Open Letters #02
20 февраля 2000

Nemo open letters № 2.5

Nemo open letters № 2.5
429800 6.12.99

           Hello, Nemo!

   An enormous thank you for a fee
KAY-1024! While working as a clock.

   To you a few questions and one request.

   When connecting the card to two drives suddenly began to pop 
up from time to time subsoil ROM completely different movie - 
the menu "ZX Spectrum", Sinclair, Checker, etc. I

stunned. Something similar seems to have seen
on PROFI, in my opinion. Now disappeared. By the way, I have 
two drives so why put (the controller 9901). Can be attributed 
as something with an electron. drive> C. On KAY-128 drives 
going. Is not there any details? By the way, what kind of point 
at 4,5,6 controller? It's MAGIC or what? Or monitor? After all, 
it turns out he is a Rom? And on letters (Open letters) seems 
to be no. Enlighten me, please. And how then can

go a different way in this menu. To whom
not addressed, no one wants to delve not all
sit on stumps, waiting for them when Bill
fourth stump send, poglupeli altogether.

   Sending 10 r. May send more
detailed guide to KAY-1024, or as
drives are connected ...

   And something did not go to the program MagOC -
Maybe there specifically for KAY-1024

   I'd like to put the screw, but it
as I understand, under ISDOS. And under him, you see, 
programmok not enough, especially game. Not if you're going 
after all do TRDOS-ovsky screw? I would have bought it!

                          Sincerely, N.

   P.S. Is there a controller for a mouse? In
what price?


              Dear N!

   1.Podrazumevaetsya that your card status - is its normal 
state, - So this is the default.

   2. Shadowing software does not appear either
commercial, or in technical terms. Also, it is not supported by 
any information or technically. Options shadow businesses - 
Purely technical, ie, it is necessary for the production of 
circuit boards. Member of content, ie with some sense and 
advisable to use it can not, - He is not calculated.

   3. 4-5-6 points on the controller were
since that time (3.4 years ago) when
controllers are used to extend
architectures such as 48K and 128K + tape + tape.
Now know how this expansion has been lost,
however, as its feasibility.

   4. Point MAGIC - these are the points 1-2. Again
MAGIC same treatment does not appear in any commercial or in 
technical terms. Also it is not supported by any information or

technically. This is closely associated with the shadow
software. MAGIC has virtually no
meaning in its absence. (This refers to a custom shadow 
security, rather than technological).

   5. New edition booklet, unfortunately, been delayed. Order 
it issued separate letter. The point is the following.

Printing is now very much tied
in computing (ie MS). AND
this is already beginning to create some
problems. Make mock-up on a laser printer (or on high-quality 
struynike) without RS-ka impossible (RS-ki infiltrated 
virtually all process chains). It would have nothing but as a 
result we have to deal with absolutely ADVANCED MS-kami, 
sitting on highest stumps. Thinking of them by virtue of 
changes in mentality, coupled with constant contact with the 
platform of MS is limited and poorly - their unflinching 
directness of their thought is reminiscent of the gun trunk. In 
fact, it looks like this. 

   The brochure must be an illustration - and
many of them. So the PC-Schnick intent on their
done in the "Paint Brash'e". I tried it
dissuade, offering manual, ink, execution of drawings. At least 
it took a maximum of one to two days for best quality. But The 
proposal was indignantly rejected. According to the 
all-conquering (because it is true), the teachings of Bill 
Gates' ALL needs to be done by computer,

by the computer and the computer.
Total result: wasted resources
(Money and time), and things there. Purpose
not achieved because action was inappropriate. I think so, he 
still played in the "Paint Brash'e" ... As in the song

sung: "He sucked a dangerous quagmire."
You can, of course, treat this as a
curiosity, but in fact the case was much more serious. Case of 
repeated, this regular loss of money and time, ie

