26 декабря 1999

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                +----------- - -                                
                | 21 august 1999 Dzerjinsk |                    
                               - - --------+                    
      - ---------=== unofficial results ===---------- -         
                   ---- version 2.0 -----                       
+-  .demiurge ash                                               
|thanks 2                                                       
+-- .organizm/#FOFF                                             
 +- .melted snow              +---------------+                 
       |                      | table's infos |                 
       +----------------------+- 1.Place    --+                 
                              +- 2.Entry    --|                 
                              +- 3.Points    -:                 
                              +- 4.Name       .                 
                              +- 5.Author                       
                              +--------- - -                    
+-------------- DEMO -- -                                       
|1   2   3    4                  5                              
|1 | 4 | 88 ||Napalm            |Eternity Industry              
|2 | 2 | 61 ||Muskate Nut       |Syndrome                       
|3 | 3 | 34 ||Demodying         |Beermanz/XTM                   
|4 | 1 | 14 | Free Art          |Volga Soft                     

+-------------- MUSIC -- -                                      
|1   2   3    4                  5                              
|1 | 4 | 53 ||Т-Rex must be a...|Ice/PP                         
|2 | 7 | 29 ||Aerodrome         |Mast/FTL                       
|3 | 12| 18 ||А Tale of my Dream|Trivial/Beermanz               
|3 | 13| 18 ||100 дней до при...|Bear/MHCG                      
|4 | 2 | 15 | MentbI            |MMCM/Sage                      
|5 | 3 | 9  | Danger            |Mr.Credo/Dialog                
|5 | 5 | 9  | The Eventor Yes...|TimeKeeper/MHCG                
|6 | 15| 8  | It's Suxx It's... |Spark/Syndrome                 
|7 | 16| 7  | From Future       |Caliph/Syndrome                
|7 | 11| 7  | Tracy Lords       |Scull Crasher/ТНН              
|8 | 10| 5  | Paranormal        |Black Groove/LFG               
|9 | 4 | 4  | First 73...       |Mr.First/#FOFF                 
|10| 6 | 3  | Smack my Beat up  |Moonwalker/MHCG                
|11| 8 | 1  | That's Lui_Go_Ma! |Siril/4D                       
|12| 9 | 0  | Lost in Space     |McMaker/FTL                    
|12| 1 | 0  | Nu loops          |Ironman                        

+-------------- StandartGFX -- -                                
|1   2   3    4                  5                              
|1 | 13| 31 ||Child of Nature   |Erena Kline/Proxima            
|2 | 26| 19 ||Cherish           |Alf/Х-Ray                      
|2 | 6 | 19 ||Farsight          |Diver/4D                       
|3 | 21| 18 ||Breeze            |                               
|4 | 12| 13 | Kupava            |Sergius Puzzler/Proxima        
|5 | 25| 8  | Hunter            |Kristof/SNG                    
|6 | 16| 6  | Stinger           |Time Keeper/MCHG               
|6 | 18| 6  | Girl Face         |Organizm/#FOFF                 
|6 | 5 | 6  | Dragon            |Black Groove/LFG               
|6 | 19| 6  | As a lightning    |Paracels/EI                    
|7 | 7 | 5  | Groove_c          |Cyber Jack/LFG                 
|7 | 17| 5  | Damn_it           |                               
|8 | 2 | 4  | Burbhmtv          |Blade+Ice'Di Griz/Triumph      
|8 | 3 | 4  | StarWars          |Ice'Di Griz/Triumph            
|8 | 1 | 4  | You are agressiv? |Virtual/Scene                  
|8 | 27| 4  | MortCuko          |                               
|9 | 11| 2  | BornDead          |Unbeliever/XTM                 
|9 | 15| 2  | Hear              |Second/#FOFF                   
|9 | 20| 2  | Made in sky       |Zhenya/IMC                     
|10| 8 | 1  | Psych             |Dr.Dismal/LFG                  
|11| 14| 0  | Cobra             |Alf/Х-Ray                      
|11| 4 | 0  | DJ                |Prof/4D                        
|11| 10| 0  | Stone_Н           |Cyber Jack/LFG                 
|11| 9 | 0  | Space_СН          |                               
|11| 22| 0  | Атом              |Dwarf/Beermanz/XTM             
|11| 23| 0  | Legenda           |Dwarf/Beermanz/XTM             
|11| 24| 0  | Нас vs Muz        |Dwarf/Beermanz/XTM             

