01 января 1987 |
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Outlet editorial - a new concept in electronic magazines for the Spectrum

By Ron Cavers Hello, and welcome to the first ever issue of OUTLET - a new concept in electronic magazines for the Spectrum. (Unless you know different!) What's OUTLET all about? Well, OUTLET is for sharing. Letters, routines, articles, reviews, programs, opinions and ideas. OUTLET can be enjoyed on different levels - by the readers who like to browse their way through a magazine, by the enthusiasts who want to get to grips with programs and routines to find out what makes them tick, by the users who want to share their knowledge with others. OUTLET is flexible - delivered on a regular monthly cycle or on demand, delivered on a cartridge supplied by us or one of your own, available on subscription or by monthly purchase. Yes, I know most of this is on the form but I'm just reminding you what a bargain you've got! It's just a quid, John (if you send us a cartridge) and what else can you get for a quid these days? So don't mess about just get that order form in the post and, if you like, tell us what your last bargain cost you. Or tell us what rubbish programs you've bought recently, or what programming difficulties you've had, or how you nearly tore up your good conduct medal when you found the dog playing with the only back-up of your new mega- game after just experiencing a 15-sector drop-out during final testing.... And just to make it easy for you we are providing a JOTTER program in this issue to give a quick and simple way of sending in letters, comments, reviews and short articles. We will accept word processor text files from those bursting to serialise their first novel. Any of these, or short routines, or mega- programs can be saved onto a cartridge and sent to us using the enclosed order form. If you are providing your own cartridge for your next issue of OUTLET then put any articles, letters, competition entries, on that. We'll check it before duplication AS LONG AS YOU'VE MARKED THE 'CONTRIBUTIONS BOX' ON THE ORDER FORM! Just put these into the simple yellow wallet which can be placed in the window envelope provided (make sure our address is in the window), stick a stamp on it and stick it in the pillar box just outside your house - you haven't got a pillar box outside your house? - well, I have, and I'll let you use it, lots of other people do and I don't even know them. Where was I? Oh, yes. What could be easier to do? What? You don't like licking stamps? Well, O.K., we'll try and get some pre-paid envelopes printed -see how obliging we are here? Now, as this is the first issue of OUTLET, we have used the letters page to explain a few ground rules and to try to anticipate some of the early queries. However, there are bound to be some things we have overlooked so just send us a note - using JOTTER, or whatever - and we'll fill in details during the coming issues. Hopefully, programs will include instructions where needed but occasionally we may give a little further information here in the editorial so you'd be better off reading this first before diving into the software (crafty way of getting you to read this eh?). If you have a message to send or an advert to place (no charge to individuals and no charge to commercial enterprises for the time being) then pin it on the OUTBOARD - again, as with the letters section, being the first issue, many of these are dummy entries. Hopefully, you will get the idea and send in your own contributions to this section (otherwise we shall look jolly silly). Have you something you want to get off your chest? Are you outraged by something in the computer industry? Feel like splitting an infinitive? Then let it all hang out - relieve the tension - send a few paragraphs to SHOUTBURST. Our first contribution is a real gem from my brother Brian - anyone out there want to argue about it? Read all about it in SHOUTBURST! Anyone who has bought programs from us in the past will know that we have always maintained 'open' programs in the hope that those interested in finding out what makes things tick will look under the bonnet. So, whilst any programming techniques and explanations given in OUTLET will generally concern a program or routine appearing in that issue, if anyone has any queries about the actual structure of OUTLET - the house-keeping routines etc, then we will be happy to try to explain. One thing that we will give more detail about here is the printer routine. As you are no doubt aware, there are many types of printers and interfaces but in order not to spend too much precious memory with a lot of 'if, and, & buts', OUTLET deals with the three most popular set-ups:- 1) ZX-Type Printer 2) Epson compatible via I/Face 1 3) Epson compatible via Kempston. Should you wish to make any changes, we list here the areas you will need to look at in the CONTENTS Basic listing:- 1160/ Interface check lines 1185 1300 Set up Interface 1 1400 Set up Kempston 1500 Initialise printer & Mode 1800 Printer Menu 9930 Baud Rate Initialised Note: the Baud rate can be changed whilst the program is running but will need to be reset whenever you re-load the CONTENTS. If anyone has any particular difficulty, please let us know and we will do our best to advise how to customise your setup. IMPORTANT! ONE OF THE CHARACTER SETS IN THE CONTENTS BASIC IS ACCESSED DIRECTLY IN A REM STATEMENT. THIS MEANS THAT, WHEN EDITING PROGRAM LINES, THE LISTING WILL CORRUPT UNLESS THE SET IS FIRST SWITCHED OFF. SO, IF YOU EVER BREAK INTO THE CONTENTS BASIC, ...IMMEDIATELY TYPE - RUN 9994 - AS A DIRECT COMMAND. THIS WILL SWITCH IN AUTO-CHARS (available to you as a separate character set in this issue) WHICH IS BOOTED, AS CODE, INTO MEMORY. That's all for now folks, but Brian and I will be back next month with Issue 2 - every sector brimming with goodies - and don't forget, we're waiting to hear from you!
Другие статьи номера:
Outlet editorial - a new concept in electronic magazines for the Spectrum |
Shoutburst 2 - no hex please, we're british. |
Shoutburst - piracy: good or bad? |
Autochar instruction |
Checkout |
Linezip |
Out |
Outake |
Outboard |
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Outlook |
Outtake |
Procsizm |
Shoutburst! |
Topchars |
Wrecked Tangles |
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