OVERHEAD. I have to pay them
Nonsense. So my money, stick to the money
Bill Gates, that he actually required. However, the most 
appropriate would be following technique. At the same time to 
typeset the text and made ink drawings, Then the drawings are 
scanned and they put the fonts and explanatory caption. After 
that the overall editing. All about everything you want to a 
week - But try explaining that to the RS-Schnick! He

got a lot of useful, in his view,
ant skills in all these "Paint
Brash'ax "etc., etc. He knows
answer to the question "how" questions as "What"
and "why" he is not going to mystify.
Thus, ironically sacramental Russian questions "What should I 
do?" "Why should I do?" and "Who is guilty?" farmed out to Bill

Gates. Get the perfect CONTRACTOR.
Therefore it is very curious as to how Bill Gates
answer questions, and how will target fifth column. Probably 
the solution as is characteristic of Americans is


   The situation is similar in PCAD'e (program - graphics 
editor with rudimentary hints of artificial intelligence 
technology used in printing boards). But here I have already 
learned. Trod on rake as much as much as 3 times. Therefore, 
before so, as instructed the new breeders work, I'm with him 
talking about the abstract Strategies PCAD'e, on nemerenoe its 
artificial intelligence, the program pc.router and its 
wonderful properties. If man discovers sincere and genuine 
child-like faith in all this nonsense, then it is invited to 
"come out into the garden." On his question: "We will be there 
to sing?" I answered him: "No, you'll be there to listen." 

   There is absolutely wonderful
historical analogy. It is known that the
beginning of the Second World War in the Soviet
Army were up to 62% of the morons among
personnel. (These data are presented in
Book by V. Suvorov (Rezun) "Icebreaker"). It is clear that in 
this situation and at the Academy General Staff of the 
situation, as they say, was very difficult. As it turned out, 
there were prepared and did bullies. In one of the issues were 
listed Rokossovsky, Masha Dayan, Guderian and Zhukov. (Zhukov, 
as and Voroshilov - former cavalry). I omit the question of who 
copied from whom, it not so important. So in this very Academy

General Staff, was in the bath, two offices -
strategists and political officers (tribunes). And it was 
necessary to decide in which department to determine the 
listener. Candidate students asked to solve a small problem, but

exactly to plan military offensive on the map marked
the front line. If the plan developed by the applicant arrows 
converge (well, For example, to the point of coupling) - is the 
future strategy, and if the arrows apart, ie arranged strictly 
according to the normal uniformly across the front line and 
were of equal length - it is an undoubted political instructor. 
Such caps cast aside any opponent. Political officers turned 
out the vast majority of strategists also had one. It is 
natural. Now it seems a joke, but at the time it

was almost a civic hero - draw an arrow in a pile. You could 
easily get a bullet - a lack of confidence in conquering 
(because it is true) teachings of Marx, Lenin and Trotsky. 
After that is uniformly normal arrows?

This is a permanent revolution going on
all fronts - the ninth wave of the revolution.
Who is in doubt? So, - the one
who doubted, ie preferred
common sense before piarnoy noodles
Pravda and appropriateness to the prevailing doctrine - the 
ones, and decide the outcome of WWII. 

   In fact, it looked as follows. Politruk Voroshilov, who 
commanded Leningrad Front, just built a chain of marines along 
the front lines - and for guns. Put troops in batches, rotami

and shelves, side by side in crude Leningrad
zemelku. With zero results, because
action was not good - but
ideologically impeccable.

   Stalin, watching this meat grinder, not
became Caesar exclaim: "Krass, give
my legions, "but on the contrary, quietly and without
quietly replaced Politruk Voroshilov
by Zhukov. It is understandable - the all-conquering
doctrine can not be questioned. It is curious that the soldiers 
loved Zhukov and NOT Loved Voroshilov, although he and the other

give them death. Rivers of blood flowed and
addition, and more. Simple Marine, killed by a team of 
Voroshilov, understood that his death is meaningless, and vice 
versa, similar to the soldiers under the command of Zhukov

dying, he knew that he had fulfilled the task, and
his death is appropriate, and hence - is necessary, ie makes 

   Now, about what it has to do engineering. Was in the USSR 
such sovpis, Contemporary Stalin (of whom Stalin

