City #21
24 июля 1999

Likbez - polnoy disassembler ROM (part 14).

<b>Likbez</b> - polnoy disassembler ROM (part 14).
(C) P. Yu Fedin


              TR-DOS 5.04T (5.03)

              For professionals

               And as for those

             WHO WANTS TO BE.


Address 1409. Request to erase the file. Set
23773 and 23798, and in case C put the file number.
If you answer Y file will be erased and turned on the flag Z,
otherwise it will be turned off.
1409 PUSH BC; saving the file number

      CALL 7575; clear the screen and the opening of
                   current 0.

      LD A, (23798) take the number of drive

      ADD A, "A"; calculate your drive

      CALL 15746; print it

      LD A, ":"; print colon

      CALL 15746

      LD HL, 23773; address of the variable with the name and 
races                    File extension

      CALL 10552; print file name and extension

      LD HL, 10272; print FILE EXISTS. OVERWRITE?

      CALL 9991

      CALL 4178; input keys

      CP "Y"; a "Y"?

      PUSH AF; preservation of the check result

      CALL 7575; clear screen

      POP AF; AF and restore a file number

      POP BC

      RET NZ; if there was a response to N, then return

      PUSH BC; saving the file number

      CALL 7575; clear screen

      POP BC; restore the file number

      CALL 1921; erase file

      XOR A; the inclusion of the flag Z

      RET; Returns

Address 1460. Testing the existence of a file block with
extension #. Set 23773, 23781 and 23782. If a block is found or 
the file has another extension, then include a flag Z, 
otherwise it will be turned off. 1460 LD A, (23781) take the 
file extension 

      CP "#"; a "#"?

      JR Z, 1469, and if not, then

      XOR A; the inclusion of the flag Z

      RET; & Returns
1469 LD A, 10, a file search to 10 bytes

      LD (23814), A

      CALL 7347; file search

      LD A, 9; file look for the 9 bytes

      LD (23814), A

      RET; Returns

Address 1483. Runs the command COPY "*","*". First
star place in 23773, the second - on the calculator stack and 
set the 23800, 23843 and 23759. 1483 LD A, (23773) take the 
first character filename 

      CP "*"; a "*"?

      JP NZ, 985, and if not, then NO FILE

      CALL 7605; withdrawal line from the stack Calculator

      EX DE, HL

      CALL 7297; install drive-receiver

      LD A, (HL); take the next character in the string

      CP "*"; a "*"?

      JP NZ, 7450, and if not, then the error

      LD A, (23798); retention rates drive-in

      LD (23801), A
1524 LD A, (23801), the choice of drive-receiver

      CALL 15819

      CALL 1029, setting the disk

      LD A, 255, start with the file 0

      LD (23821), A

      LD A, (23800), the choice of drive-source

      CALL 15819

      CALL 1029, setting the disk

      LD A, (23821); next file

      INC A

      LD (23821), A

      LD C, A

      CALL 5725; reading its descriptor

      LD A, (23773) take the first symbol of his name

      CP 0; is the end of the catalog?

      JP Z, 993, and if so, O.K.

      CP 1, the file is erased?

      JR NZ, 1524, and if so, what next file

      LD HL, 23782; preserve a part of the file descriptor

      LD DE, 23789

      LD BC, 7


      LD A, (23801), the choice of drive-receiver

      CALL 15819

      CALL 7347; file search

      JR NZ, 1588, and if not found, copying


      CALL 1460; check the file with a "#"

      JR NZ, 1588, if copied another block, then

                   copy it

      CALL 1409; request OVERWRITE?

      JR NZ, 1524, if the answer was N, then the next

1588 CALL 1596; copying a file

      CALL 7747; overwrite the sector with the descriptor


      JR 1524, repeat until the end of the catalog

Address 1596. Copying a file with two drives.
Place the file descriptor in the 23773 and part of it
at 23,789.
1596 CALL 1021; boot sector of the buffer 8 to
                    Cones 0

      LD A, (24073) take the number of files on the dis

      CP 128; already have 128 files?

      JP Z, 7237, and if so, NO SPACE
Error! We must show DIRECTORY FULL.

      LD HL, 23789; restore the file descriptor

      LD DE, 23782

      LD BC, 7


      LD DE, (23786) take the file length in sectors

      LD D, 0

      OR A

      LD HL, (24074); take a number of free seconds
                    operators on the disk

      SBC HL, DE; reduce the space

      JP C, 7237, if space is not enough, then NO


      LD (24074), HL; installation of a new number

                    free sectors

      LD HL, (24070) take the address of the free space
                    the space on the disk

      LD (23787), HL; installation disk file address

      PUSH HL; preserving its

      CALL 1839; copying a file

      POP HL; recovery addresses on file


      LD (23787), HL; install it

      LD HL, (23796) take the new address of the free

                    Disk Space

      LD (24070), HL; install it

      LD HL, 24073; recorded 1 file

      INC (HL)

      LD C, (HL); take a number of the recording file

      DEC C

      LD B, 0

      PUSH BC; save it

      LD DE, 9, burn the track sector 8 0

      LD (23796), DE

      CALL 7747; record sector

      POP BC; restore the file number

      CALL 5739; installation file descriptor

      RET; Returns

               to be continued ...

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Likbez - polnoy disassembler ROM (part 14).

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Advertising - Ppodam, buying, exchanging ppogpammy for the ZX Spectrum.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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