Born Dead #0D
08 октября 1999

Party Zone - Design Information Haosa'2000.

<b>Party Zone</b> - Design Information Haosa'2000.

Courtesy razrescheniya organizers, we publish the rules
buduyuschego CC'000. Unfortunately this is not the latest 
version rules, and besides, not yet full their option. We have 
allowed currently published from the full text of the rules 
only the most basic moments, in particular those relating to ZX 
Spectrum. Do so only because the only restriction the volume 
number of the newspaper. In addition, We are constantly working 
on finalizing the text of the rules ... In any case, probably 
the full version of the latest version CC'000 rulez you'll find 
in SCENERGY # 2. 

-------------------------------------------------- -------------

      Information on demoparti Chaos Constructions 000

      Version 1.500

      version of September 16, 1999

 - [A. .. General Information 

 - Date:

   August 19-20, 2000.

 - Location:

   St. Petersburg, Russia.

   Location not yet determined.

 - Competitions:

   Attention! _all_ the work must be new. Not allowed

   part of works previously exhibited nA any party, or

   were present in the free dissemination. All entries

   Work must be created for _spetsialno_ CC000 party!

 - [B. .. Travel Information 

 Location not yet determined, expect more

 - [C. .. General Rules 
...]-------------------------------------- -> 

 1) Do not use drugs at demoparti.
 2) prohibits any manipulation technique organizers

    and participants demoparti without official permission

 3) Smoking is allowed only in designated areas.
 4) use foul language is prohibited.
 5) Do not litter.
 6) The presence of party officials under the influence of 

    regulated by the organizers / security.

 ! Violators of the rules (1), (2) will be immediately removed 
from the party, 

    k offenders (3) - (6), a system with 2 warnings

 ! Attention to each visitor Party (whether the participant or

   just a spectator) would provide any form of

   identification and sign the following statement:

   "I, as a visitor Structural Chaos, declare that

   acquainted with these rules and the comments and agree

   comply with them. I understand that if I breach the data

   rules I can be expelled (a) from the territory of

   demoparti and money spent on my ticket will not be me

   reimbursed. I undertake to repair any damage caused to me

   intentionally or by chance. "

   Attention! Any damage _must_ be reimbursed

   regardless of who, how and why they caused. If

   perpetrator (s) are not found, the following options (in

   Depending on the severity of damage):

   + The complete cessation of the party. Voting and prize 

     Winners will be canceled.

   + Collection of money from visitors to cover damage

     damage. Game continues as usual. In the case of

     failure, automatic transfer to an item.

   + Organizers reimburse from the prize fund. Partee

     continues, but the prizes are reduced accordingly.

 - Approximate Schedule:

   Day 1.

           Spectrum: Music, GFX, Intros, Demos

           anim compo, ascii \ ansi compo, wild demo,

           special compos

   Day 2.

           Amiga / PC: Music, Hand-Drawn and RayTraced GFX,

           Intros, Demos, special compos

   Summing up, rewarding the winners.

 ! Detailed schedule will be issued at the beginning of the 
first day of party. 

 - The cost of tickets and prizes.

 ! Ticket for 2 days will cost up to 3 USD.
 ! Ticket for one day will cost, respectively, to 2 USD.

 ! For girls - free entrance!

 ! Prizes - letters / symbols / prizes / computer

   Accessories / etc. More information will be

   given one month before the party.

 ! Tickets must be booked in advance (until August 11).

   Can not be guaranteed tickets for the same price at the

   party. Reservations are made by means of electronic

   mail. Anyone interested should complete the relevant

   forms and send them via the internet or Fido on one of the

   contact addresses. No refunds on tickets

   _not_ be done.

 - [D. .. Contests ...]--------------------------------------- 

   - [D.1 ... Sinclair-ZX-Spectrum ...]--->

 + 512bytes intro - 512 bytes code + BASIC loader, 1 minute

                    max. One work from the author, a maximum of 

                    work of the group.

                    Only 10 entries.
 + 4kb intro - 4096 bytes code + BASIC loader, 3 minutes

                    max. AY. One work from the author, a 
maximum of two 

                    work of the group.

                    Only 10 entries.