Personally acquainted with his writings,
put it in a concise, a characteristic form: "You bastard!"), a 
representative of esoteric, religious and mystical trend in 
communism - Andrei Platonov. In their work, "Excavation," his 
heroes are building ... pit. In the process of reading occurs 
horrible feeling that they are already dead. Dead because they 
can not Spirit. Shadows of people living in a mirage chimerical 
ideas. "The collective farm went after him and not stop digging 
the earth and all the poor and average peasant worked with such 
zeal life, if they wanted to escape forever in

divide the pit. "But why can not they stay? Can not they stay 
for the simple reason that they are here still have to answer 
the question: "Why?" ie to correlate their actions with some

highest expediency. Once seduced by this supreme expediency, 
which proved to be elusive false, they get the local 
impractical. Pit is so deep that it is not out of it exit. They 
are not stupid - they are afraid to think. As a result of 
excavation, were created under the foundation of the general 
proletarian home rapidly with increasing speed into a grave. 

   Platonov was not just a writer. He
was also a mathematician and engineer. Some of his works are 
closed until now. I think he met today with Bill Gates, the 
conversation would be, roughly, was as follows: 

   "Wake up, brother. Do not let the devil ...
Do not pick up the poor out of town. Do you think
they are able to direct the revolution. No
brother, leave, do not shake his pants beggars, we
pants and saw ... "And they fell silent. Another was saying, 
was gone. There was one, the someone in the heart of the beast 
and the soul is free from clothes and boots decency. He saw a 
sharp and joyfully. His body creaked under the pressure

blood and burned like fire-spitting volcano. In
head danced clear figure of sexual abuse
thoughts. He was alone, one with innumerable
masses of the unknown, coming to his comrades, who decided to 
blow up the world without a purpose, not programs and policies 
for themselves, for the sake of his passion for the impossible 
... " 

   (From "The Feuilleton of the dead").

   6. The program involves and MagOC
calculated under Spectrum'ovsky shadow businesses.
Just like ISDOS works on RST,
exactly the same MagOC works on the Challenges
n / Programs shadow businesses Scorp'a. It is unusable on any 
machine, except Scorp'a.

   7. TRDOS'ovsky screw can only be implemented as a batch 
simulator drives. Ie instead of the floppy we packs pack of 
disk drives (virtual). Similarly, same as the drive is TRDOS 
represents a fast loader program (and no more), so too such a 
system will be a simple boot from floppy disk (only have 
virtual). In KAY'evskom interface hard drive also has a 
function at the level of utility ISDOS'a. Programs (not

less than 60% - not all programs correct address to TRDOS'u) 
can be stored on your hard drive (TRDOS-program) and boot from 
it. Unlike Scorp'grammy system ISDOS destroyed

(Time you restart the system again with a screw-1
sec) and drive to another address has already
can not (or change the image of the drive, as
in Scorp'e). But the tasks that require
multiple disk drives simultaneously (virtual or real), this 
task, requiring in fact not a few drives, and operating system. 
Audience poorly understood this point, tell a fib

garden from the drive, losing at the same time in
effectiveness of the system as a whole. If
program is purely TRDOS'ovskaya, the difference
between TRDOS-interface Scorp'a and ISDOS / TRDOS KAY'ya 
interface for downloading no. At the same time allows the OS to 
run with TRDOS-way drive in ISDOS as a non-complying (not. com) 
file, "blanks" and represents himself (as opposed to 
Scorrinterfeysa TRDOS-screw) is sufficiently powerful system 
with the files. 

   8. Controller MKEY, unfortunately,
not done. Will do and when - is unknown.

                                (C) Nemo.

346340 8.11.99

   Welcome, dear Captain Nemo!

   You'll laugh, but it's me again,
Slon of Gukovskii Group SCG! All this
while I pondered on the "buy or not
buy, Collect funds for this
noble cause.

   And finally, I confidently declare:

   "I, the undersigned SLON / SCG, WISH
(Very, very, very, very) to purchase
you have:

   fee KAY-1024/3SL/TURBO ".

   In the future, as needed / savings will try to book with you
all sorts of valuable Soup, such as: MKEY
(Well, are already implemented?), GENERAL SOUND,
HDD drive (the dream of my life!).

