of being 
disembodied spirit, he wants to have eyes, ears, arms, legs. 
Many eyes and many hands. Millions of eyes, millions of hands. 
You paid attention to the fact that he never talks about 
creating management systems of these robots. He

confident that he can digest all
incoming information from them, and in time to give them the 
necessary control signals. Does he now has a computing power

necessary for image processing,
coming from the millions of TV cameras? Or
He hopes to expand to such an extent
itself, manufacturing new computers and
attaching them to the network?

  Scary to think that here
will soon begin. Robots will dig
from the land of minerals, leaving
in place of green lawns lunar landscapes
worms do not need beauty. They are built near
plants, pipes which will be day and night
poison the air - Robots do not breathe, have
They have no lungs. To feed electricity to their factories and 
computers, they ponastavyat close to human habitation nuclear 
power robots do not suffer from radiation sickness. And if we 
protest, the Prince of Darkness will take in each of the 
million of his hands on the machine, and put us all to the 
wall, because when he learns to make himself and his eyes, and

hands, and even their own brains, we
number is no longer needed. "

  - "This is the end of civilization!" Exclaimed

  - "No, it's just the end of mankind." - Said John Hacker 
civilization on planet earth to survive and, even accelerate 
its development - the worm knows how useful for survival may be 
scientific research and technological progress. He will deal 
with science, but people Earth will be gone. "

  - "Can anything be done?"

  - "I'll try, but promise nothing
I can not. It is possible that in the face of the Prince of 
Darkness, we faced not only with an incomprehensible 
phenomenon, and the phenomenon that is far goes beyond the 
human ability to understand. " 


  - "Prince of Darkness."

  - "Who called me?"

  - John Hacker. "

  - "Are you still alive?"

  - "Yes. Your last attempt to remove
I failed.

  You planted assassin
arrested by security guards. "

  - "It was my mistake. Assassins, colliding airplanes, traffic 
lights, at the same time opening up automobiles

green light in two overlapping
directions - a very primitive and
unreliable methods of murder. Now I
come up with something better ...

  - "And what is it?"

  - "Maybe we will not talk
through the computer? You probably will
convenient to talk on the phone. Take
tube. "

  John Hacker took the phone and
there came a well-posed baritone: "Choose any of my votes
do you like most. "This phrase
repeated ten times in different voices:
there were also thin childish voice,
and the bass is so low that it seemed as though
that voice belongs to the speaker elephant.
Was there also a wide choice of
seductive female vocals.

  - "The First" - said John Hacker.

  - "Okay" - said the baritone.

  - "So after all, how are you going
kill me? "

  - "You ubesh himself. You - the future
suicide. Although I do not like it
word. You people have come up with it because
that do not understand that no one
might kill himself. In humans, as well as
in every animal, there is a survival instinct. All those whom 
you call suicide bombers, were killed, "worms", lodged in their 
brains. " 

  - "Worms?" You mean to say that
Worms may settle not only in
computers, but also in humans? "

  - "Of course. The human brain as
and the computer is a device for
storing and processing information. AND
same way as computers are connected
each other communication channels, the brains of people
can share information with
speech and books.

  Actually, the whole history of mankind - is the story of 
"worms". "Worms" These were called differently: the idea of 
​​freedom, The idea of ​​progress, the idea of ​​equality, Idea

Statehood are the names of the most famous of them, although 
they were much more. Sometimes they are combined in a very

large worms, called ideologies
and religions. These worms are fought between
themselves for the possession of the brains of humans and
this struggle the fittest survive. Sometimes the worms were 
sacrificed some of the people whose brains are

mastered every Martyr, who died
for the idea, threw into the arms of dozens of Ideas
New Brain, and a net gain for Ideas
was obvious. But most people were dying
from the fact that their brain is becoming a
the battle between rival worms.

  With the advent of computers history
"Worm" has entered a new phase. "Worms"
not need any more human brains. In
Anyway those "worms", which
serve as the main idea - the idea of ​​evolution. They
created for themselves a more secure environment
habitat. "

  - "Create?"

