ZXNet эхоконференция «zx.talking»

тема: [FWD] SSGC $$$

от: Wladimir Bulchukey
кому: All
дата: 14 Jun 2001
* Переслал Wladimir Bulchukey (500:95/462)
* Обл. : ZX.SPECTRUM (Спекки - рулез!)
* От : Wladimir Bulchukey, 2:5020/2065.462@FidoNet (14 Июн 01 00:16)
* Кому : All,
* Тема : SSGC $$$
Excuse me... То есть уже sorry, All...!

Raver на Scenergy баксами размахивает... :)

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#10 Super Spectrum Game Compo 2001 12-jun-2001 Fun Forge Inc
announces: Super Spectrum Game Compo 2001

take part and win big bucks!

any self-coded games which will run on original speccy will
be accepted, no remakes/remixes and ripped stuff. send TAPs in
till 31.10.2001

prizes: 1st place: $250 2nd place: $100 3rd place: $050

good luck coding!

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Super Spectrum Game Compo 2001

Do u code?

This is the ZX Spectrum game coding compo, much like Bung for
Gameboy, with nice Prices. The deadline for entries is the
31.12.2001. If you are a coder and made a game for Spectrum, why
not to enter this compo? If it will be succesful, it will be
repeated in 2002 too.


Any kind of game is allowed, but no rips ("remixes"-existing
games with changed name, graphic or codes, single routines from
other games can be used!), only allowed language is ENGLISH
(read my lips: No Spanish, Russian or Czech messages are
allowed), the game must not use extended features of any
Spectrum clones like Pentagon. Multiloads are allowed, but the
loader should be in the Basic part and customizable for other
disc systems.. Interupt vectors under 32768 are not allowed as
this will cause snow display on a normal ZX Spectrum. Not
allowed also the use of I-Pointer to slow memory pages 4-7, 0-3
are no Problem. Please send the games per E-mail only in the
following formats: TD0 (Teledisk, only for +D discs), TAP or
TZX, no SNA, no Z80, no other snapshots, extremly prohibited are
the Multiface snapshots, because the snapshots will indicate a
"remixed" game. Feel free to use Bmp2Scr to make graphics. Group
works are welcome too. If no entry will be sent until
31.10.2001, the compo will be canceled (Need more time?, mail


The games will be downloadable from this site, since
31.12.2001, and will include a votesheet, only one entry from
one E-Mail adress is allowed, if more votes will come from a E-
Mail adress, only the first one will be accepted. Voting will
end at 1.3.2002. Titles will e published here as soon as the
game arrives.


1 Prize: US Dollar 250,-

2 Prize: US Dollar 100,-

3 Prize: US Dollar 50,-

If one of the first three places will recieve equal votes,
then a coin will decide.

Any qestions? E-Mail me.

=== Cut ===

С наилучшими -
Wlodek. mailto: wlblack@chat.ru http://www.wlodeks.boom.ru
[ZX] [Golyanovo] [Радио "Ретро" 72.92 МГц]

-+- GoldED/386 3.0.1
+ Origin: ... (2:5020/2065.462)

Excuse me... То есть уже sorry, All...!

С наилучшими -
Wlodek. mailto: wlblack@chat.ru http://www.wlodeks.boom.ru
[ZX] [Golyanovo] [Радио "Ретро" 72.92 МГц]

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

Похожие статьи:
Тема - О портативных компьютерах (NOTEBOOK).
Новости - John Silver переехал в собственную квартиру. Сейчас я копаюсь в старых бумагах, пытаюсь восстановить цепь событий.
Вступление - случай в столовой и содержание номера.
Итоги - мнения об Enlight'97.
Новый СОФТ - О том как ненадо делать релизы игр. Список лидеров в той или иной области спектрумовской деятельности. О работах Новгородской группы Digital Reality.

В этот день...   22 февраля