   If I remember correctly, the board
RYA VHF cost you 250
cu * 2.7 = 675 rubles. Taking into account inflation and
postage costs, I had amassed about 800 rubles. Hopefully, the 
prices have changed ... 

   So, what I specifically propose that:

   You send me the price (although it is possible and
just a letter with a digit - price
KAY-1024/3SL/TURBO, but marks a 5 rub. I
Yet I will put).

   I'm as fast as possible
send you mail order.

   Oh, and you, of course, send me

   I am with the whole SCG washed arrival of a new
technology in our kibervzvod!

   Yes, by the way, there still be afoot as
At least 2 guy, willing to purchase
wonderful car with great name

   So do not try to blame kiberstseny! People you just plain 
wrong understand. On you is kept almost the entire

SPECCY WORLD! We need you! ..

   Have a nice day! Bye!


   P.S. And this is the VTS from Krasnodar not
Does your authorized dealer? If not, then
promptly notify the public!

   P.P.S. And if you continue to write in
"Open letters": "... Here are 2 years old and
all ...", then you just lose your demand
as spektrumist reading this crap
fall into depression and think that over the
SPECCY makes no sense to fight ... After all, even
Nemo himself puts his hands ... What? Say: "... the truth." DI: 
HALT You language! [More obscenely] In general, I

against all soplepuskaniya about
Future SPECCY. SPECCY - it is eternal!

   P.P.P.S. ... KAY should by all means
implement a series Sptctrum-machines. With this
I intend to promote your
excellent development in our game, the yield
demo version which is scheduled for New
year ...



              Dear N!

   1. Translation received 07/12/1999.

   2. Controller MKEY uncertainty. CPG COMPEX (Konstantin 
Verbov) first decided to restart production of GS. Finance both 
directions is impossible. 

   3. You have correctly calculated the price based on the 
coefficient 3,0. As of January coefficient 3,1. More than 
likely, that in February the rate will be 3.2. 

   4. Your enthusiasm, of course, impressed.
But the real things are much more prosaic. But someone still 
has to risk the first (in this case, money). Sending the car 
very much hope that it You enjoy. However, would like very much 
that you have familiarized with the machine without bias, ie, 
with all its plusses and minuses. And that your friends were 
aware of, and others - have in mind wishing to purchase KAY. 
Very much like would do better, but for 750 rubles. is the 
maximum that can be offered. In your the car has a small flaw - 
"swamped" tolerance for milling key on the controller FDD, - so 
you need to follow to install the controller extreme

lamellae equally "overlap" pads connector slots bus. Profit is 
not so great that I could afford to throw a party boards

bin. Henceforth, it will not happen again,
- Manufacturer of motherboards advised. "Centering" boards 
periphery applies equally to other devices that do not have 
keys at all. 

   5. And why are you've decided that I'm going to blame? If 
this were so, then money would not have invested in Spectrum, 
and on the contrary, conclusions. Ie would act

similar to the comrades who we really
not comrades. Although the conclusions wrong, someone
invested money, it is much easier than
to invest and justify their own. It is one thing
to grow crops, and another thing - its
spionerit. Generally speaking, happen
can be any - I can not, for example, bankrupt, - the risk is 
very high, moreover, it is Monster. This is how to put money on

a lame horse. Benefit as opposed to racing
I have the opportunity to influence the process.
The only thing I can promise, this is
I will not withdraw money FROM SPECTRUM'a.

   6. VTS from Krasnodar, can be considered as a dealer. But 
it's not entirely accurate. As I understand from the 
correspondence, they there, in Krasnodar, trying to make the 
encoder under the TV. All available in my paper on

this direction forwarded to Krasnodar.
What will be the result (and whether or not at all), when there 
will be - is unknown. Is new. If they succeed, it will be very 
rad. By the way, it is the STA in the price list. 

