City #25
16 августа 1999

Likbez - a full disassembler ROM (part 17).

<b>Likbez</b> - a full disassembler ROM (part 17).
   *************** **************** LIKBEZ

(C) P. Yu Fedin


              TR-DOS 5.04T (5.03)

              For professionals

               And as for those

             WHO WANTS TO BE.


Address 2054. Brand name manufacturers of TR-DOS version 5.04T.
2054 DEFM "Message for hackers: Base version 5.03,

           High Speed ​​"

      DEFM ", Turbo Format."

      DEFB 127

      DEFM "Copyright C.C. 1991"

Address 4096. The text "Interface one fitted."
4096 DEFB 22,9,5

      DEFM "Interface one fitted."

      DEFB 0

Address 4120. Execute the command "*". Set
23825 and 23611.
4120 CALL 7647; CH_ADD installation and reception of the name

                   drive on a stack calculator

      CALL 7541; if there is a check in syntax

                   then return

      CALL 1329; removing the name of the drive from the stack


      LD A, (DE); take the first character of the

      CALL 1316; computation rates drive

      LD (23833), A; installation floppy by default

      CALL 15819; drive select

      JP 993; message O.K.

Address 4142. Receiving the file extension. Set
23645 and 23766.
4142 LD B, "C"; extension of C

      LD A, (23766); expansion take?

      OR A

      JR NZ, 4173, and if not, then install the extension
                   of file

      CALL 7564; take the current character

      CP 175; this CODE?

      LD B, "C"; extension of C

      JR Z, 4173, and if so, install extensions


      CP 228; is DATA?

      LD B, "D"; extension D

      JR Z, 4173, and if so, install extensions


      CP "#"; this #?

      LD B, "#"; extension #

      JR Z, 4173, and if so, install extensions


      LD B, "B"; extension B
4173 LD HL, 23781; address of a variable extension


      LD (HL), B; plant expansion

      RET; Returns

Address 4206. Conclusion color bands for a screen saver.
4206 LD HL, 22757; address line attributes

      LD B, 10, set attributes
4211 LD (HL), 7

      INC HL

      DJNZ 4211

      LD (HL), 2

      INC HL

      LD (HL), 22

      INC HL

      LD (HL), 52

      INC HL

      LD (HL), 37

      INC HL

      LD (HL), 40

      INC HL

      LD (HL), 7

      LD HL, 16622; address the top line of pixels

      LD B, 8, 8 lines of pixels in the familiarity

      XOR A; reset battery
4239 PUSH BC; preservation of the number of lines

      SCF; shift pixels


      PUSH HL; preserve address line of pixels

      PUSH AF; and bytes to fill

      LD B, 5, line 5 bytes
4246 INC HL; filling line

      LD (HL), A

      DJNZ 4246

      POP AF; restoration of bytes for the filling
                  of line

      POP HL; address line

      POP BC; and the number of lines

      LD DE, 256, take the address of the next line

      ADD HL, DE

      DJNZ 4239; repeat until the end

      RET; Returns

Address 4178. Enter key with anticipation.
4178 DI; ban interrupt

      PUSH HL; preservation registers

      PUSH BC

      PUSH DE
4182 RST 32; identification number by pressing keys

      DEFW # 028E

      LD C, 0; keyboard mode - C or L

      JR NZ, 4182, when pressed meaningless combinations
                 function keys, repeat

      RST 32; identification code keystroke

      DEFW # 031E

      JR NC, 4182, if nothing is pressed, the repeat

      DEC D; keyboard mode - C or L

      LD E, A; room key code to register E

      RST 32; processing CAPS SHIFT key and SYM
                 BOL SHIFT

      DEFW # 0333

      POP DE; restore registers

      POP BC

      POP HL

      AND 223; letter will be capitalized

      EI; permission to interrupt

      RET; Returns

             to be continued ...

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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