                  ! Attention, BASIC loader should look like:

                    CLEAR wherever

                    LOAD "whatever" CODE wherever

                    RANDOMIZE USR wherever

                  ! No data in the loader should not be,

                    otherwise disqualification!

 + 640Kb demo - DD floppy disk, and copied telediskom

                    translatable to the TRD (or FDI), 15 
minutes max. 


                    One work from the group.

                    In total 15 works.

                  ! Warning:

                    Demo (intro) should work correctly on

                    Pentagon standard 128 without the bells and 
whistles on 

                    which will be shown during the demo
                    party. Demo can use GS (general

                    sound), SD (sound drive), GMX, Turbo mode

                    extended memory (up to 512kb), the Pentagon
                    vskomu standard _NO_!

                  ! WARNING! During competitions, work will be

                    displayed on a standard Pentagon128

                    After the voting work can

                    be demonstrated using

                    All features and extenders.

                  ! If desired, the authors, the work can be

                    presented at the Wild Compo (preselekt 
passing through                     reduces again).

                  ! Demo _dolzhno_ work on a standard

                    Scorpio (not discharged).

 + Graphics - standard screen 6912 bytes, only 25 papers

                    One work from the author.

                  ! Attention, graphics should not have any

                    logos or references to the group and / or 
the author 

                  ! Dopuskaetsya only hand-drawn grafika, ie

                    narisovannaya nA / for Spectrum / a

                    scanning operation is not allowed.

                    Preselekt carried out manually, for razre
                    sheniya controversial issues carry the 
intermediate                     the intermediate varianty 
kartinki - for confirmation                     of 

 + AY-music - _otkompilirovannaya_ under # C000, 3 minutes max.

                    One work from the author.

                    In total 15 works.

                  ! Caution, work must be "correctly" to play

                    Best View of _libo_ provided in advance


 + Digital-Music - General Sound, the module under 512 kb max,

                    3 minutes max. Only one work from the 

                    Only 10 entries.

                  ! ins are accepted only with his BASIC

                    loader and its player.

 -[... Possible contests 

 ! possible contests will be held according to the

   amount of work and the public interest.

   - [D.9 ... Spectrum Game Compo ...]--->

 + The competition will be accepted only until nezarelizhennye

   lap, allowed only original works

   (Qualitative alteration _spektrumovskih_ games under General

   Sound fall into this category).

 ! The game will be started and left for 5 minutes.

 ! The game should have a demo mode, which demonstrates its

   possible in this mode it should be entered without

   user intervention.

 ! The game should run on a standard Pentagon 128, but may

   use General Sound, Sound Drive, up to 512kb RAM.

   In total 15 works.

   - [D.11-xx ... Special contests ...]--->

 ! Warning, if you are interested in carrying out any

   competitions, please skontaktirovat with the organizers of 
the party on 

   addresses listed below.

   Ideas for contests: mp3 compo, auction, target shooting with

   various objects, jokes / anecdotes compo, best costume (dress

   up), miss cc000, mortal kombat, armwrestling, endurance

   tests, soccer game (compers vs organizers, visitors vs

   locals), speed runs to the shops and back, best home video

   (About and with your group).

 ! Attention bolshistvo of the above competitions

   necessarily be carried out, so get ready. more

   detail on the exact list of special competitions will be

   written at least a month before the party.

 - [E. .. Technical information 

 - Computers to showcase works:

   PC Celeron 450, 128Mb, Gravis Ultrasound 4Mb,

   Sound Blaster 16.

   A4000/604e-233/060-50/32mb/CV3D and


   Scorpion 256 Turbo + GS + GMX 2Mb emulating Pentagon 128.

   Scorpion's standard on AY channels.

 - Visuals:

   _tsvetnoy_ projection (big screen).

 - Sound:

   stereo corresponding room.

 - [F. .. Location ...]--------------------------------------- 

 - In connection with preselektom all (!!!) work should be

   are registered _zaranee_!

 ! music and graphics for the ZX-Spectrum after 14 th August 

   taken will most likely not.
 ! music and graphics for the Amiga / PC after the 15 th August 

   taken will most likely not.
 ! DeadLine 30 minutes prior to the components if there are 
places in the grid 

   conducted com!
 ! Register demos and intros can get a day (!!!) components, but

   it is not guaranteed as it can lead to delays.
 ! Work is desirable prislat zaranee for testirovaniya and

   nA test compo-mashinah, daby not to complicate life at the 

   of the party.

