Optron #21
27 ноября 1998 |
Iron - Overview of quality floppies.
Floppy: checked practice SunLion, 1998 Conducted a small survey of quality diskettes used spektrumistami our region. Floppy 5.25 " These floppy disks are still the most popular among spektrumistov. We estimate them by the usual five-point scale. MAXELL - score of "5". This - the highest-quality diskettes of all, what I had an affair. They have shown themselves to be excellent the "Japanese" and at the MC 5305, 5311, 5313 etc. EDIXA - "5 -". Quality comparable to MAXELL, but slightly worse. M.P.I. - "4." These drives are the "Japanese people" behave perfectly, but on the MS 5305 and the like may crash. Some specimens begin to crumble after a few months intensive use. PHILIPS - "4." These discs, despite "Firm" and behave in approximately the same as M.R.I. ATNENA - "4." BASF (red) - "4". MAGMEDIA - these discs are found two types: those that are in white envelopes, you can evaluate the "4", those in color - on "3." (Editor's note: There is in the people and the opposite opinion - those that are in color - better). GMD-130 - do not have stable quality. Their assessment may range from "5" to "2". NASHUA - oценка varies between 4 and "3." AMKETTE - as between the "4" and "3". Can be used. (Editor's note: there is an opinion that belongs not only to the firm, These floppy disks - the best). IZOTOV - between the "3" and "2". Quality - horrible. COMPDISK - "2." Quality - bad. Particularly difficult to use them on stands 5305 and similar. HANEKE ELEKTRONIK - "1." Worst CDs from all the above. Do not work on all types of drives. Floppy disks 3.5 " Here, everything is much simpler: obviously bad three-inch floppy disk does not happen. These diskettes differ from each other, mainly price, and very little - quality. (Members of the editorial board occasionally come across ... well, verree bad floppies! - Ed.) Therefore it is sufficient merely to place them in a row with a decrease in the ratio "price / quality: - BASF; - 3M; - VERBATIM (normal); - VERBATIM (Teflon); - SONY; - MIG-90; - MEMOREX. Floppy I estimated based on both of his experience and expertise of friends.
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