ZX-News #08
08 октября 1996

From the Editor - ZX-News is now coming out on Wednesday ...

<b>From the Editor</b> - ZX-News is now coming out on Wednesday ...
               From the Editor

      That's the eighth "News" came out ...

"A little too early," - you say, because today is only 
Wednesday ... You are right, if not one but: hein, ZxNews

will be published on Wednesdays! Out Time -
after 23:00. This is due to the fact that if
Newspaper published on Monday, to users
It comes with a delay of a week, so
how to market only appears in the following

Teper vendors have Thursday and Friday,
netoropyas to write a fresh number
wheels, so to speak, to conduct pre-sale
training ...

Note that this number - the second, which appeared this week. 
Ie we once just go ahead, though we could-be

exit and next Wednesday ...

There is no "hit parade", such as
two days top is not too out of date:)

Many have already noticed changes in the shell,
which appeared in the 7th and 8th numbers.
We tried to incorporate most of the extant desires of readers, 
seeking to to the very unattainable "ideal" abroad ...

Those who do not like the differences of ZxNews
other computer newspapers, such as graphics, music, table of 
contents, etc., now can fully enjoy the 48-kilobyte and shell, 
which are all absent. If you're too lazy to go into mode 48 
BASIC, then when loading paper, press Caps Shift and Symbol 

A slightly different menu, a new style
in the design of text, more informative
Articles in semantic terms, and in the information - we do 
everything we can to the most demanding readers happy.

To create the eighth number "ZX-NEWS" had

 Codes: Aleksandr Majorov (* MAS *)

 Editor: Alex Mikhailov (Arno)

 Music: Arno

 Graphics: Denis Barkov (D.A.B.)

 Nesting: Aleksandr Majorov

Free "ZX-NEWS" is available on some BBS St. Petersburg, or call 
editors at a specified time ... 

So is the spread of newspapers are engaged in:





We are not against commercial distribution
newspaper! If you do not have access to the BBS, then
require ZxNews market in Avtovo, or
Logros'e, or Welcom'e and generally, where
only wish!

   Now, how to contact us:

 Alex Mikhailov
 198095, St. Petersburg, Stachek, Building 15, kv.13
 (812) 186-13-58, Alex (from 23 to 00:00)

 Serg Kuzmin
 193315, St. Petersburg, ul. The People's House, 43, kv.90
 (812) 263-1289, Sergei (from 23 to 00:00)

 PO Box: 2:5030 / 362.2
 Address in Fido: 2:5030 / 41.30 (so far)

                to Aleksandr Majorov

Announcements, suggestions and letters to newspapers
besides editorial taking more and studio
VIks, you can find on the weekends
on the market in Avtovo.

      -= Welcome to the paradise =


Other articles:

FIDO novice - View the files.

Glitches in ZX-News - Flying "glitch" in the July issue.

Iron - Tips of the wizard. - Basic soldering.

Games - Descriptions of arcade-adventure game "Joe Blade-3".

From the Editor - ZX-News is now coming out on Wednesday ...

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

List BBS - A list of current BBS in the city of St. Petersburg.

Fido-conversations - The history of "nicknames" or who and why is called ...

Humor - Grigory Oster "Bad advice".

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

Similar articles:
idea - Optimization of the music tracks.
B.B.S. News - The work B.B.S. 'ca.
Kaleidoscope - The presentation of the game from Donetsk - Mirror.

В этот день...   15 February