 - All work must be handed over to the following address before 
August 11: 

 ! e-mail -
 ! fido - 2:5058 / 88.303
 ! ftp -

            ftp-server is only open to upload'a!
 ! snail - xxxxx

            (Note, remember that the Russian mail is not a

            most reliable in the world, so far as possible

            duplicate work for both e-mail address, or

            arrange the transfer with "messengers")

 - [G. .. Preselekt ...]--------------------------------------- 

   Preselekt held in the case of a large (more than

   prescribed in the rules of work for the competition)

   amount of work and low quality _bolshistva_ works.

 - The objectives of the Committee include the selection of the 
best works for competitions 

   following features:

 + Graphics:

   not be scanned and / or stolen from other

   graphics platforms.

 + Music:

   not be stolen music.

 + Demo / Intro:

   not be pure animation (except in the Wild Demo and

   Animation Compo).

 ! Warning:

   Due to limitations on the number of jobs in some

   categories, only the best work (in the eyes of preselekshin

   Committee) will be allowed to contest the remaining work 
will be 

   presented (if you have time) out of the competition or not

   demonstrated (at the request of the author).

 ! If the number of demonstrations and the intro is too

   large, the committee will be forced to resort to similar

   strategy. But preference will be given just that

   categories (and therefore no specified limit on the number 
of papers). 

 ! Preselekt members of committees are entitled to participate 
in contests 

   Their work also must pass preselekt (vote authors

   not participate).

 ! If the total number of works will be relatively

   small (it will be possible to show all without leaving the

   timeframe party), then the organizers can not conduct

   preselekt, it all depends on the circumstances and amount of 

 ! Warning:

   All work for Spectrum to be presented in a format

   TR DOS, otherwise they will be disqualified. Exceptions

   are only working on the Spectrum Wild Compo. In

   the absence of TR DOS authors have at least 2

   month to the parties to contact the organizers, who

   try to move the work under the Russian standard.

 - Current members:

   Music: XPEh ^ LKR, Visual ^ XTM, Random ^ CC, Manwe ^ SandS,

               Arty ^ DR, Raver ^ PHT

   Graphics: Random ^ CC, Mac Buster ^ XTM, Arty ^ DR, Raver ^ 

               Terror ^ DR

   Intro \ Demo: Random ^ CC, Arty ^ DR, Hurtman, Mac Buster ^ 

               Flying ^ DR, Monster, Raver ^ PHT

 - [H. .. Contact with the organizers 

  email -

  fido - 2:5058 / 88.303

  Phone - (812) 1554910 (Merlin \ CC)

  snail - xxx

 - [I. .. More information and application ...]-------------->

 + The list of organizers and partners.

   Concern Chaos (pc / amiga / spectrum)

   Digital Reality (pc / spectrum)

   Style Group (spectrum)

   FunTop organizers (spectrum)

 + List of sponsors at the moment.


   Cyber ​​International

   Concern Chaos

 - Version of the rules:

  Version 1.010 (15.09.999):

  [+] Taken as the basis rules CC999 2.374

  [*] A lot of changes, additions and amendments.

  Version 1.5 (16.09.999):

  [+] Added items on states of emergency

  [+] Maybe the union competitions AMiGA 'PC for a small

      number of papers

  [*] Added additional information about preselekte

  [*] Minor corrections and changes.

1999 Concern Chaos and Cyber ​​International. All rights 

Other articles:

Game - Cheats Full Shit.

Hints - Codes levels to the game Boovie-2 demo Free Art.

Entry - 13 anniversary of the newspaper ...

voice from the grave - On a computer Z88.

News - Samara Web-page:

review software - Overview of new products: MindControl, Cole, Napalm, Demo or Die 2, Fanat 1, Fanat 1 & 2, Psychoz 1-3, Heresy 3, Devotion, User Filters v002.alfa, Text utility v2.8.

Party Zone - Paradox'99 - as he was ..

Party Zone - Design Information Haosa'2000.

Under the sign of "Pi" - On muzykalke First Association.

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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