+-------------- CHUNKS -- -                                     
|1   2   3    4                  5                              
|1 | 8 | 27 ||Flash             |Melted Snow                    
|1 | 3 | 27 ||Alf               |Bitmaster/Legacy               
|2 | 1 | 21 ||Demon             |TimeKeeper/MHCG                
|3 | 13| 17 ||Face              |Vel/PXM                        
|4 | 18| 14 | Нот Lady          |Pyrodex/EI                     
|5 | 14| 13 | Zilog             |Vel/PXM                        
|6 | 5 | 10 | Cherep            |Mongol/Legacy                  
|6 | 6 | 10 | Sahara            |Mongol/Legacy                  
|7 | 15| 8  | Amalker           |MissMary/Legacy                
|7 | 4 | 8  | Phone             |Bitmaster/Legacy               
|8 | 11| 7  | Geizer            |MissMary/Legacy                
|9 | 17| 6  | Full Moon         |Crazy/EI                       
|10| 21| 3  | Squirrel          |Melted Snow                    
|11| 2 | 2  | Rabbit Rojer      |Ice'Di Griz/Triumph            
|11| 7 | 2  | MK_Logo           |Bitmaster/Legacy               
|12| 9 | 1  | Remote Friend     |Melted Snow                    
|12| 19| 1  | Leo               |Pyrodex/EI                     
|12| 20| 1  | Flowers           |Pyrodex/EI                     
|13| 10| 0  | MK_Bump           |Mongol/Legacy                  
|13| 12| 0  | Rays              |MissMary/Legacy                
|13| 22| 0  | FuckSide          |                               
|13| 16| 0  | EI-Logo           |Crazy/EI                       

+-------------- ASCII-GFX -- -                                  
|1   2   3    4                  5                              
|1 | 3 | 51 ||aRTY's Skull      |Demiurge Ash                   
|2 | 1 | 28 ||Grave-Guardness   |Demiurge Ash                   
|2 | 5 | 28 ||Vr_Rangers        |Virtual/Scene                  
|3 | 9 | 25 ||Oxota             |Time Keeper/MHCG               
|4 | 13| 18 | Impossible        |                               
|5 | 12| 17 | Napalm Logo 3     |D-Man/EI                       
|6 | 6 | 7  | Psychoz           |Ice'Di Griz/Triumph            
|7 | 2 | 5  | Lust is a Fire    |Demiurge Ash                   
|8 | 7 | 4  | HappyLeo          |                               
|8 | 8 | 4  | Scully ;)         |                               
|8 | 10| 4  | Napalm Logo 1     |D-Man/EI                       
|9 | 4 | 2  | Vr_Chaos          |Virtual/Scene                  
|10| 11| 0  | Napalm Logo 2     |D-Man/EI                       

+-------------- 3_COLOR GFX -- -                                
|1   2   3    4                  5                              
|1 | 2 | 56 ||Od                |Research/Volga Soft            
|2 | 3 | 48 ||Kar               |Pat/Х-Orion Soft               
|3 | 4 | 25 ||Dragon            |Dwarf/Beermanz/XTM             
|4 | 1 | 18 | Х_End             |Virtual/Scene                  

 Failed compos...                                               

+-------------- 4K INTRO -- -                                   
|1   2   3    4                  5                              
|  |   |    ||                  |                               

+-------------- 16K INTRO -- -                                  
|1   2   3    4                  5                              
|  |   |    ||                  |                               

достоверность не гарантируется.                                 
wait 4 official results...                                      

Other articles:

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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