   7. "... Here are 2 years old - and all" -
which I have never written in the "Open letters" (see paragraph 
5 of this letter). In my opinion, this led me as a personal 
outlook S. Zonova in 1995 (96?) Year. But we can already say 
that reality is separated from its expectations. It was then, 
By the way, Zonov began to withdraw money from Spectrum'a and 
attach them to the PC-to. But even despite his Herculean 
efforts, Spectrum is alive to this day. It gives me hope. 
Bosons together with their money deduced from Spectrum'a and of 

   It seems to me that you are not quite sure why, in "Open 
letters" written in it, that there is written. In order for 
something do Spectrum'e, need to perceive reality, and this

need real information, because requires a sober look at things, 
no matter how unsightly they may be. Only in this

If possible result, ie some
positive developments. Engage in mutual
self-deception is futile. You can look at the "Op. Let." from 
another point view. Due to the "Op. Let." I artificially

restrain the rate of capitalization (growth
"Shares") of the firm (s) Nemo. It seems that it is absurd, but 
in reality, no. Firstly, it is an additional degree of freedom 
(Because I can adjust the course of their "equity" in the 
market). Secondly, rapid capitalization IMPOSSIBLE. Money must 
be not easy to earn, but also to reinvest. (The capitalization 
and reinvestment - is same thing). So reinvest their

nowhere - no structures, no people who
able to do something, not just
do something (why, see above). As
see circle. And leaving him
is, among other things, "Op. let.". By
Essentially, this change in the parameters of the market,
ie treatment of the very "lame" horse
straight, so to speak, on the move ... Requires
smart user and producer of smart
- No rose-colored glasses on his nose. With regard to
losses - of course they are - but go weak and cowardly - VALUES 
ARE NOT PRESENT. The more they will

RS-ke, the faster it will collapse.

   By the way, the situation with the IBM PC are scheduled
encouraging signs. The audience begins
sober. Rose-colored glasses are no-no, yes and fall off. From 
left Microsoft'a CFO, manufacturers have begun to hedge risks 
(ie, sell their risks - not self-respecting entrepreneur does 
not will sell its own risk, because his risk

- This is his bread). All of this is dumped on
Taiwan's earthquake - but it is nothing more than excuse. 
Packing line of a shell are spread across the South East Asia 
and the effects of highly exaggerated. IBM Verifies their 
capital, ie brings money into areas that are

indirectly related to the "high" technologies (ie, roughly 
speaking, to lay their eggs in different baskets), and rolls 
its dealer network (now IBM sells only Internet'u). Causes of a 
systemic crisis very deep, so the collapse will be

long and with a bang. Iridium and Globalstar -
this is just the beginning. They have become a hopeless liar so
reality that have become victims of their own
lie (his "piarnyh (marketing)
Services). It seems that even managers and senior engineers 
Motorol'y believe in the absolute value of technological 
progress (and technical characteristics, in particular)

ie weighed noodle itself is on the ears. I wonder what they 
will do when the end effect of doping - 2000 problem? Soros has 
openly used the prestige of Internet'a for interference in the 
internal affairs of Russia, ie, openly uses it as a bargaining 
chip in policy. I think that the gift is not

pass. How would say Academician Velikhov:
"The response will be asymmetrical. Russia has
great skill for recognizing and neutralizing the Potemkin 
villages. Whoredom - Russia is a chronic ailment, and there

methodologies for its treatment.

   8. "... By all means ..." not to introduce
necessary. Force must be reasonable (see
above, p. 7). I think, get paid, you
properly otkorrektiruete your enthusiasm. It would be very 
regrettable if KAY began to be perceived as a kind of panacea 
that can solve all problems at once. To a large extent the 
problem of "sit" in the minds of users - and that this should be

to attend to first. I very much hope that the situation can 
change, but Efforts should be reasonable.

                                (C) Nemo.

P.S. Print 100 - 200 copies. advertisement
on your game - A5 (1 / 2 A4) and send it to me
I have to send out the mail. The advertisement should
be specified, as you transfer the money,
where and under what conditions.

Other articles:

Nemo open letters № 2.1

Nemo open letters № 2.10

Nemo open letters № 2.11

Nemo open letters № 2.2

Nemo open letters № 2.3

Nemo open letters № 2.4

Nemo open letters № 2.5

Nemo open letters № 2.6

Nemo open letters № 2.7

Nemo open letters № 2.8

Nemo open letters № 2.9

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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