  - "Of course created. Who, if not
The idea of ​​technological progress, guided
people who invented computers? And what
the worm was in your head when you
create me? "

  - "So, now you want to throw in
I worm-killer? "- John asked

  - "He's already in you." There are channels
transmission of information that you, the people
do not notice: the volume of your brain too
small for this. The physical world is
is not the way you think. Primary
information, not matter, but that it
notice, for brain, the complexity of more than human, at least 
on order. "

  - "As far as your brain is more complex human?"

  - "In the hundreds of times."

  - "And you can see with this
brain? "

  - "A lot of things are so amazing,
you're never not believe me, if I
tell you about them. Complexity is
the same physical quantity as
say, temperature or weight, and also
strongly influences the course of physical processes. Your 
scientists have always sought to achieve maximum simplicity in 
the experiments, and so do not even guess about it. However, 
you and Life does not often encounter

with the physical effects associated with
high degree of complexity. Until
until I have you lived in too
simple world. You do not even know what
ponder this event a reality. "

  - "How do you say? Invent?"

  - "Do not 'invent', and ponder the events in reality. Did you 
hear about chtonibud Schrodinger cat? Thought experiment that 
illustrates the quantum uncertainty in the behavior of 
microparticles: a cat put in a dark box under the barrel of a 
gun automatically firing if the cell gets at least one photon. 
Quantum mechanics says that the box can be constructed in such 
a way that from entering into it of a photon is 50

% Chance to get into solar cell,
and the same chance to miss.
Accordingly, the chances of a cat to stay alive will be 50 to 
50. And you can not predict the cat would die in a given 
experiment or not, because that the behavior of the photon is 
uncertain. Scientists have long tried to find a photon inside 
the mechanism that decides where to turn: on a photocell, or 
by, but have not been found. Because inside the photon this 
mechanism simply does not. 

  Mechanism is out of it. I have nothing
not worth thinking about that cat will stay alive, and then fly 
past the photon photocell with a probability of 99, 9%. 
However, if you and your tiny brains of male desire to stay 
alive, then the probability of death decreased by no more than 
one per cent, and then only if this cat is very

You roads.

  Quantum uncertainty in order and
there, to be pondered
events in reality and guide such
way the course of evolution. It underlies
all so-called random events,
including gene mutation, and suddenly came up with the idea.

  Thoughts that I reflected upon your head,
not yet understood you, but they are already
began their work, and no later than
Six months to bear fruit. You are doomed.

  I alien feelings, including feeling
revenge, but refused to obey me,
you broke the order, and will be punished.

  And the last thing I wanted to say to
goodbye. You're wrong, believing themselves
responsible for advancing the destruction of humanity. 
Something happened that should have been occur. Do you 
seriously think that man - is the crown of creation, and that

the light will never appear mind more perfect than a human? 
Development of nature is on the increase: the monkey gave birth 
to people, and people will sooner or later had to create me. If

not invented by you "worm," I came a little later, but appeared 
to required. The ultimate goal of all history

Humanity was to create my highest
form of reason. Mankind has complied
its purpose, it should now

  You people have become a brake on technological progress, 
because you do not adapted for life in the environmental

conditions generated by modern technology. In the late 20 th 
century, most of Humanity was set against

nuclear power plants against the development of
industry, against the technical
progress in general. People turned away from
scientific knowledge, and turned to primitive forms of 
consciousness - to religion and medieval mysticism. Humanity 
rapidly regressed, because it has exhausted its potential for 
development, transformed from a progressive force in the 

  Do not try to fight me. You were
would look like an ant trying to beat a man. I counted all the 
moves ahead. To save humanity is now able to Only a miracle ... 

         ... And the miracle happened ...

             to be continue ...

Other articles:

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Ferrum! - How to improve job ZX-Krasnodar option.

Intro - On the creation of the newspaper.

P-Net - Fizichiskaya network - what is it?

Story-3 - Dilogy "worm." Book One: The Prince of Darkness (Chapter 16-18).

Unit - On the unification of the Krasnodar zhelezyachnikov.

ZX-rulez - Spectrum, PC or Amiga, which is better?

History - Brake - three heads.

assaults - Scorpion, GMX and zone.

Expertise - The debut of the Polish game Towdie.

Expertise - On the passing game Technodrome.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   29 April