City #23
06 августа 1999

Likbez - a full disassembler ROM (part 15).

<b>Likbez</b> - a full disassembler ROM (part 15).
(C) P. Yu Fedin


              TR-DOS 5.04T (5.03)

              For professionals

               And as for those

             WHO WANTS TO BE.


  Address 1680. Runs the command COPY. Set
23825 and 23611.
1680 LD HL, (23825) take the address of the second symbol to
                    mandnoy line

      INC HL

      LD A, (HL); take this symbol

      AND 223; capital letters

      CP "S"; is "S"?

      JP Z, 4960, and if so, copy a file to

                    A drive

      CP "B"; a "B"?

      JP Z, 5420, and if so, copy the entire

                    disc on one drive

      CALL 7629, receiving the file names

      CALL 7541; if there is a check on the syntactic
                    system, then return

      CALL 5743; allocation of memory space

      CALL 4142, receiving a file extension

      CALL 7344; install the old file name

      LD A, (23798); retention rates drive -


      LD (23800), A

      JP NZ, 1483; if the file is not found, the verification
                    ka COPY "*","*"

Error! COPY "*","*" should always check, or
if the disk file named "*" is copied
Once this file, but in general there should be as follows:
LD (23800), A
CALL 1483
JP NZ, 985

  A sub-program in 1483 instead of JP NZ, 985 should
be RET NZ.

      CALL 5725; reading the file descriptor

      LD HL, 23782; preserving its parts

      LD DE, 23789

      LD BC, 7


      CALL 7344, installing a new file name

      PUSH AF; preservation of the check result

      PUSH BC; and file number

      LD A, (23798); retention rates drive -


      LD (23801), A

      LD A, (23800); drive select - the source

      CALL 15819

      CALL 1029, setting the disk

      LD A, (23801); drive select - Receiver

      CALL 15819

      CALL 1029, setting the disk

      POP BC; restore the file number

      POP AF; and the check result of the new


      JR NZ, 1779, if the file is not found, then copies
                    tion file

      CALL 1460; check the file extension


      JR NZ, 1779, if copied another block, then

                    copy it

      CALL 1409; request OVERWRITE?

      JP NZ, 993; if there was a response to N, then OK
1779 CALL 1596; copying a file

      CALL 7747; overwrite the sector with the descriptor


      LD A, (23781) take the file extension

      CP "#"; a "#"?

      JP NZ, 993, and if not, then O.K.

      LD A, 10, a file search to 10 bytes

      LD (23814), A

      LD HL, 23782; the next block

      INC (HL)

      LD A, (23800); drive select - the source

      CALL 15819

      CALL 1460; search unit

      JP NZ, 993, and if not found, then O.K.

      CALL 5725; reading its descriptor

      LD HL, 23782; preserving its parts

      LD DE, 23789

      LD BC, 7


      LD A, (23801); drive select - Receiver

      CALL 15819

      CALL 1029, setting the disk

      JR 1779; repeat

 Address 1839. Copying a file with two drives.
Set 23793, 23843, 23800, 23801, 23794, 23759
and 23787.
1839 LD A, (23793), take the number of sectors

      OR A; all copied?

      RET Z; if so, return

      PUSH HL; conservation HL

      LD HL, 23843; address of the variable with the length of 
work                     whose memory areas

      SUB (HL); area enough?

      POP HL; recovery HL

      JR NC, 1909; if the workspace is not enough

                    a copy of the file

      LD A, (23793), copy the rest

      LD B, A

      * OR A; copied all

      LD (23793), A
1860 PUSH BC; preservation of copying
                    Mykh sectors

      LD A, (23800), the choice of drive-source

      CALL 15819

      POP BC; rehabilitation of mines
                    Fix sectors

      PUSH BC; and then save it

      LD HL, (23759) take the address of the workspace 
parameters                     myati

      PUSH HL; save it

      LD DE, (23794) take the address of the file on the dis

      CALL 7741; boot sectors

      LD HL, (23796); installation addresses the following rough
                    ppy sectors

      LD (23794), HL; disk source

      LD A, (23801), the choice of drive-receiver

      CALL 15819

      POP HL; recovery addresses working

                    memory area

      POP BC; and the number of copied sectors

      LD DE, (23787) take the address of the file on the dis

      CALL 7757; recording sectors

      LD HL, (23796); installation addresses the following rough
                    ppy sectors

      LD (23787), HL; disk-receiver

      JR 1839; repeat
1909 LD (23793), A; installation of the remaining quantitative
                    va sectors

      PUSH HL; conservation HL

      LD HL, 23843; copy as many sectors, the rate

      LD B, (HL); fit into your workspace

      POP HL; recovery HL

      * OR A; reset battery

      JR 1860 copy sectors

              to be continued ...

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Likbez - a full disassembler ROM (part 15).

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Advertising - Ppiobpetu pposhitoe ROM or just pposhivku in any form kontpollepa IBM-klaviatupy for "PROFI".

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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